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Everything posted by RandomGuy1

  1. oh it's RandomGuy1 lol i forgot to mention that to you my bad
  2. made an account and i'm ready whenever you are! appreciate the help!
  3. absolutely appreciate it! i kinda feel bad for getting such a good pkmn for free so i guess i'll send one of my totodiles i'm breeding at the moment xD i can wait all day if it is needed! how do we trade pokes btw? absolutely appreciate it! i don't mind waiting all day if needed xD i didn't know how to use the quote system lol new to this whole thing
  4. don't care about the iv/ev s, just the pokemon itself would be a great help! i can offer some shiny pkmn or some "rare" ones if you ask, just request a pkmn and i'll start breeding right away! i know there was a thread for this about 9hrs ago... plz bear with me xD
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