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About Amellia

  • Birthday 04/26/1990

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    my love interest, Pokemon and Animes <3

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    Amellia Kyusei
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  1. sry if double posts are unwanted in this Forum but i didnt like to edit the previous post just to add that: Since i'm sort of a Writer myself i might adapt your idea of storytelling your playthrough. but i might take a different approach on my own story and don't worry. Since this is your thread i will make my own to tell it~ (Once i'm done with the preperations... since i'm kinda working on making my own Sprite for this as well... )
  2. Go for it it's the same for my Guardevoir if i ever had Kids i would've named my daughter "Airina" and the father has no say in that decision~
  3. found one ... and tbh the fix was something else .... You have to talk to her first, before talking to the Den, from the South.... I dunno why but the Den doesnt react untill you talked to her and Learned about the Landslide. Now it is Solved... and thanks <-<
  4. Sadly i only save on one spot like in real pokemon so i don't have multiple saves
  5. is it really solved tho? please elaborate what else you did because i'm stuck in the same particular predicament you are. with the slight difference that nothing happens when i speak to the "Inactive" Den from screenshoot 2 even from all 3 possible south angles. but to no avail nothing happens and i'm severely stuck or softlocked? if not hardlocked because thanks to Nim i can't go anywhere else And before someone ask's or recommends this yes.. i already gave myself the liberty of owning a "Rift fragment" after like 20x or so tries to speak with the Den. i alredy found this here thread and tried everything you offered up in here to no avail so please~ What did you do different? ... on the other hand what debug switch would i need to press to progress would be secondary question. at this point i've already tried most of the switches that looked like they could've been linked to this issue also to no avail. Edit: I'ma go die in a trench around my village somewhere, if the Solution to my problem was updating my v13 to v13.0.5 Nope even after the update nothing exept for i can run around and avtivate dens now for free except this story relevant one that blocks me from progressing I marked all 3 angles from which i tried to interact with the Den but nothing happens. and like mentioned before i can interact with NPC's and other Den's perfectly fine... (and yes i'am a gen 6~7 phlep that hates Kaijumon and want's her megastones back :c so i'm sorta biased >against< the dynamax lairs)
  6. OMG ... she looks so Tired and overworked... but i'd probably look the same :I Anyway: Her's my hopes and dreams for the upcomming story addition. somewhat of a spoiler tho: i also hope that there is some sort of dating option? i mean what are we grinding affection for in the first place? and i personally think our player character (M/F/B) makes a better fit for Amaria :3 (mildly because i feel sort of the same and can relate to how she feels but i still really like her and dont want her to go) hmm thinking about the "post game" statement makes me think about Legendarys... for which of some you prolly have to do shitloads of puzzles. Which ain't a problem :D i just hope there'd be a way and prolly some sort of link to the Anime as well like some memes ingame already do~ my personal favorite is that Bagon who tries to learn fly and hurls himself off a cliff
  7. Don't get me wrong > i love Guardevoir. if i ever get isekaid into a mystery dungeon world i wanna be either a Ralts or a Petilil Liligant and Guardevoir are my most favorite pokemon followed by Mightyena and Arcanine Anyway the reason i opened this post up like that is as you can Theorize about my name and how you named your Guardevoir~ i know it's one l less but still confuses me all the time should i feel honored? should i be upset? i dunno~ but still a cute name
  8. has anyone actually made a guide on how to obtain that event ditto? (i would like to know) cuz there is this one guy that blocks my way on route 2 since he saw a rare pokemon <.< and tells me to bugger off
  9. #feelsbadman ... i would like to have myself a Lilligant pretty soon as well as Gardevoir :c thanks tho
  10. i would pretty much like to know where the Residential Area is that Petilil is supposed to roam :c Can someone help please? (i'm on my 4th badge)
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