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12 Fledgling

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About Layback80

  • Birthday 12/17/1998

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    Layback/ Or Shawn
  • Gender
  • Location
    The Void

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  1. Made this the other day so just thought I'd post it so others would get to know me more


  2. Oh my god I feel so stupid considering I felt like it should be there but Clara was in the way Thank You!
  3. Same and it's really bugging on top of everything looking different so it like a fresh start
  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

    1. Layback80


      Thank you! Sorry I'm a little bit late haven't really been on any type of internet because I had been moving but again thank you!

  5. @Archeric I'm having problems finding the fourth note too and what egg?
  6. IT IS TIMEIts here!!! Who's ready?PR.jpg.bf4a057d62c80d9081dd3bf07e766a75.jpg

  7. Reborn is one of the few Pokémon games were sadly some major fights I had to actually pp stall the main 1 I can think of right now is my fight with Luna,her Umbreon is like a hax GOD with its GODLEY DEFENSE.I knew after awhile I wasn't penetrating on top of it double teaming a lot so I had to let it struggle itself to death Hahaha smh I feel embarrassed 

    1. FairFamily


      Nothing bad about some healthy pp stall. 

    2. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nothing bad about toxic stall too

  8. I loved the opening it reminded me a lot of kingdom hearts(had the music too lol) witch is one of my most favorite games and has heavily influenced my life so far I love the game keep up the good work
  9. This seems really good I think ill keep my eye on this one
  10. Don't over exert yourself man just do what you gotta do. (P.S. I FU***NG LOVE the title screen)
  11. I made the the mistake once of bringing my ds to school once....it got stolen....haven't gotten a new portable system since hence the internet lol ssooo I'm lacking in the 3ds games department,only reason I discovered/played X/Y was because my nephew came to me one day asking a bunch of questions because his mom/my sister told him to ask me questions and I was introduced to Mega evolutionsHe had both so he would let me play X while he played Y and wasn't playing
  12. (I read the whole thing)I feel you I played blue(HahaI don't like the color red) and yellow missed gen 2 until years later on a emulator and I feel you on sapphire/ruby lacking but I loved the pokemon designs for the starters and I played firered(because it had charizard on it so I chose it over leafgreen,still hate red haha) then I played pearl and platinum then played soul silver(again blue) witch got me to go play gen 2 and I kinda liked them too but I stopped playing for years after that until my nephew came to me one day with his 3ds playing X/Y telling me about mega evos and it sparked my love again so I was looking through the internet 1 day and I found this website and now I've been playing Rejuvenation since right before V7 then right after I downloaded it I found reborn (I couldn't play all the versions because we did't have very much money so I didn't feel like bother to ask for to much) I don't have a 3ds so I haven't played Omega ruby & Alpha Sapphire or sun and moon True that I liked it but it got to childish to me I don't even remember how I found it but I found pokemon Rejuvenation before V7 dropped and it sparked my love for it again
  13. Has anybody found the 3rd key shard? I've searched all through darchlight cave and I want a Beldum for my team.I'm afraid that if I don't find it now I won't be able to come back.
  14. I saw a post earlier were they said the first core pokemon game they played,so it got me wondering what pokemon game or if the show got you into pokemon.For me it was Pokémon sapphire that really got me into pokemon games,I had watched the show from the kanto region and played firered and yellow before playing sapphire but sapphire was what really got me into pokemon games way back when it came out. What about y'all?
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