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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by wcv

  1. I think that's called clipping. Should probably look into that during testing. :p
  2. Nidoqueen does not have 43 speed. It has a base 76 speed stat, and is level 41. That puts its speed somewhere in the 80s, assuming 0 EVs (which I think is the case with Aya). Where did you even get the 43 number from? And I agree with the above poster, why do you have Alolan DIGLETT at Aya?
  3. She pretty much has to what with the Pulse-Arc that was specifically talked about in Ep. 18. Can't introduce something like that and NOT have us fight it.
  4. Then why did the devs just spend the last several years making the post-game?
  5. There are 1043 labeled switches in the game as of Episode 18 (with an additional 57 left blank), but some of them have been rendered obsolete, such as an early one labeled 'REMOVED Drifloon'. And as someone who does save file fixing and sometimes has to mess around in the Switches my response is...oh dear. :p
  6. People always have a choice. And there is no indication that it was different for her. Eclipse has some half-hearted justifications she makes before Sirius attacks her, but they're barely justifications at all. She says that Lin made them more brutal, but even so talks about how even before that they were going to "cleanse" (yeah, wonder what that's code for), the city. And by her own admission did not care until someone she actually gave a damn about was in danger. Just following orders is not a defense.
  7. Of course he was only in danger because she, and people like her, joined Team Meteor in the first place, so…
  8. A bunch of mass murderers currently engaged in more attempted mass murder. Killing Team Meteor members is 100% defense of self and others. Excuse me while I feel no sympathy for them.
  9. Titania has done nothing wrong during the events of the game.
  10. Because she's his sister, because that's what she's been aiming to do for several episodes, and because the online league had something like that happen.
  11. I've said before, Fern's a loser. He needs a reality check and to have some sense pounded into his head. I anticipate Florinia doing this next episode tbh.
  12. If Team Meteor wins then there would be no reason for any of this post-game work to be done.
  13. No, she survived whatever happened to the Steelix, and then leveled the Meteor base with her Dragonite.
  14. Its an infinite loop with no delay between them. So they're at both states at the same time. At all times.
  15. This. If most everyone on our side is dead then the Nightclub rematch is going to be real empty.
  16. Honestly my team is just Hydreigon, Salamence, Naganadel, Blaziken, Greninja, and Metagross. What can I say, I'm easily satisfied by the best.
  17. Her win rate goes from 73% to 97%, so that's about a 33% increase.
  18. She didn’t specify much, and my question was specifically about the gyms marked abandoned.
  19. I actually asked about this several months ago. Ame said that you shouldn't take the hand-drawn map as accurate. It was made before she had even decided to make a game, and there's a lot of vestigial stuff on there that ended up getting cut out for various reasons.
  20. Without Taka and people like him those people would never have been in danger in the first place.
  21. No it wasn’t. Solaris ordered Cal to stop her from destroying the Pulse. Cal obeyed. His Magmortar caught Medicean, and threw it into the lava. Solaris might have given the order, but Cal carries it out.
  22. Taka is a willing member of a terrorist organization that has killed at minimum hundreds, and probably well into the thousands of people. You know the people in Jasper and Beryl who died? Taka killed them. Oh he might have whined about it, or felt bad, but he did it. He activated the machine that killed them all. What's more, But its worse than that, since he knows what he's doing is wrong, and doesn't care enough to stop until he's forced to. Cal meanwhile literally murders Kiki's Medicham in front of her. Oh, but he totes sabotaged the machine that was going to blow up the volcano. Despite there being no reason to think that he would know how to do that, or did it competently. He also couldn't be bothered to warn anyone in case something went wrong. He's definitely a better person than Taka is, or at least less guilty (and does have the decency to turn on Team Meteor of his own accord unlike a certain Chatot wielding person), but that doesn't absolve him of anything. Fern though, like I said before. He's a loser. He hasn't accomplished anything in the entire game. Yeah he willingly joined Team Meteor, but lots of people have done that. The one "mission" he was put on after joining Meteor was a complete farce that ended with him and indeed the entire group humiliated by the player and the lowest ranked gym leaders. He hasn't managed to succeed at anything all game, and I don't see his track record changing whatsoever. He's a jerk, but so far he's also pretty much harmless due to his own incompetence and stupidity. Fern's not even in the top five horrible people in the game, probably not even top ten. Like I said before, hating him is way, way more than he deserves. Ignore him, and it would both infuriate him far more, and be far closer to what he deserves.
  23. This kinda thing confuses me tbh, as both Taka and Cal are both drastically worse people than Fern.
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