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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by wcv

  1. Apparently their minds are still melting from realizing that Gracidea is pronounced quesadilla.
  2. Probably a necessity since otherwise Grookey would completely break the entire system.
  3. An Amplified Rock will act on trick room the way the weather rocks work on their respective weathers.
  4. If you're to the Pokedex quest all three of those are available. You can just do the Magikarp sidequest to get that one, and there's someone in Agate City who will trade for Oshawott if you didn't get it from the gang quest. You can catch Natu at the totem during clear weather and without an ill-fated doll.
  5. If you're playing on Windows you can use the Saved Games shortcut in the Rejuvenation folder to take you to the location. Then just delete the old save and change your next backup to the same name. So if you last save was named Game_2 - 50 - Name - times - badges, you'd just delete everything after the 2. Final name will be Game_2 Just swap the 2 for whatever save slot its in. If its save slot one it will just be Game
  6. If you haven't advanced too far you can go back to a backup from just before the trade, if its not too far back and just reset get it back from there. Alternatively if you upload your latest save I can just give it back to you. Just make sure to quote me so I'll actually see the message. Also, here are instructions on backups: https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/18748-a-guide-to-using-your-backup-saves/
  7. I actually hadn't talked to the cowgirl. I'd gone directly to the right and hadn't noticed the leftward path.
  8. Connor's Vulpix sets up sun, which cuts the power of water moves by 50%. It also boosts the power of fire moves by 50%. Additionally, you battle him on a grassy field, which when flame burst (i.e. his Vulpix's primary attack) is used transforms into the burning field. This further amplifies the power of grounded fire type moves by 50%.
  9. I've played through the entire game with a Sand Team before, and I'll just say that while it is good against Titania, there are a couple of problem Pokemon she can use. The biggest of which is her own Excadrill, which can basically just pull a reverse and you and proceed to smash your entire team if you aren't ready for it. It has Sand Rush too, and is above your level cap, meaning that it has a solid chance of outspeeding your own Excadrill if they end up facing off, unless yours has a speed boosting nature, which isn't usually recommended for a sand team. If that happens you are in for a world of pain. I prefer rain against Titania for that reason.
  10. His stats aren’t amazing (attack I’d prefer to have at least 5 points higher) but they’re fine. Adamant would be a better nature, though Jolly at least isn’t super terrible.
  11. I sincerely doubt it. Even setting aside the work, do remember that while the codebase for Reborn and Rejuvenation are similar, they are not the same. For example, Rejuvenation uses a more recent version of Essentials than Reborn does. (And that's not considering the engine changes that the devs have been doing that led to 18.4.) The closest you could get is some kind of mod that let's you export your team from Rejuvenation and then load it into Reborn. But...uh...why bother? If you wanted to do that you can just grab a mod that let's you do that anyway. And since Jan is adding Gen. 8 and Ame is not, you'd end up with compatibility issues there anyway.
  12. Actually I answered the way Ame would. Because she’s the one that said that.
  13. Just remember: so e19 will be released when we hit 65 ?????!??! no, no look at me stop that. stop that right now, you goddamn son of a beautiful person (probably) i appreciate your hypothetical passion but the answer is no a big, honkin' neon red no the kind of no that your mom gives you after she talks to my mom and asks if you can come over the kind of no that you wish you could get after hearing nothing from the last ten jobs you applied to the kind of no that means no and you respect it without making a scene nope.
  14. I mean...you're using a bunch of pseudo-legendaries, speed boost Blaziken, and Protean Greninja. What exactly do you expect us to suggest as improvements before most of those Pokemon are even available? What does suck is frankly their movesets. As noted Metagross has no psychic attacks, Blaziken has absolutely no need for both Sky Uppercut and High Jump Kick, Sylveon has no business either knowing Iron Tail or holding a Light Ball (!?), Salamence gets approximately the same bonus off of a Thick Club, that is not say NONE, and frankly Dragon Rush and Draco Meteor are awful attacks for it. Also not a fan of Flare Blitz on Blaziken. It’s too frail and would get too much recoil. IMO Blaze Kick is better. Just give it an item to increase accuracy.
  15. Saphira’s going to be using Charizard-X simply because of who her family is even if the field didn’t support it.
  16. Pikachu are in the South Aventurine Woods in head but trees. Lotad is in grass at Coral Ward.
  17. You can get the Flame Orb in Chrysolia Spring. Its behind a teleporting tree in Chrysolia Forest.
  18. Not available in Reborn yet.
  19. In this one specific case, yes. But part of my point was that its highly reliant on what the situation is. And also what Pokemon you're trying to consider. For example, Gyarados could be seen in a similar position with Hydro Pump vs Waterfall. Waterfall has BP of 80 vs Hydro Pump with power of 110, will see Waterfall deal more damage, because Gyarados's Special Attack is just so much worse than its Physical Attack. And like I noted, if you have Solar Power then Flamethrower is more powerful under Sun. And in Reborn you really have no reason not to run Solar Power Charizard (both because of sheer power, and also because several good TMs for Charizard are either extremely late-game, or not available yet), with the only reason to run physical instead if you plan on using Charizard X.
  20. Flare Blitz will deal more damage all things being equal. To demonstrate, I'll show the damage from a level 100 Charizard to a level 100 Mew (since its typing does not give Weaknesses or Resistances, and it has 100 in both defense and Special Defense). This assumes max EVs, no weather, and neutral nature. A Flare Blitz from Charizard will deal between 43.1 and 51 percent of the Mew's health as damage. Flamethrower deals only 38.1 to 45.1 percent. This changes if your Charizard has Solar Power (but ONLY if it has Solar Power). If the Charizard has Solar Power, then under Sun Flamethrower will deal 86.2 to 101.4 percent of the Mew's health as damage, versus only 64.5 and 76.5 percent off of Flare Blitz. But this is only because Solar Power gives Charizard a 50% boost to special attack first. Note, Flamethrower is the better option however. This is because Charizard's moveset, heavily leans toward being a Special Attacker, as well the higher overall stats in that direction (and in Reborn we don't have Earthquake yet). And Flamethrower doesn't beat Charizard over the Head with all of the recoil damage.
  21. Honestly you’re just taking a sprite map too literally. Distances are never going to be logically portrayed on such a map, because scale will never be 1-1 to a full-size layout.
  22. You get the Mining Kit after beating the Ghost Gym leader and going to the next town. Just follow the main story. Don't think it can be missed.
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