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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by wcv

  1. The one down where Sirius killed Eclipse. Sirius and Aster with Aya escaped by going down a passage that's blocked off. Then then more or less immediately confront you on the other side of the barrier. Going in there seems the obvious way to eventually infiltrate the city.
  2. Honestly it seems more likely we'll use the ladder down in the caves.
  3. Sorry, but last save just tells the game which file to load. 1, 2, etc.
  4. Kay. I'll be sending a trade request momentarily.
  5. Just give me your online name and I'll send you a trade request. And I don't care what you offer in exchange. I'll be releasing it.
  6. wcv

    Route 1 SUCKS

    Knock out a Bouffalant, hop on a Tauros and head east. That will take you to the Vanhanen Labyrinth. When you need to go back just go the other way. If you need a log removed look around for another Boufallant which is facing the log and in line with it, then knock out the Tauros its fighting. Route 1's pretty straightforward.
  7. The repair has been moved in the rebuilt city.
  8. Playing with your favorites IS a self-imposed challenge. Because there's no reason to expect that your favorites will be the best option for any given situation. Like I said, Pokemon is a numbers game, and some options will always be better than others. Not being able to get through a playthrough with awful Pokemon is not a flaw, Glaceon is my favorite and I virtually never use her because her speed is just so awful. And saying its encouraged by GF and Nintendo honestly isn't much of an argument considering what direction they've gone with the franchise.
  9. But...that's a self-imposed challenge. You're going to have more trouble, that's just how it works. Pokemon is a numbers game, and some options are just outright better than others. Honestly at this point I kinda feel like the Gauntlet could be buffed a bit, as could a fair few of the gym leaders.
  10. Dragon. Dratini Drampa Gible Axew Deino Bagon 1st gym. The challenge is that they all know Dragon Rage. And there are no fairy types available beforehand.
  11. wcv

    an apology

    The thought is that when Episode 19 is released and the game is "finished" (post-game or no post-game) the odds of Nintendo issuing a DMCA go way up. So by releasing the whole thing at once we're more likely to actually get the content if Nintendo's hammer comes down.
  12. The first battle with Victoria is the start of the game. All the mix variables are set to 0 when the save file is created, and only get filled in when you go battle her. All the random values are set at the same time IIRC.
  13. When you fight Victoria IIRC.
  14. wcv


    The people who got sucked into the void aren’t dead.
  15. This sort of behavior out of Nintendo isn't new. They've done things like locking difficulty modes behind paywalls before, see BotW's DLC, and amiibo were basically just ways of locking content behind more paywalls, that they then DELIBERATELY made incredibly hard to find for no reason whatsoever (see getting Epona in BotW). The reason the N64 used cartridges and the gamecube used those stupid microdisk things was because Nintendo wanted to be able to make more money off of game developers. People just ignore it this stuff when Nintendo does it because they like NIntendo's first party games, so make excuses. To grab the EA comparison, look at all the excuses people made up about Bioware games over the past decade as those steadily got worse and more crap snuck in.
  16. wcv


    Go grab some rock types from the caves and route you've been going through. Gigalith with Wide Guard and Rock Slide basically makes her a cakewalk for instance. Lycanroc is also good for that.
  17. You should ditch Noibat. The thing is useless until it evolves. As an alternative I’d recommend Swoobat, whose simple ability and access to Calm Mind let it boost SA and SD by 3 or 4 stages at a time on the field.
  18. Either Ame or Kiki. They have the benefit of not being mass murdering terrorists bent on destroying the world.
  19. You get Bulldoze for beating Terra. You shouldn’t be too far from her if you have caught a Gligar. And Earth Power would be really awful on Gliscor anyway.
  20. wcv

    Taka and zeL

    Your main problem is that you only have three Pokemon tbh. Two really since Noibat is so awful. In Reborn you really should be carrying around six throughout the game.
  21. wcv

    Radomus gym battle

    You can get Skorupi in the Wasteland. Bounsweet can be obtained by showing the Glameow from the second salon to one of the ladies in the first. Though while those two are nice I wouldn’t recommend going out of your way for them. I just tend to use both at this point of the game anyway.
  22. IIRC Ame has said in the past that the Gothitelle at the Orphanage was just a placeholder, since removed, and shouldn’t be taken as an indication of Anna’s team.
  23. wcv

    Radomus gym battle

    One thing you can do is use his own tricks against him. He has a trick room team, but not necessarily good slow Pokemon in a lot of cases. So if you can grab slower Pokemon that hit him supereffectively you'll be golden. Some great Pokemon for this are Crawdaunt and Escalvier. You can find Corphish near Apophyll Academy using Rock Smash. For Karrablast you can catch a Shelmet on Azurine Island and trade it over for a Karrablast that will evolve immediately in Spinel Town. Tsarina might also be a good choice since her Queenly Majesty gives her 1.5 times damage on the field. I like to use Drapion as well.
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