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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Genova

  1. In every Game and even with the plush's and toys Ninetales is my girl, she is my lead for everything and I will never give her up.
  2. Well thank you guys, the main reason I have Ninetales as a lead is because most times it sweeps off the bat. I will try out Shirinui's idea for awhile since my team is on a losing streak but if anyone has anymore ideas I'll take them.
  3. Tell me what you guys think about the team here. Ninetales (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Drought EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Flamethrower - SolarBeam - Nasty Plot - Hidden Power [Fighting] Victini @ Choice Band Trait: Victory Star EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - U-turn - V-create - Fusion Bolt - Brick Break Celebi @ Leftovers Trait: Natural Cure EVs: 232 HP / 240 SAtk / 36 Spd Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Thunder Wave - Energy Ball - Earth Power - Recover Medicham (M) @ Focus Sash Trait: Pure Power EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Hi Jump Kick - Ice Punch - Fake Out - Bullet Punch Gallade (M) @ Focus Sash Trait: Steadfast EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Swords Dance - Ice Punch - Drain Punch - Earthquake Jirachi @ Leftovers Trait: Serene Grace EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Hardy Nature - Charge Beam - Stealth Rock - Shadow Ball - Iron Head
  4. I was always a Sabrina fan for the most part but out of all the gym leaders Flannery Is probably my favorite cause her attire is great lol everyguy out there should know what I mean.
  5. I see you as a houndoom ^^^ lol
  6. So for everyone that is looking at this I just wanna see what your favorite people, places, and things are. I am gonna start by creating a list of my favorite "Noun's", Favorite Actor/Actress- Johnny Knoxville/Zooey Deschanel Favorite Super Hero- Batman for DC/ Ghost Rider for Marvel Favorite Movie- Be Kind Rewind Favorite TV series- BMS (Blue Mountian State) Favorite Artist/Band- Rise Against Favorite Song- All I Want (A Day To Remember) Favorite Video Game- Metal Gear Solid Favorite Video Game Console- Sega Dreamcast or Origional Nes Favorite Restaurant- Olive Garden Favorite Brand Named Clothing- Famous Stars and Straps So with mine done try it and post it in the thread, maybe we have more than what we know in common.
  7. Thank you Maelstrom for the extra ideas that may go into the topic. Anyway i just completed one of my tasks this week, I taught myself how to play bass guitar not perfect but enough to play the Blitzkrieg Bop by the Ramones entirely as well as the intros to Californiacation, Don't Stop Believing, and the chorus to Your Love by the Outfield. I will edit Pictures when I get to my camera by the end of tonight.
  8. Definitely Australia, I love beaches and the sky blue of the water, I love sights like that. Though I would love to see the Pokemon Center in Japan but the Beaches are more worth it.
  9. Chilling With Live Free'

  10. Well thank you for the support on my list, to be honest it is just a thing to get people to start getting interested on doing things other than playing Pokemon Online, so that they can come on to the forums and actually have something to say. With everyone's passion for Pokemon it gets boring at times when all we do is talk about that... Otherwise I believe that this is the greatest server/forums out there other than Realgam Tower, but there is a long story to why I am not there. The only thing I wish were different was on the trainer cards I wanted to be able to put my sprite on there but like they are automatically made and I have made my trainer card using Photoshop but it will not let me keep it for every time I post. That makes me sad...
  11. my dog is very playful .... though it does like to bite
  12. All I am Is the same as you or the guy next to you, but what defines me is the Strength and Passion that I put into my life.
  13. Did I break any rules??? I am just curious to why you posted like that. I mean a little rude if you ask me.
  14. Well the things I do never make any sense, I just do them... When I jumped out of a moving vehicle my buddy xLive Freex just got his new car and we were in the parking lot of Walmart as I desided to open my door and jump at about 15 mph. What I underestemated was I thought that I would be able to walk it off... hahaha was I wrong. I tumbled at 15 mph, so it does not take much to take you off of your feet.
  15. Hi everyone this is very surprising... but I am going to do my best to be the best I can in everyway possible, so any advice i will embrace. Also I am glad to start convo's with "Slut and Cloud" and I am looking forward to having a great time with you all.
  16. Well me and a couple of friends one of them was xLive Freex but anyway we were going around and one of my friends was pushing me in a wheelchair into the isles and knocking them over, meanwhile after we bailed one of the managers found my friend and he decided to be a loud mouth with them and they escorted him and xLive Freex out. so I had no other choice other than to leave hahaha. Also Cloud yes I love Broadway musicals and acting even if it goes to things like sports entertainment cause it is still an art and thats what makes me happy.
  17. Hello there I just registered tonight and I am looking for a stable server to rise through the ranks and make great friends. So lets start now and become friends.
  18. Being 20 years old living with his 2 best friends on the West Coast I feel like the luckiest guy around. I live my life as if I were to die tomorrow and to be honest I have more fun with my friends than I did all through High School. I have no regrets but I still miss my family and I see them every now and then but I am responsible enough to take care of myself and two others. Anyway my bucket list as of right now, If you wanna comment and add something that isn't illegal or fatal go for it and I will make sure I take a picture and add it to the forums. this is another new idea I wanted to do for awhile so bear with me if I take awhile to do some things. Learn how to play bass guitar Feb/19/2012 Make a great art portfolio Jump out of a moving vehicle Feb/16/2012 Ride on top of the roof of a moving vehicle Aug/25/2012 Get kicked out of Walmart Feb/8/2010 Skydiving Juggle Start an online talk show Skate a 10 set Collect all 151 Pokemon Cards in newer art style's Perform with a band on stage Go through a drive-thru with a cardboard cutout of a car Write a short story and attempt to get it publish Make Gym Leader, Moderator, Administrator on The Reborn Server Go to a Performing Arts School Getting with the girl of my dreams <--- I like you already. ~Slim Shady As of this moment of my life I completed some of these tasks so I have no photos of them, I am sorry about that though the ones I have yet to complete I will post a picture of the event and put it on here.
  19. I am listening to a band that I saw at the Nassau Colosseum in New York, A Day to Remember. A Day to Remember was opening for my favorite band, Rise Against which I would be listening to but I just listened to all 6 albums before now so the next best thing.
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