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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by SimpliDelirious

  1. Ahhhh alright, doing that rn~ Thank you so much!! Will try my best
  2. This might sound really dumb, but is it weird that I, like... Can't pass the first gym? I had no problem in my episode 16 file, but for some reason in this file Julia is just super hard to beat. I did really well once and then the last enemy took out 3 of my pokemon, not to mention the multiple self destructs just instantly wiping my full health pokemon, or the fact oricorio seems to do 10x more damage with air cutter than my bite does, and it's 5 levels below me. Am I doing something wrong? I, for one, am I a little frustrated due to the annoying level 20 cap and then that my pokemon aren't really doing anything. My team right now is: Litten: Lvl 14 (I could probably level him more but wasn't too religious about it due to the fact I didn't want to pass 20) Teddiursa: Lvl 19 (Brought from save game) Meowth: Lvl 19 Poochyena: Lvl 17 Espurr: Lvl 16 Gulpin: Lvl 11 Also, I have Pokerus, so it should be adding double efforts to ev's and such if I'm understanding correctly.
  3. Omg everyone is so nice and funny, thank you for welcoming me guys!!~ <3 And thanks for all the compliments ; ~ ; @Amethyst Funny story, I tried to login with my misspelled user like, 7 times, and then tried the other one and was allowed in LOL Was happily surprised, that was very nice of you!!~ Thanks so much, I love the game uwu @Baron That's honestly a funny way of looking at it LOL I've never gotten that before @Alistair That was my plan all along o3o @Arkhi Any danganronpa pun is A+ in my books tbh. Thank you!!~
  4. Ahhh that's all really good advice Yah all the pokemon in my party have it as well right now, I didn't know if could be cured if left in your party though! That's really useful information to have, I'll definitely use it towards preserving it somehow
  5. Thanks so much guys!~ It's really appreciated x3 @Alistair LMFAO whoops xD Hope your eyesight is a-okay!~ x3
  6. oh my goodness, really? That's awesome, thank you!~ But does it have any down sides to it?
  7. Decided to randomly run through the grass at the beginning of my game looking for shiny pokemon because, well, why not, and I came across this beauty. I didn't notice it was pokerus until I checked it out, and both me and my boyfriend were both confused. Nonetheless, I continued on with my game and watched it spread, but never fully understood the concept or how rare it is. Can someone explain to me what it actually does in this game or how rare it is?
  8. True story. Hi guys!~ I'm SimpliDelirious, or 'SimpiDelirious', as my name says, but I like to go by Ceri. I've been playing Reborn for a couple days or so with my boyfriend after discovering it, and we both play like nonstop now. We really love the custom shiny sprites and majority of our teams are shiny~ I've been lurking for a while but I wanted to come out and play!~ Just started E17 recently and am loving how it is so far Nice to meet you!~ Also, I've talked in small text on forums since I was like... 12, so I won't change anytime soon LOL
  9. My Espurr was in the exact same place it was in before, after you paid the guy 50 coins 4 times and entered into the house Also, I just got my Panpour today underneath the bridge in Lower Peridot (Opal Ward pops up) when it's raining, so maybe they moved it there?
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