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  1. Finally i defeated titania I had Ninetales take care of Scizor and Sandslash, Use Blastoise as fodder for Excadrill and then send out krookodile with magical seed ,then had decidueye beat empoleon also holding the magical seed and finally Lucario took care of Klefki and finished off Aegislash with a crit bulldoze
  2. I'm up for any method regardless if its cheap i'll go train up ninetales but what evs should i invest it in?
  3. As the title says i need help with titania i'm on my second run because i didn't like how my first one was going Decidueye Lvl:80 Long Reach Jolly Nature Leaf Blade Spirit Shackle Brave Bird Sucker Punch Arcanine Lvl:79 Intimidate Flare Blitz Dragon Pulse Crunch Close Combat Blastoise Lvl:80 Torrent Hydro Pump Dark Pulse Flash Cannon Mirror Coat Krookodile Lvl:80 Moxie Crunch Earthquake Shadow Claw Secret Power Alakazam Lvl:80 Magic Guard Psychic Dazzling Gleam Reflect Calm Mind Lucario Lvl:78 Steadfast Close Combat Meteor Mash Ice Punch Sword Dance I'm thinking of using Ninetales Drought for the Alolan Sandslash and i gave Magical Seeds to Lucario and Krookodile but i really appreciate some suggestions
  4. Sorry for the late reply i already found them so thank you for the help
  5. I need help i can't find the location of the suspicious people
  6. Thanks for the suggestion also where can i get gible,honedge and popplio
  7. I have Decidueye,Bewear,Mudsdale,Houndoom and Alolan Raichu the only pokemon i want to add is a water type pokemon but i don't know who also i want to know if my team is balanced
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