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8 Fledgling

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About Xtrack

  • Birthday 03/02/1998

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  1. Anyone know how to get Rockruff to evolve into its Dusk Form? Have tried evolving it at 5-6 pm and keep getting its Midday form.
  2. Yep I think your right. Did some test fights with it using physical moves and it does nowhere near as much damage as it should if the Attack stat was actually as high as it states.
  3. Its possible I'm misunderstanding how the light ball works, but I was looking at the stat boosts that the light ball gives Pikachu, and I'm pretty sure that it gives Pikachu a x3 multiplier in Attack instead of x2. I have a Lvl. 30 Pikachu with an Attack stat of 45, however when I check the stat in battle with it holding a Light Ball it jumps up to a whopping 140. Was curious if this is just a glitch I'm experiencing or is this actually how the light ball is supposed to work?
  4. Bug monotype was run I ended up enjoying a lot more than I expected. Like you said, you can do a lot of really fun hyper offense teams that can just wreck bosses. Probably in my top 3 favorite monotypes.
  5. Snivy can put in work if your willing to wait until it gets leaf storm. Contrary leaf storm sweeps so many fights in the game.
  6. Yeah like @MhicKy said its just pure RNG to win that fight, and I was playing on the Intense Mode settings that don't allow the use of items during battle. Basically had to bank on the Gengar missing Hypnosis multiple times.
  7. Well finally got lucky and won by pure luck of the AI being dumb. This was for the virtual gym leaders questline where you face the Johto region gym leaders.
  8. Has anyone been able to beat the Morty fight on Intense Mode without using items? I honestly do not see how you win this fight without a ridiculous amount of RNG going your way.
  9. I will say it becomes much easier once you get the Goldenleaf audino trainer. They give you EXP candies everytime you win which makes grinding go by so much faster.
  10. Never mind just got to him thanks for the help!
  11. Has anybody been able to find all of the lost children for the Lost Camp quest? I am missing only one and I am assuming they are located on route 4, but I haven't been able to find them.
  12. Yeah early game can be a little rough. My strategy was to generally use pokemon that evolve quickly. Leavanny and Swoobat both put in work in the early game. Pretty sure I beat Keta with just these two mons and my starter. The Seviper you get from Venam's gym is extremely useful as it hits hard and gets Glare really quickly which is great utility. Mighteyena can still set up sweeps with moxie if you get it in the right situations.
  13. Cufant can be found in the lower left section of the Safari Zone.
  14. You may already be past this point in the game, but for future reference the best way to get heart scales is by fishing for Luvdisc. You can fish for them in Akuwa Town and a lot of time they are holding a heart scale.
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