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  1. Hey, just wanted to let you know that you're doing a great job! I've been enjoying checking the forums here and there and seeing an update to this, it's always a fun read! Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see where the story goes from here with the couple changes you made.
  2. Hi, so I was looking around and I was only able to interact with the bottom 2 tangela when I should be able to interact with all 4 of them. I was trying to find any solutions posted online but I couldn't find anything either. Not sure if it's a bug or maybe your save somehow got corrupted, you could try to load a save that was before you went into the rift and try again from there. Otherwise just post your save file in this thread and hope someone can fix it:
  3. I encountered this problem the first time I tried to go through the manor, but when I got to this point I didn't actually have the strength HM, I was just using that golden item for strength. So I left it alone but then when I got the strength HM, I came back and tried to move the boulder again and it worked. So maybe you don't currently have the strength HM? If it doesn't work after that then I'm not too sure what else it could have been, since I came back as soon as I got strength.
  4. I do indeed see what you are saying about Corey being one of the four. The only problem I have, however, is with Shade telling us this before Lin's event occurring, then what was the point of him showing us Lin's event? Although he could revive Corey, as you said, and it would give a reason as to why he even took Corey's soul besides just cleaning up, I'm not sure how reviving Corey would benefit in anyway. But maybe having Corey around is needed to fulfill whatever shade has seen? I guess we'll find out about that soon! Actually, I just thought of a possible answer to my own question.(This is assuming Corey and Kiki were the 2 souls taken, meaning Amaria and Lin should be safe at least according to Shade's message) As we have seen from the first 3 events, all of them have come true even if it didn't result in a death. So maybe Lin ends up exploding somehow and everyone believes it's finally over, but only the player character(through Shade's message), Shade and possibly Anna knows that Lin is not finished yet. I recall Anna not being able to see Lin when she was attacking Saphira and the Giant Steelix, maybe the explanation for that comes into play for explaining how Lin would be able to survive that explosion, hence keeping true to Shade's message where only two souls are taken from the foreshadowed events. Just throwing some ideas out there to maybe turn on a light bulb for some people. This caught my interest, I'd also like to hear more of your thoughts on this.
  5. bored

    Gyro Ball?

    The TM for Gyro Ball is located in Iolia Valley, follow the river south until you reach the top of a waterfall, then you will need rock smash to get to the TM. Gyro Ball.bmp Enjoy your awesome Aegislash! (Still trying to figure out how to upload images :P)
  6. Hello! I'd like to add in my own thoughts in regards to Shade's message. In Shade's message; "Forget not: Four screens foretold four souls' fortune forsaken, For, forsooth, from foreshadowed, only two will be taken." The key word here being foreshadowed. As we know, foreshadowing is an indication of a future event occurring. If we were to assume that Corey's death is actually not foreshadowed, since it had already occurred by the time the player character is shown these events, a.k.a the past, then that would mean only one of the two souls were taken. (I am also assuming that the souls being taken just means death). So this would mean that Lin is not immune since Amaria is still alive after her event occurred. While I am making a couple of assumptions here, I believe this is just another way of looking at Shade's message. His(?) message is very indirect, and can be taken quite a few ways, but this is what I think Shade means in his message and why he decides to show up after Amaria's event. I'd love to hear anyone else's take on his message.
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