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Duskfang Shadowpaw

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Duskfang Shadowpaw last won the day on April 27 2021

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  1. Hey there, you have to cross the bridge right of the Main Place in front of the Tower, it's accessible through the Grassy Area in between two Tree's Furthermore you'll need Rock Climb and/or Surf to access both doors I hope this'll help
  2. Hey there, I recommended this mod to an aquaintance of mine, but they have the following problem when trying to start the game If this has been solved already, it's very likely I haven't seen it and thus this post can be ignored Thanks in advance
  3. Oh okay, maybe try resetting to an former savefile before you caught the Aron to catch it after getting the quest.
  4. Hey there, as far as I know there aren't breed specific types of toys, just dependent on their size. Personally I would go for a treat bag or a tugrope, if you're still hestitant you could take your Doggo to the store so he/she can select something
  5. Hey there, I'd be willing to give you another Fennekin if you still need one.
  6. Hey there, you can use Clown Indra by the stand right next to the Big Top to train
  7. Hey there, Sakitron breaks her mask atop of Eclysia Pyramid. I hope I could help
  8. No problem at all, always happy to help Until next time, take care
  9. Alright, goin' online for the trade now
  10. Hey there, Perish Song is one of Murkrow's Egg Moves you can get by pairing it with Altaria, for example. I could give you one though, if you don't wanna breed it.
  11. Hey there, If I understood your problem right, I'm terribly sorry to burst your bubble but such an item, that doesn't inherit the parents stats to the Egg, doesn't exist as far as I know at least. I hope I could help
  12. Hey there, I could give you your desired Houndour if you still need one
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