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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by SadMoney

  1. Rift battles feel fun and make it actually feel like a boss fight. Some of the harder ones can just be toned down in terms of stats, and they will be fine. The problem I had, is when a trainer uses a boss mon with shields. Feels absolutely unfair and does not make the fight interesting. Basically forces you to sweep the team wit 1-2 mons and then use the rest 4 for the boss mon. Remove those and we will be fine. Honestly some of the other stuff in v13 was more busted. Ie. the Saki and Hazuki fights. I guarantee anyone who beat this trained up a whole new team to beat them.
  2. According to one of the dev blogs, there will be at least 2 pokemons of each type available before gym 1 in E19. I'm def doing Rock monotype for final E19. What do you guys think the 2 Rock types are going to be.
  3. Yo chill homie. Don't make the game too easy
  4. How will v13.5 content be handled in v14? Like will u play through the content spread throughout a bunch of chapters, or just do all quests after ch15 main story?
  5. Ppl really complaining about more content?? Dafuk
  6. Ayyy let's gooo. Super excited to see updated early game. Mainly in terms of graphic design. Even though early game was my favorite part already. Good thing you added another Team meteor member. It honestly felt like we just face taka+zel like 4 times in a row in the early game.
  7. What's the worst thing Fern has done vs the worst thing Blake, Taka, Cal have done. Easy choice, Fern hasn't done much. Besides using his words, he hasn't done anything. He may be an asshole, but as an actual threat to people in reborn region? Pretty much harmless
  8. Forget pseudo-legendaries I'm using the OG boys that got me this far
  9. Larvitar and extraskill are no longer obtainable. Dwebble moved from route 2 to chapter 6
  10. Does this require 2 separate downloads ? I have no clue about this software
  11. Release schedule: Corona ends Rejuv V13 HL3 Rapture Reborn complete game
  12. That's not how IVs work. The difference between a pokemon with 0 IVs in speed and 31 IVs in speed is exactly 31 at lvl 100. You probably soft reset or catch 5-10 of each pokemon on your team to get decent IVs. That should take 5 mins tops. You should end up with 15 IVs in each stat on average. So that stat difference between a perfect IV pokemon will be miniscule for the majority of the game.
  13. I don't mind IV's. If you pick your strategy well, they become irrelevant. If you are really nitpicky, you can spend hours grinding up a pokemon if you wish. Usually in a playthrough like this, you will have 12-20 pokemon on your squad trained up to handle any event. Get creative, dont just grind.
  14. I think the difficulty is fine the way it is Theres 3 modes. Free switching between modes is just stupid. You already have multiple opportunities to figure out what you can handle throughout the game
  15. QOL updates are important for previous content, or it would look like shit in comparison to the new content. Super excited for V13. All the new content + Gen 8 + split story. This is going to be mental.
  16. I wonder how level up movepools will be affected in V13. Most of the Gen8 movepools are bare bones, and lacking without TMs or RMs whatever you call them
  17. Radomus: Mega-evolves wife and sends her into battle
  18. Grass types are heavily boosted in forest field. You should be able to muscle past his pokemon with boosted stab grass attacks. Also growth sharply increases att and spatt in this field.
  19. Moxie litleo should be able to sweep with takedown doing insane damage after a boost
  20. Hustle combee has higher damage output and better speed than unown, especially if it isn't hidden power psychic
  21. Can you explain it to me. like when was it revealed that he married Narcissa (I forget the name, but I thought her husband's name was something else). Also when was his relationship with Nymeria explained. Who is marrienette?
  22. I tried using quiver dance mothim, but it's bad typing and only special attacks are hidden power and confusion early. Outclassed by wormadam as a quiver dancer, which is not saying much. The others have some potential, but I never heard of anyone actually using them.
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