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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by SadMoney

  1. Rampardos could use his Crest to set up rock polish and then try to sweep, but still ends up disappointing. This Crest just sucks. F tier
  2. Terrain setting abilities are going to be game breaking. So many strategies that can be used
  3. I heard Reborn E19 is going to have different difficulty modes, which I am super happy about. Does anyone know how hard the hard mode is going to be? Is it reborn Redux lvl? Rejuvenation intense mode? Memeborn lvl?
  4. Any idea of the release date for the new update?
  5. Is Dynamax going to be in the game in V13? That might ruin it for me. It's such an obnoxious mechanic. The game just becomes playing around Dynamax, while making every other strategy useless.
  6. I get a script error if i try fighting the vileplume in safari zone. Im trying to get to the wimpod. How do I fix that? UPDATE: I was missing battlers on my v12 download. fixed now
  7. Most people play through the game with 10+ pokemon on their roster. Just get A-Ninetails and replace a team member according to which battle you are going to face
  8. That's a lot of good pokemon there. Unfortunately gen8 will not be included. Would have loved to use the fossil pokemon like dracozolt
  9. Cool, let me know if you have any other ideas on what you would like to see on a prehistoric team
  10. You're absolutely right. What pokemon did you use on your run?
  11. Yep, I'm planning to use them. All fossils learn ancient power so they would be eligible for my team. I was thinking of any pokemon that fit the prehistoric theme that dont learn ancient power
  12. Hey guys, I am doing a new playthrough and am planning a prehistoric theme for my team. I decided to use any pokemon that can learn ancient power through level up or breeding. What other pokemon could fit this team? Please give any suggestions and explain how they fit the prehistoric theme. Thanks guys
  13. First thing you want to do is take blastoise and launch it into the moon. That's one of the worst pokemon in Reborn playthrough. Start golem. Use SR and then explode on glacion. This should destroy the field. Then camerupt and aggron should be able to take care of most of her pokemon. IMO you need multiple better pokemon on your team because that's not going to cut it moving forward. You should build around venasaur, camerupt, arcanine, vulpix to make a sun team.
  14. Just started a rejuvenation bug mono, and cant seem to find caterpie or weedle, were they moved in this version?

    1. UnkleUno


      They're in the same locations as before. Caterpie - Gearen (Top Floor of the Hotel in the grass.). Weedle - Gearen (Dunno the exact location, so search until you find it.).

  15. What EVs are the pokemon in Serras gym running in master fight. My adamant archeops with 252 att ev and hard stone cant OHKO glalie or froslass with rock slide. This gym is mad hard. Bravo, did not think this game would be this hard.
  16. Greninja use rain dance to soften the fire attacks. Catch some bulky water to use surf while rain dance is up. Catch Rhydon on route 3. It will be high level and rock slide will do wonders.
  17. Not gonna lie, I have had at least 9+ playthroughs and thats a horrid tier list. Greninja is complete dead weight until mid/late game. Serperior is garbage until leafstorm, has a power spike and then falls off again. Those 2 should be heavily dropped on the tier list. Charizard can solo carry a team into mid game and still has good matchups throughout. Dragon Rage + flame burst is all you need early. Mid game on Sun teams, solar power allows him to solo carry again. Should be A+ tier at least. I would re-evaluate every pokemon you put on there after Blaziken
  18. After defeating Florinia, I seem to be permanently stuck on Set battles style, even though I have it as SHift in options. I am unable to switch pokemon even against random grunts. Has this happened to anyone. I am using the SWM mod pack
  19. Is there a way to transfer pokemon from pokemon reborn to pokemon reborn redux using the shared box mod? Has anyone tried this?
  20. Chapter 9: Meteor Mash Hey guys Im back with a new episode. Sorry for the infrequent uploads. Here we go. Lets pick up where we left off. After defeating Serra, we see Bennet leave with El, being promised an Elite 4 position if he cooperates... Sketch af Anyways, I grab the medicine for Anna and head back to the hideout. Anna gets healed up, and its time to get our 7th badge from Noel... Too bad. We get ambushed by Team Meteor and they mean business. They sent their big dawgs so we set up a defense around the hideout. Lucky me, I get to take on Sirius After defeating Sirius, we find out that Noel and Anna have been kidnapped. Time to head in, with Saphira, to Tanzan Mountain, where Team Meteor base is, and rescue them. Holy, that was a marathon. We go through the base puzzles and fight upwards of 40 grunts and finally reach ZEL. Turns out the wackiness in Spinel Town was caused by a Pulse Abra. Before we can fight him, we get teleported by Abra to underground of Tanzan Mountains. Turns out there is a giant Steelix here. I gotta take this thing down. After defeating Steelix, Saphira somehow tames it, and we head back to eliminate Team Meteor. We take on the Pulse Abra Easy fight, after disabling the Dark pulse, Abra cant touch my team, and Lord of Bones makes easy work of him. Lin from Team Meteor, who looks to be the big boss. Things look bad, But Saphira comes in clutch with the massive Steelix and fights Lin. During the chaos, we escape. But Saphiras Steelix goes down and we have no idea where she is. I get back to the hideout and its time for the 7th badge against Noel. And here we go The game plan here is to systematically take down everything until Bewear, and then set up on Bewear with Mismagius. I have to kill Clefable in 1 shot, or that thing will set up and become unkillable. Well it went well, and Mismagius lived by a sliver. Luckily the terrain helped me out. On to the next episode. Hopefully soon.
  21. Cant believe the greatest game I have played is ending. Excellent strategic gameplay. So much freedom to explore and quite engaging plot and characters Thanks Ame
  22. Oh man. I have been hoping to watch a dark mono run. I was going to do it myself after my current ghost mono. Good luck, dark types are very versatile and you get a lot of options early.
  23. You will get access to mystery egg from the police sidequests. Those mons are pretty powerful Slugma after getting shell smash is also quite good in some situations. I would replace Noibat with another flying type. Many powerful ones available. Just catch another high level noibat in the future, just before it evolves. You get access to magnemite which is the best electric. Also amphoros is decent. Pick up a psychic type because fighting and poison types are everywhere for the majority of the early and mid game. Espur is perfect, or alolan raichu
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