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  1. Credit goes to xUMG for the logo "Misanthropy” is a term used for humans who hate humankind. Story without any spoilers In this game, You are poor but you live a happy life with your cousin and your aunt. But then few incidents changed everything. Your lovely home in the Envei region is now under threat from some nefarious group who seem to possess a personal interest in you. All you can be sure of is that it involves your past, which you have no memories of. Your old house has been burned to the ground, along with any of the secrets it once held. And there's a strange scarred woman hinting that she has the answers you seek. Explore the region of Envei, and uncover the dark and dangerous truths it is hiding Features (which have been added. 1. All 822 Pokemons ( These includes Alolan forms too.) 2. No Gym but instead of it, tournaments will be held throughout the game. 3. Elite Battle System 4. HM can be deleted just like TM. ( so cheers no HM slave.) 5. No Trading, instead of it a Trade Stone will be used to evolve Pokemon like Machoke. 6. Mega Evolution 7. Quick save (By pressing F8) 8. EXP ALL (Every Pokemon in the team will get experience after a battle.) 9. Gain Exp when catch a new Pokemon 10. A deep, dark and twisted story. 11. Replace Party Pokemon (If your party is full and you caught a new Pokemon then you will be asked whether you want to keep it or send it to the PC.) 12. Pokemon following 13. Gen 5 Repel system 14. Pokemon can evolve during battle 15. Random Item {Player can receive any item (not key item) in some areas} 16. Mega Evolution takes place BEFORE turn order is decided, like in Generation VII. 17. Hyper Training 18. Wonder Trade (offline) 19. HUD (Simple) 20. Z Move More information here: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=407470 https://pokemonmisanthropy.wixsite.com/misanthropy Our official Discord server https://discord.gg/PehzZZS
  2. Pokemon Misanthropy Future updates will be found here: https://reliccastle.com/threads/1331/#post-8032 Download https://mega.nz/#!DxwmUaJJ!ccL1WkRID-hHpKzcicNRtQ6Lr8G6NQ5z-Ly59qmQyvM Here is the new link: https://mega.nz/#!e0QWnDhS!Cs9amb5kbC2WmCsbdx9qvSLEKbJwKb0AITbWjab9bv8 (Its updated.) You need winrar to extract the game. Just download the game and winrar. Then just click "extart to". Specify your folder and it's done. Team recruitment: To make the game better, i wanted to recruit a team. I need good mappers, scripters and spriters. If you want to join the team then mail me on pokemonmisanthropy@gmail.com. You need to have a little experience in order to join the team.
  3. Yup added but i can't add more than 4 pictures.
  4. Yeah, i'll do it but have you tried the game?
  5. Pokemon Misanthropy Hey, this is my first fan game. I am just 15 years old so please ignore grammatical errors. I hope that You will enjoy. It is like a trailer to the main game. 20 minutes of game play without speeding up. Future will be found here: https://reliccastle.com/threads/1331/#post-8032 Download https://mega.nz/#!DxwmUaJJ!ccL1WkRID-hHpKzcicNRtQ6Lr8G6NQ5z-Ly59qmQyvM Here is the new link: https://mega.nz/#!e0QWnDhS!Cs9amb5kbC2WmCsbdx9qvSLEKbJwKb0AITbWjab9bv8 (Its updated.) You need winrar to extract the game. Just download the game and winrar. Then just click "extart to". Specify your folder and it's done. Team recruitment: To make the game better, i wanted to recruit a team. I need good mappers, scripters and spriters. If you want to join the team then mail me on pokemonmisanthropy@gmail.com. You need to have experience in order to join the team.
  6. Hey I am making a pokemon fan game. The story is ready but i need some nice tilesets with good graphic. Outside tileset may a town not so modern. Same goes for inside. Also outside tileset should have houses ,trees,paths rocks etc. Inside tileset should have all the stuffs like wall,floor,shelf,chair etc.
  7. I recommend- 1) Monster 2)attack on titan 3)shiki 4)death note 5)noragami 6)irregular at magic high school 7) classroom of the elite 8) fairy tail 9) king's avatar 10) code geass 11) fullmetal alchemist brotherhood actually I'll make this list very long.lol there are tons of good anime.
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