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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Kaiserlucario66

  1. Anybody got a fix for the water shuriken issue? Really cool mod aside from that!
  2. also i'm not sure if you'd fancy it (because it is a little bit busted, and it *is* banned to ubers by smogon), but i have a good few torchics from breeding a bunch, and a good few speed boost ones there too. so if you fancy a speed boost blaziken or an alolan marowak+ thick club let me know
  3. had gale wings not been nerfed with the 'while at max hp' limitation i would've recommended talonflame in a heartbeat lol
  4. well it depends whether you think you need speed or some bulk, Marowak has a nice bonus of having an electric immunity (due to lightningrod) but you can't get one until much later in the game on your own. talonflame is pretty good but it's lost a lot of viability with the gen 7 gale wings nerf. Either way i can catch an alolan marowak for you later on, if you give me a level range you want i'll common candy it down to that level, and i can give you it and a thick club, and then you can experiment with both
  5. oh sorry it was just one of the ones i bred trying to get one for my team, i didnt mean to give you the impression it was shiny too. i'll get back on and feel free to have the lucario i mentioned too, you did me a massive favour here
  6. Thanks a lot man, i really appreciate it!
  7. Oh also found a shiny lucario in a box, jolly, justified, 15/27/29/30/31/31 if you'd prefer that over dratini
  8. Oh well i appreciate it a lot man i'll have to give you something nice like a shiny or one of the harder-to-get mons like honedge/dratini etc
  9. Ah the lack of espeon and glaceon was my main concern lol. i could get back in to the building itself but couldnt really do anything with that. and are you sure man? i don't want to impose or anything
  10. So i've just finished episode 18 and i think i may have messed up. to not spoil anything.. Thank you in advance for any replies. p.s i'm completely new to using the forums so i'm sorry if this was the wrong place to post
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