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16 Fledgling

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  1. It's been over a week with no new posts. Well... I guess this is the perfect time to sign up. Timezone is PST
  2. So that's why you were pressuring at Nicki's vote Drago. Now that makes more sense. I'm fine with one of being voted off next phase for more info. It's more than what I can provide. Eliminate Anti/Smooth
  3. I interpreted you accusing us both so I wanted to understand since I didn't see that there was some other connection between Nicki and me besides Nicki ignoring me. Also, the bare minimum is something I can't argue against since it's true with different priorities in my life but I should be contributing more if I can.
  4. Also, I meant to include this in my last post, what do you mean Newt about something odd happening at night
  5. I have no idea why this is odd. My vote on Nicki was just to throw a vote out (and yes, I did it because of our "rivalry") because I had little to no suspicions on anyone. Seal and Lykos were the focus of the previous day and it didn't feel right to vote either of them. As I said earlier, the reason for Lykos looked to me that people were joking around while Seal said he wasn't going to be back until probably after the phase ended so I didn't bother voting him since there was a chance of him not being back in time to defend himself. Perhaps Nicki explaining her vote might shed some light as I would have expected her to vote me back for my last minute vote tbh.
  6. Last minute random vote cause I don't really suspect anyone yet and I need to vote cause I missed day 1 already Eliminate Nicki Also a rough Anti translation: Yeah, I had a sticker with you until you voted for Cherry. Pressure voting? It's like trying to protect your skin according to the wording. And if you are a seal town, you are free to bother me. Don't know anything about stickers but maybe that's an Anti thing or google translate is being weird
  7. Hmm. I legit forgot about this today and there isn't much time left in the day. I don't find Evi too suspect because I don't think mafia would make a move like than unless Evi was acting on her own. Even then, that's a risky move with the attention she could have received. Keep an eye on her since I feel she could lean either way right now. I don't have much more to say. There isn't much of a lead right now or my skills have just gotten terrible. Lykos got some attention but I feel like thats more trolling than anything though I will say those reasons are terrible except for one of them.
  8. You know. What bad can happen on this island? I'm mean, besides a human-shark, human-attacking seaweed, and deities that can summon krakens, I think this is a nice place. It's not like we're all going to die horrible painful deaths...
  9. Since votes are piling up on me, I'll just say who I am since with the event, I'm probably going to be lynched. I also don't know how to play this role well. I'm a survivor and I have no faction. My goal is to stay alive until the end of the game and it's a slight ordeal for me to do so. I have to visit someone every night and if the person dies, I die with them. Considering that I risk death every night and I'm not a threat to anyone, you guys will be wasting your votes on me.
  10. I doubt Ali would give mafia a factional kill and a role that kill, though at a delayed rate. I doesn't completely eliminate it but it's something I find super unlikely in the event that it's the case
  11. If only we didn't kill our lookout, we might know who killed Newt. Not blaming anyone here since I was at fault here as well. Lykos's rock-paper-scissors match was interesting and from the role names listed, I don't see that pirate role fitting the description of the roles listed so it might be one of the regular people's abilities since Ali did say they would have some. Was anyone else poisoned during the night. If no one was poisoned, then either Hypurr was lying(which I see not much of a reason for why he would do that) or Newt was poisoned meaning the poisoner and mafia are separate from each other.
  12. I've skimmed cause I forgot about this game so yeah. Just going to follow Newt and see if his claim is solid or not. We'll get a lead for the next day on whether to trust Newt or to push him next phase.
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