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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by terraproxy

  1. Ah, great news, thank you very much for the help! maybe I will pseudo Ev train the girls with specific natures for pseudo rp reasons though...sigh... I really wish for contests XD there is an unused ribbon icon on the menu, and I heard that there is a super huge surprise update in the works for v10, maybe someday they coud shine like stars they are meant to be! dreaming is free right? by the way happy 2018! may you all find everlasting happiness and success in this new dawn!
  2. Assuming you susbscribe to the distinction between real and reality made by Heidegger, in which he describes the real as just there with no cause and consequence but itself in timeless unconsciousness and reality as the being effectively being existential because it has cause and consequence by developing understanding of time and therefore death, what if you could reduce reality and possibly the real to their basic linguistics components? by sheer definition, one of the ontological bases for reality is linguistics, not as a mere language but as the very system that allows the foundation of reason and understanding, which implies that reality is like a simulation of the real. However, that simulation is only possible because it has something to simulate, which in turns implies that reality is in itself a part of the real, part that only comes to be because there is an action that changes the simulation of real without deforming the very essence of the real. in this kind of logical verisimilitude, quantum physics play a similar role to classic Newtonian physics, where quantum mechanics are so natural to nature that it has no need to understand them, they are simply there, what we understand as science is merely the reflection of our understanding of nature’s cause and consequence made reality, an exercise only possible through abstract and material thought. Perhaps by effectively reducing the reality of nature to quantum mechanics we can have a glimpse of real nature, therefore, by reducing the semiotics of reality we can have a glimpse of the real semiotics, which in turn could lead us to the real fabric of thought that could connects us to what Is real in itself? How would a world like that be? Mayhaps that is the true meaning of soul and transcendence, the very foundation of godhood? Most mythologies include a paragraph where reality and the real can be made and bended to the very act of being outside of time and consciousness. Is the thought a tiny spark of that possibility, are mythologies the secret to what lies between being and just be there? what about a beyond of that? Hegel did thought of the spirit as a continue spiral that unifies all types of causes and consequences with the very act of thinking, witch implies that everything changes because it has already happened, but nothing really changes because everything keeps happening. Finally, where does the very exercise of faith stands?
  3. I was considering that, actually, specially since I am attempting intense mode XD. I read somewhere something about covering a trio of types everytime, something about cores and synergies? luckly for me, my favorites types are fairy and steel, ( I am neutral on dragon though) so I have no problem on making a team around that XD. I can manage the other core synergies as long as I can use a pokemon I love, like lilligant, so no matter what I will use her to cover the basic grass, fire, water core, and so on. Thank you very much for your help! For now I will try the intense experience. If it is too tough or I just get fed up with EV training, I will roll back to standard difficulty. I was just thinking that contests could motivate me to endure EV training, that way not only the girls would be battle competent, but I could see my efforts reflected in them being chic, unique and magnifique!!! ( one can always dream right? XD; TT_TT)
  4. I assume that by well training you are refering to EV training... Aww I really did not want to get involved in that, but for intense difficulty I suppose there is no helping it XD. I just discovered that there is an Ev facility in the first city. I really hope that is enough to make decent ev training without much of a hassle. I am not looking to make a perfect a team, just one that allows me to progress thorough the game, if only barely. I am right right now more or less educating myself in EV training . The only thing that frightens me right now is the whole mathematical track needed for each stat. 508 seems like a daunting number to keep track off while dispersed in different stat locations, specially considering a team of 18 pokegirls ( there would be over 10,000 EV!!! TT_TT).I hope there is an ingame tool to help me to manage through XD. Thank you very much for your help!
  5. HI! New user here, trying to offer some support to the game! I accidentally stumbled upon rejuvenation and so far what I m seeing is blowing me away. In most aspects the game is very outstanding, so much in fact, that it convinced me to return to pokemon, since I quit after the second generartion. Well played indeed! Before I start, I have a simple question. I heard the game is very, very hard. At least, compared to the official franchise. Since I drifted apart since the 2000’s, I have zero knowledge about IVs and nature and all that stuff, not to mention my complete lack of understanding of the competitive scene, which I also heard the majority of the underlying design for the game is based of. I don’t mind difficulty, but I really dread impossibility. So, is the game doable without caring for any of that? I simply wish to have an all female team without caring for nature, IVs and competitive value. For example, let’s imagine torchic is objectively the better starter, while popplio Is inferior in every aspect. Am I forced to choose torchic in order to have a chance at the game, or can I have a relatively chance with popplio even if I made the game a little bit harder because of competitive stats? I really not bothered with learning the basics of the new features from the generations, but I really don’t want to become an obsessed expert in order to enjoy the game. Challenge Is very exciting, I just hope I don’t need to be competitively expert in order To make progress! Anyway, please continue crafting this masterpiece, it has been the perfect end of the year because of it!
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