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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by mrdynamo1211

  1. Give it a Whipped Dream, and then use a Link Stone on it (its in the same shop as where you got the swirlix)
  2. im so so sorry but i missed this out - you have to have access to the back entrance of his gym since that's where you can evolve it. you have to wait around at least a good 9 badges to unlock the room. Sorry ;/
  3. you should level it up in his gym by battling the wild pokemon
  4. this is for rejuvenation but when my charjabug evolved in terajuma jungle right before the water gym leader that was super dope
  5. I might not be able to help since I completed this gym during e9 but I just absolutely sweeped through his entire team with a light screen setup by my delphox and then a switch between noivern and lycanroc. looking at your pokemon you can maybe train up your golem if he has sturdy and just switch between everytime he has sturdy to heal him up i guess if you want to play like that. I had a different lycanroc form but its super strong in this battle tbh and even flying types are really good to avoid her sticky web
  6. sorry for the late reply but no i havent used any mods... weird
  7. ive tried this at least 20 times in a row and also followed all the yt videos but it doesnt seem to work
  8. I know this is the wrong place to post but I couldn't think of a suitable place to post this. So I am in the shed for the Gastly, and I can't find a way to catch it as it continuously runs around me and I can't try and get it to spazz out neither can i click on it quick enough. Here's my save file if anyone could fix this for me or catch it for me. I have a Leavanny with false swipe so shouldnt be an issue. Thanks in advance! Game.rxdata
  9. omg thanks so much you must have worked so hard for this. weird ive never used it. thanks again!!
  10. Does anyone know where wild Growlithe are obtainable since it is clearly mentioned in the obtainable Pokemon guide that it is found in the wild? Any help would be appreciated!
  11. i just did the sidequest to get it and i have it now so sorry for wasting your time. how can i make it up to you :c
  12. nvmmmm i found one by myself just rn doing the event for her sorry for wasting your time man..
  13. hey i know this is sorta late (imsorry) but i kinda forgot about the igglybuff and just continued getting other pokemon in the dex. if your online id love to trade!
  14. hi i just want an igglybuff cuz im trying to do the complete the pokedex sidequest and well idk i think i either didnt do the sidequest to get it or just dont know how to. Any help would be appreciated ;D
  15. I think I released the igglybuff i got from the lady so if anyone could trade it to me..
  16. ugh im sorry i had an emergency and i wasnt online ill be online for a good few hours so if anyone is here im ready edit: nvm found it how do i disregard the thread
  17. I need a Caterpie and I can't find one post restoration.. anyone willing to trade?
  18. I'm doing the Pokedex Quest and I have the Caterpie line left.. Everywhere I've seen people get it from the Peridot Garden but I've already renovated so maybe thats why cuz im not getting the same encounters.. im willing to trade something away
  19. I found my mawile when i first got to tanzan cove in the little area of grass You can get Zorua through an event which requires you to find Corey or zorua imititating corey around a number of spots in the city
  20. oh i just fed his golem once so he went energetically and woke up the kommoo and then the kommoo went to attack the throh who in turn went to attack the pokemon on the left to expose a rock climb area
  21. go through development blog and see their latest post i think about marcelles new math problem xDDD
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