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.... last won the day on February 23 2019

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262 Altruist

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    Yuki Onna
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  1. @Charlyzard I am ready. Sending the request.
  2. I can breed you one real quick. And keep your cute lil otter.Give me whatever in return.
  3. Talonflame is dayum fine. Good utility moves like Roost,Tailwind and tons of damage with Acrobatics or Brave Bird,needless to say they all benefit from Gale Wings.And this birb is fast. Also Ribombee has a useful STAB and decent moveset.Can be a viable setup sweeper(Quiver Dance) for you along with the option to use Sticky Web.Also very fast. Other mons are kinda ResidentSleeper for me since i see them everywhere and they are being used by everyone. So maybe you want to spice things up with Ribombee and Talonflame. Shrugs.
  4. The real question is,if we lose to Lin,are we going to die ? Yano get our head chopped off and such. Like a new form of nuzlocke. Whited out from the life.
  5. If Death Anxiety is your problem,i am sure you can overcome it ! Think about all the good things in life (not in a sentimental way),go out there,look at the green,observe people,do some exercises,read new books,watch new shows,hang out with your best friend etc. I am sure after a while you'll realize that the world is quite interesting and being afraid of death will only waste your time. If this fear is about perishing and disappearing forever,don't,because i am sure you've realized how strong your mind were in all these years, It is the one which creates your fears,your memories and your solutions,infact the mind is so strong i am almost positive it will remain forever. If not then it's fine,you will not perish,you'll add it to the nitrogen cycle,or maybe you'll become a star in the sky,like Anna said .And you could shine forever. Live first and when the time comes you won't be afraid. Dumbledore once said ; ''Do not pity the dead Harry,pity the living and above all those who live without love'' Live with love and prosper.This is the cheat of life. If any of my gibberish didn't make sense or didn't make you feel better,i recommend a book: Staring at the Sun: Overcoming The Terror of Death. With love and happiness. Cheers~
  6. You can grab the Lotad in the Coral Ward(though weather has to be rainy and you need pokesnax), Also you can get Buizel if you sided with Team Magma,Floatzel is certainly better than Bibarel ,or Carvanha if you sided with Team Aqua(you gotta defeat Magma Leader first tho), Other close options are Binacle at Apophyll beach(Rock Smash) and Palpitoad in Azurine Island.
  7. He is in Hulu Meadow(not sure if got the name right) yano that Meadow where's located in the western part of the jungle.
  8. You are even here!! ?

    SMH and Mattaku....

    You know what i gotta do right....?





  9. You gotta change it in your Saved Files folder not in your Rejuvenation folder.(Saved Games/Pokemon Rejuvenation) Changing or copying the Game.rxdata at your Rejuvenation folder won't change anything. Open your saved files folder,delete the current Game.rxdata,and rename your older save as Game.rxdata,or just Game since rxdata is automatic as Wcv said. Or you can just post your current Game.rxdata here(the one in your saved files) and i can fix your problem.
  10. Yes it probably saved as Game(1).rxdata,so you gotta delete the older one(older Game.rxdata) first and new one will be your current safe file.
  11. Rename one of these files as Game.rxdata,doing that will overwrite your current save.
  12. Happy Birthday Leah ๐Ÿ˜„, i hope that you will have a great day ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿฐ

    1. ....


      Owo Lykos pls why u expose my name....

      Just kidding ๐Ÿ˜„



    2. LykosHand


      Oh that's true lol, ops ๐Ÿ˜…ย prego ๐Ÿ˜„

    3. Sayia


      Happy birthday! ๐Ÿ˜„

      Have a nice day ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

  13. Least favorite Dragon. Only doragon i like is Grandpa i mean Drampa. Bonus style points for looking like Falkor from Never Ending Story~
  14. Aside from Nexus being thirsty af at every female VS sprite,(and Cain) They certainly didn't expect Terra to look like that(kawaii) from up close lol.
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