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13 Fledgling


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  1. Go to your Rejuvenation safefiles, and paste the Game.rx.data here.
  2. That is strange. May I take a look at your savefile to see if it is a bug?
  3. What I usually do is is skipping straight to the Individual Value optimization, when asked by the nurse, and input the value of the injection of a specific stat to 31. (Hp, Attack, etc.) Warning: If you do not either input a value or input the save value you already have, not thing will happen, and you will lose money in vain.
  4. Did you spoke to the receptionist again after you made an appointment? She will ask you if you are ready to go, when spoken for a second time. Note: It only works at nighttime. If this is not the case, may you tell me what happened in full detail? (I already did this a few times, and found no issues in altering the IVs of my mons)
  5. First, you need to go to the District of Hope that is in south of the Hospital of Hope, then enter the Pokemon Hospital and talk to the receptionist for an appointment. Once it is done, just go to right room to have your PK's IV modified by the nurse, and that it. Note: It only changes one you mon's IV per apppointment, so you will need to come multiple times to get all IV's to be perfected. (As I quoted before, I would take a Ditto and perfect it's IV's, then have it hold a Destiny Knot when breeding) . Good luck.
  6. My personal recommendation is to invest those on a Ditto, then breed like crazy, until you have your dream teams.
  7. Yes. It is located at Cellia South in the house near the PK center.
  8. It's also available at Blackview City's credit shop.
  9. Unfortunately, that TM is only available for more than 5 credits at a pokemon center that I don't remember it's current location. It is better to burn 5 Credits, unless you plan to put that TM on more mons later on.
  10. There is none at the moment. Right now, the only way to know is by feeding friendship berries to that Pokemon, and if it says that the Pokemon adores you or that it didn't had any effect, then the friendship is at maximum.
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