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About Dartu-san

  • Birthday 05/13/1997

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    Pokémon (duh!); Anime; Video Games; Memes; Being Creepy...

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. Salutations my dude. Hope you have fun within our midst.
  3. Yo it's been a while Reborn Community. I was indeed dead inside for a while mostly thanks to college exams but I'm finally back. For those who were enjoying my Normal monotype run I'm happy to announce that I'll be bringing it back. Since the last time I posted (boy that was more than 3 months ago) I managed to get through another chapter of the game and actually beat Kiki today. Expect a new entry in the series soon ^-^

  4. Greetings everyone. I'm sorry for my lack of activity lately but fear not I have not left this world just yet. I'm not gonna promise regular and constant updates to my Monotype Run but I'll still keep posting from time to time. Thanks for bearing with me ^-^

  5. I'm thinking of going back to the frozen tundra of Skyrim. I miss the adventure, the questing and the exploration. Time for some good 'ol roleplaying ^-^

  6. It sure did. The mastermind behind the fish stealing plot was finally brough to justice.
  7. Greetings. Welcome back to this monotype run. The conclusion of this chapter will be pretty 'shady'. Will Doctor Connel seek revenge against the escaped orphans? And will Team Meteor strike once again and meddle in Stanley's League Challenge? These are very good questions so let's get back right into the action. Chapter V.3: A Bad Omen and a Dark Alliance Back in Peridot Stanley went straight for the path marked by the train tracks. He had been to the railnet before so he knew where to look for. On his way there he met Anna who was waiting for him under the first section of the bridge and asked him to hurry. He followed and reached his destination. Everyone was already there. Heather was still silent with Shelly constantly apologizing and pleading her to talk to her. Cain was staying vigilant but he also had a playful expression. Anna was very excited and mentioned how they were all going on an adventure together. Charlotte noticed Stanley's arrival and after sighing she said: "Alright everyone here's the plan. We can't really stay in the city anymore but luckily this old railnet goes straight to the Chrysolia region and it just so happens that my sisters have a house in there. We can lay low there in order to avoid the police and wait for things to cool down. In order to do that though we need to break through this tunnel. I'll leave that part to you Stanley". - "Righto". As he said this he sent out Diggersby who proceded to smash the rocks in the way to make a path. As he was about to follow the group deeper into the tunnel Zetsubear jumped out of its Pokéball and jumped to the front of Stanley, blocking his path. Its red left eye started glinting and it placed it's paws on its trainer's shoulders. He felt intimidated at first but he knew by this point that despite its agressive approach to things the Pokémon did not mean him any harm. Then the large bear pointed towards his red eye with its paw prompting him to look. When he did he felt slighlty dizzy and suddenly he started having some sort of vision. He could see the upper section of Opal Bridge just outside. At first there wasn't anything in particular happening but then he as able to see it. Doctor Connel's looming figure was visible near the edge of the bridge. He was looking towards the entrance to the underground railnet and said: "You would go for the railnet Charlotte. Well that much was predictable". Just then he was aproached by another sinister figure. It was the man who lead Team Meteor back in Mosswater Factory in Peridot. He did not introduce himself to the scientist but instead offered his help. "Doctor I am a fan of your work in Electroconvulsive Therapy. By employing your methods I have had great success in my...operations. Regardless I understand you have lost something of value to you and I believe we could be of some benefit to each other". With the end of that sentence Stanley snapped out of his vision and still midly dazed continued to step forward. His Pokémon laughed with its usual 'Upupu' before returning to its Pokéball. It seemed as if this strange bear had even more to it than what meets the eye. It's grin reminded Stanley of the young lady who first gave it to him. Further into the underground passage the group had stopped in front of a large metal door. Shelly briefly explained what the purpose of that entrance was by sharing some backstory of the now ruined Yureyu Company. With it's downfall Reborn's electrical and economical system took a large hit and it took some years for the situation to stabilize. The door however wouldn't open since it was still connected to the Company's old power plant. Just then Anna said: Shelly gasped: "Y-you mean S-Shade? Is...he even human?" - "Well who knows? But he's really nice though. I bet if someone went up to to him and asked him to turn back the power he definitly would. Hey Stanley! You should go to the old power plant and ask him and then you two can fight. He's also a Gym Leader after all!" Cain then pointed out that it was the place on the other side of the Beryl Bridge. Everyone agreed to wait where they were since they couldn't proceed through the door anyway. Stanley felt somewhat apprehensive for leaving everyone (especially because he kept remembering what Zetsubear had just shown him) but Charlotte insisted for him to leave and get it over with. Before heading to his destination he looked at the Data Chip he had gotten back at the Orphanage and after some thinking he remembered the glitchy computer he found in one of the dorms in the Onyx Trainer School and so he decided to stop by there first. Once he entered the room he noticed the screen was still showing static and the whole thing was unresponsive to any commands. He inserted the chip in the port that was located next to it and immeadiately strange text and numeric messages started popping up on the screen. A weird boot up like noise came out of the monitor and then a wild Porygon attacked. Stanley though to himself: "This is it! The man-made Normal Type Pokémon that can travel through Cyberspace". After weakening it he managed to capture it. Yet another fine specimen for his collection. He decided he would not use it for the time being but in the future the polygon duck would probably come in handy. With that detour out of the way he biked his way to the Beryl Ward and headed to the Pokémon Center. There he booted up the local PC to once again browse at his squad: After choosing his Strike Team he left the center and walked towards the Beryl Bridge. This time Stanley himself was the one calling Zetsubear out of its Pokéball. While the bear had a twisted and disconcerting personality our hero had grown attached to it and considered it a trusted companion. The two crossed the bridge together with Stanley stopping midway and looking around at both sides of the bridge. He found it ironic how a construction such as this, whose main function was to serve as a monument of stability that permitted passage between two different locations ended up being a site for such a gruesome turn of events. When he reached the entrance to the old power plant he came across a now familiar sighting. While unsure if it was the exact same one as before an Absol was standing atop a rocky formation next to the abandoned building. It let out a cry and then ran off into the mountains until it was no longer visible. By this point he was sure that the story about Absol warning others of imminent danger or tragedy were most definetely true. His journey so far had proven that point. Reluctantly he entered the power plant. Inside all there was was darkness, a pitch black hall surrounded by what looked like machines. He walked upwards but the path was blocked by metal gates similar to those he had found at places like the Onyx Trainer School or the Orphanage in Lapis. Just then a sudden flash allowed him to get a hint of the layout of the hall he was in. He also caught a glimpse of the same shadow he had seen twice so far. Zetsubear still following close behing its trainer grinned openly and let out a couple laughs. Just before the black figured vanished into the darkness it appeared to grin back at the Pokémon. Stanley was slightly nervous and uncomfortable but he kept moving. The occasional flashes helped him find his way into the next room to the left. There after some walking around came across the first of four control panels. While they did indeed open the different gates that bloced the passage to the 'gym leader' they also had a very unpleasant side effect. Each of them played a ghastly (yet somewhat apropriate) scene on a large screen. Out of the four he wwas only familiar with one of them as of now. After witnessing each of the grim incidents he went back to the starting hall. Through the telecom he listened to Ame's advice once more. The Factory like environment resulted in a field fit for Dark, Ghost and Electric type moves alike, boosting their power considerably. Stanley was not particularly worried at first since all of his Pokémon had a special attribute, one of the few advantages of the plain Normal type, an immunity to spooky strikes. Likewise Ghosts could not be hit normally, however there were a few ways around that limitation. A decent amount of Stanley's team carried Dark type moves which ould come in handy. Diggersby also had access to Odor Sleuth which would enable his partners to take a punch at the spirits after giving them a good sniff. After walking through the unlit location he came face to face with the mysterious specter known as Shade. As per usual it did not say a word but as Zetsubear joyfully spinned around its master the dark entity started glowing red (much like the Pokémon's right eye) as it slowly ascended into the air until it was hovering just above Stanley. Then with a ripped smile on its face it threw out a Pokéball and the battle began. And with that the battle was over, however Shade's grin hadn't dissipated. It let out a few cryptic sentences as it gave our hero his fourth badge and the TM65 - Shadow Claw. Both it and Zetsubear kept staring at each other for a few moments until the entity realized the other reason for the young trainer's visit. He promptly turned on the power back on and then called out to Zetsubear who walked towards him while laughing as usual. The two then looked at Stanley and stepped sideways in order for him to look at the large screen that was behind them. Suddenly he felt another slight headache as the screen and the eyes of the grining pair flashed a red light. It was another vision. This time he was shown the Underground Railnet where he had been just a few hours ago. The group was still waiting at the same spot when the large metal door suddenly opened. From it came the Meteor Admin in black clothes from before accompanied by several grunts. At his command they swiftly seized each of the kids. Anna, Noel, Heather, Shelly and Charlotte all got captured by the nefarious group. Another grunt was already walking towards Cain in order to aprehend him aswell, however his quick thinking led him to send out his Nidoking who he ordered to use Earthquake which damaged the cave's floor and separated him from the Meteors. He was able to escape but the mysterious man was not bothered by it and mentioned that capturing him was not part of the deal with the Doctor. So it was true. An unlikely yet dangerous alliance had been formed between the Psychiatrist and the members of Team Meteor. The vision ended and Stanley shook his head to get rid of all the vertigo. Shade's expression changed with its eyes and mouth no longer visible admidst the darkness of its face. In a deep and rough voice it said: "...So dying souls offer the keys to your gain...Let not them suffer the poison in vain". - "W-what do you mean?" But as Stanley finished asking this question the entity just grined once again and vanished. These words resonated in his mind and kept thinking about their meaning for a moment. Zetsubear harshly patted him in the back as to snap him out of it and quietly returned to its Pokéball. As things were starting to look up all was shattered in just a few moments. He feared something like this would happened, after all both his visions and his sighting of Absol were indicators that disaster was once again imminent in his journey. Despite his partner's affinity for Despair it's last gesture was indicative that not even it wanted him to give up. Shade's words too were prompting him to search for light admist all the darkness. He would not give in to the all consuming grief that kept chasing him ever since he came to Reborn. Thinking of Corey's words before their battle he too started asking himself the question of why all of this was happening to him and all of the tragic events had one common catalyst - Team Meteor. They would pay for hurting his friends and robbing him of the peace and normality he desired so much. His motivations renewed he left the Power Plant and ran as fast as he could in order to get back to Peridot. Well this is it everyone! Here ends Chapter V. I hope you all enjoyed my retelling of the events of this great game even if for now Despair seems to be the only outcome. See you next time on Stanley's Bizzare Adventure (yes that is a motherf*cking JoJo reference). Bye~ P.s. I edited the title to insert and extra little reference I remembered
  8. Well I'm not gonna lie I also have some trouble starting up a conversation if it's on person, but only if it's with strangers. While online I have a much less introvert approach and tend to let my 'wild side' come out more often. My advice is to try and be natural about it. As other have said don't overthink what you are trying to say to others. With practice you'll start to learn certain patterns that each individual you deal with has. Of course starting up conversations with people with similar interests makes things much easier. Overall stay true to yourself and if others are not interested in that, then well leave dat convo and start another one. Hope what I've said has some use to you, cheers!
  9. Alright so I was just browsing around the web and found this artwork which I really enjoyed despite how simple of a change it is. While I have though of other options I'll leave the one I think best fits this design. Mega Electivire (Electric/Dark) Ability: Defiant HP: 75 Attack: 153 (+30) Defence: 87 (+20) Special Attack: 105 (+10) Special Defence: 95 (+10) Speed: 125 (+30) Base Stat Total: 640 New Moves (Via Move Relearner, Breeding, Move Tutor, etc.): Fake Out, Pursuit, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Crunch, Leech Life, Throat Chop, Superpower, Volt Tackle, Parting Shot So Electivire has always been one of favorite Electric types since it's introduction back in Gen 4. While its design origins are not the same as Electabuzz I think the Oni elements were still visible. The addition of fangs and the white fur with red eyes in this art piece makes its face look similar to a Hannya Mask which is right up my alley. On a Competitive Battling standpoint its clearly meant to be a strong and fast physical sweeper. Electivire has always been known for its diverse movepool and type coverage and the new options I added make it even better at that. Volt Tackle might be a bit too much (and it's Pikachu's family line signature move) but it is the strongest physical Electric type move and I though it would make a great addition to it. Adding Swords Dance would have been too much Overkill in my opinion and at the end of the day it doesn't really need it to sweep. When coming up with the stat distribution and playstyle I took some inspiration from Mega Loppuny with the two having a similar role and even bulk, with Electivire hitting considerably harder and being slightly slower. I'm not too sure about Defiant as it's ability but I do think it fits it well and also adds some pression to the opponent, making them think twice before switching to something that has Intimidate or trying to clear screens or hazards from the field with Defog. If something like this were to happen I would be really pleased since it would mean the big guy would finally get the respect it deserves. It would also mean it wouldn't be stuck in the PU tier where it currently sits. Like Mega Loppuny I see it having a solid place in the OU metagame.
  10. That happened to me aswell. Even disabling the followers at the center beforehand did nothing and the only current way around it is to indeed clear that part of the game using an unmodded save file.
  11. Hello one and all. It has been a while since my last post but worry not for this series will keep going strong. Last time our hero Stanley managed to earn his third gym badge after a arduous battle with the shy Bookworm of the Lapis Ward. Let us continue with this journey. Chapter V: A Shocking Truth - To the Rescue After a quick trip to the Pokémon Center and a look at his Normal Type Collection, Stanley was pleased to see how his squad was growing. Despite this he felt as if he had missed a couple of creatures in his travels and so after some research he decided to head back to a few locations. First he went to the Grand Stairway once more since he could now use Rock Smash. By breaking the rocks along the way he managed to find some items aswell as room in the far back of the cave. There he saw a few glowing rocks scattered around and a lone hiker standing in the middle room. The man introduced himself as a treasure hunter and after briefly explaining the purpose of those shining stones he gave our hero a Mining Kit. With this new piece of equipment in his hands he proceeded to mine all throught out the underground cave system. By doing so he obtained many of the colored shards aswell as heart scales and evolution stones some of which recalled having some effect on a couple of Normal Type Pokémon. He also found some type plates for his party members to hold and some fossils too, aswell as some other miscellaneous items. By using one of the Oval Stones he found he evolved the Happiny he met at one of the warehouses in the Coral Ward. With the spelunking out of the way he started heading towards his next destination in the Jasper Ward. As per usual a few new trainers had shown up at the Opal Bridge. After defeating them all he noticed how there was also a large group of people gathering near the now ruined entrance to the Stairway. Aparently a commercial presentation was being held by some members of the Silph Co. They were presenting the rumored new product that the company had developed, the Link Stone. Interested in all the commotion Stanley aproached the salesperson whose speech convinced him to buy a fully functional prototype. Even if most of the known Normal Type Pokémon didn't require a trade to evolve he reckoned there was at least one who had similar characteristics to this man-made invention. With all of that taken care of he proceeded to his next stop. The previously overgrown Malchous Forest was now more peaceful and silent with it's flora back into it's natural state. After exploring the woods once more he came across a hidden path which lead him to a small glade in which he found an abandoned green egg. After walking around enough it hatched to reveal yet another Pokémon he decided to use in his team, a Deerling. After finally making it back to the Grand Hall Stanley glanced around looking for someone to which he could report the incident with Corey. Noticing him Ame, who was behind the counter waved at him and called out to him. There was someone standing in front of her and as Stanley stepped forward he realized it was the last person he wanted to see. Fern was once again in his way with his usual presumptuous expression. He turned to our protagonist and said: Ame replied with: "It is really unfortunate...knowing Corey I was worried something like this would happen". Before she could continue Fern rudely interrupted her and said: "Yeah, yeah. Just tell Aya to be ready by the time I get there alright?" Ame nodded and after bidding Stanley farewell she went downstairs. Mistaking him as confused Fern started explaining how there as a reserve gym leader of each type. Since Corey had...retired, Aya, a girl from the Byxbision Wasteland was now apointed as the new Poison Type Leader. Despite Stanley's uninterested he kept speaking: "So yeah the only way to get into the Wasteland is by using the key to the Gate in Obsidia, and guess what, I have one. But man that Shelly girl was really easy to beat. I thought she was going to start crying mid battle or something". - "Don't lie Fern. Half of your Pokémon are Grass Types and you don't even have a full team...Anyway how did you get a key?" - "Hmph why should I tell a loser like you? Nah you know what, fight me Stanley. If you beat me I'll share the details...but like that's ever gonna happen". - "Well aren't you an optimist. Fine bring it on". "Alright Ferny spill the beans will 'ya?" - "Gah. Fine. I got the key from the Gym Leader's brother. A fruity lookin' guy dressed in all purple with fishnets. Looks like a girl really. He said he was headed towards the Beryl Cemetery for some reason". - "Ah I see. I know who he is". - "Ahah of course you would. Later loser!" - "Always a pleasure..." And with that he left the Hall. It seemed all this excuse of a human being was good for was learning some relevant information. Regardless Stanley headed towards Beryl. It was a Sunny day packed with great heat and as he reached the Ward he noticed something yellow on top of one of the roofs. He entered the building and took the elevator to the top. There he met the silhouette he had just seen. It was a Helioptile who was basking in the glow of the sun's rays. Taken by the little lizard's cuteness he gave it a pack of PokéSnax and peted his head. The Pokémon jumped about happily. Yet another Normal type joined the squad. Back in the Pokémon Center he browsed through the pc boxes once more. He was actively raising 12 Pokémon now! After training up the new members in the nearby grass and against the trainers back in the Grand Hall he explored two other places that were previously inaccessible due to the lack of ability to use Rock Smash. First he entered the cave near the Old Abandoned Power Plant. It was called Citrine Mountain. There he found a bunch of different items, a few glowing rocks for mining and one of the Pokémon that once belonged to Corey, Croagunk. Its body was now black, diferent from when Stanley first fought against it back in the beryl Gym. After Corey had vanished Stanley found a plain silver ring in his bedroom and kept it as a memento. The Pokémon noticed it and decided to follow him. He also fought and won against a ferocious Beartic who was cornering a wild Smoochum inside a small cave (But why though?). After saving it, Smoochum became all clingly to Stanley and went inside a Pokéball. With all the items and events taken care of he left the mountain and headed back towwards the Beryl Cemetery. Before meeting with Cain he entered the nearby cave that was blocked by rocks. He fully traversed it even without access to Flash and found some more items aswell as another of Corey's Pokémon, Nidorina. All these encounters left him sad at first but he was glad that these Pokémon were not by themselves anymore. At the other end of the cave he found a hidden area of the Rhodocryne Jungle. Similar to the Helioptile he had met there was a Tropius in the middle of area taking in the sunlight. While it also accepted the food Stanley gave it it challenged him to a fight before being captured. Once back at the Cemetery he found Cain stading near a newly erected grave. He noticed Stanley and said: "Oh hi Stanley~ I came here because I heard hat happened. I know no one can do anything for him now but I've heard that his daughter is all alone now. I have to find her. It must be really tough to be on your own at such a young age..." - "Yeah I'm really concerned for her aswell but I havne't seen her since then...Anyway I heard you have some keys to access the Wasteland. I was hoping to challenge the new leader there". - "Ah yes... I should have expected that ahah. I'm not really fond of her though she's always so grrrr. Anyway let's have a rematch. If you win I'll give you a key kaykay?" - "Sure Cain, sounds good". As they finished battling they both noticed someone atop of a nearby cliff. It was Heather. Turns out Cain's suspicions of her showing up at the Cemetery were right. Before Stanley could say anything he started talking to her. His intentions were good but the stubborn girl kept shouting at him until she finally said: "I already have a friend so leave me alone! If visiting her will take me away from you then fine. Salamence let's go it's take off time!" And with that catchphrase she just flew off as quickly as she arrived. Cain, already walking towards the exit of the Cemetery said: "Dang it! It looks like she's flying towards the Lapis Ward though. Sorry about the key Stanley but I have to catch up to her before she flies off somewhere else!" And with that he just started running and left. Our hero sighed and left the Cemetery aswell. He was bummed that he couldn't say anything and that he didn't get the key but he was worried with Heather aswell so he decided to go bac to Lapis aswell. After a bike trip he made it back to Shelly's Gym and went upstairs towards her room. Heather was there standing next to Shelly and Cain was not to far. Apparently the two girls were friends with the shy Shelly mencioning how she was her only friend (The nickname of her Yanmega kinda gave it away). Still annoyed by Cain's persistence Heather told Shelly to ask them to leave. He noticed how the purple haired girl was flickering and struggling ith her words and said: "Hey Heather. Most friends don't shout and order their friends around you know? So hum Shelly would you like Heather to treat you more nicely?" - "H-hum...I...I guess? Oh I'm s-sorry". Heather then loudly hit the floor with her foot and shouted: "Aaaah! Fine then if you are all going to gang on me then I'll just leave. Don't try to stop me!" She pushed Cain aside and quickly ran out of the room. Cain then said: "No! She's only going to keep hurting herself like this. Quick, after her!" He left the room running aswell and shortly after Shelly also left. With no other option Stanley followed them. Further down the ward near the Orphanage Cain and Shelly were standing just slightly behind Heather. At first he couldn't see but when he aproached Stanley saw the towering figure that was blocking Heather's way. It was Doctor Connel. He taught to himself "Oh no this is bad. If he finds out..." Shouting in her usual brash tone Heather told the doc and his Orderlies to get out of the way but the man did not waver. He kept questioning where her parents were until eventually Shellhy gave out and said: "U-um...Doctor her parents aren't...here anymore". - "I see. That is unfortunate but I may have the solution for you child. You see I run this Orphanage in this very ward that houses many other like yourself. I offer you shelter and food, a chance for you to get your life back on track". - "I don't want anything from you creep. Now let me pass!" Unamused by her demeanor he remarked that wether she wanted it or not she had no choice for according to Reborn's City law all orphans with no capable guardian were to be taken under the Orphanage's wing. He ordered his underlings to seize her and they all left with the doctor wishing them a 'nice day'. Shocked the trio stood there for a while until Shelly started crying and ran back to her gym. Cain more worried than ever hurried after her. Stanley alone once again had a bad feeling about this. All the things he had heard from the kids when he visited the Orphanage before suggested Sigmund Connel was not a kind man who could be trusted. Unsure of what to do he followed Cain's lead and went back into the gym aswell. Inside her room Shelly was shaking with her head facing the wall. Cain was standing next to her trying to comfort her: "Listen Shelly it was not your fault. That geezer is his own demon". - "B-but if I didn't say anything he wouldn't have taken her away...*snif*...I-I'm such a bad friend she's going to be so mad...oh my god". Cain looked Stanley in the eyes and he nodded. He turned back to Shelly and said: "Look we'll probably get into trouble by interfering that's for sure, but Heather is already in trouble and I'm going to take that risk. We can't just leave her in that place with that creeper. We are all friends here so don't worry~" - "F-friends?" - Yeah. Stanley you in right? Let's get her back!" - "Aye. I guess we have to raid the place right?" Shelly wiped off her tears and grabbed one of her Pokéballs. She clutched it in her hand while looing at it and said: "R-right. Let's save her!" With that the group prepared to leave the gym. Just then Stanley looked at the window. The sky had darkened suddenly and a heavy rain started falling. Sounds of thunder and flashes of light could be heard and seen outside. Just then Stanley had some sort of vision. He could see the top floor of the Orphanage building. He heard the voice of the doctor ordering his orderlies to hold down a girl and then...a bright spark was visible through the window. As he shook his head a sudden scream could be heard across the ward. It seemed as if the rumors he had heard were true. Cain and Shelly gasped. That was clearly Heather's voice. The trio ran outside as quickly as they could. While Shelly and Cain rushed for the door Stanley sprinted towards the Pokémon Center and quickly assembled his party in order to prepare to storm the place. He met with the others at the entrance but the door was locked. Cain angrily kicked a pebble in the floor unsure of what to do next. Knowing there was no other way inside Stanley was just about to send Zetsubear out to try and break the door when suddenly he heard a clicking noise form the other side. He swiftly opened the door and went inside with the others following close behind. There they were met by three familiar faces (to Stanley at least), Anna, Noel and Charlotte. The little girl mentioned how she could see our hero's glow throught the walls which lead her to unlock the door so he could enter. After the introductions were made Cain said: "So we are planning to get our friend back and go for a prisonbreak. You guys wanna come too?" - "Hm. If we have a chance to get out of this damn place we'll take it. 'Sides it's just a matter of seconds before the Orderlies notice you guys and try to kick you out". said Charlotte. Noel then added: "Well you'll be clearly outnumbered. Our Pokémon were confiscated and brought to the storage room so it's only you three". - "Well I can get rid of a couple ones at least. You guys better come get me afterwards though". - "What are you doing Charlotte?" asked Anna - "Creating a diversion". She then went ahead and asked one of the orderlies for her cigarettes. After being denied she started shouting and after a brief exchange which resulted in her biting the Orderlie's hand a couple more showed up and took her to the 'Circuit', the place where misbehaving kids were sent to. Immeadiately afterwards a trio of Orderlies noticed the commotion and walked towards the group. The battle for Heather's rescue had began. After beating this first wave of underlings the group briefly discussed the best course of action, however a couple of Orderlies came out of a nearby room and captured Noel who was giving us indications and helping with a strategie. They took him upstairs. With another problem on their hands Cain decided to stay behind and block one of the doors in order to stop more Orderlies from coming through. Anna stayed by his side and gave Stanley and Shelly who decided to pair up a few directions. The duo then climbed up the stairs to the next floor and started making their way through the facility. After fully exploring the different rooms and beating all the Orderlies who stood in their way Stanley and Shelly managed to find the switches that unlocked some of the cells aswell as a couple gates preventing them from going to the upper floors. Stanley also found a strange Data Chip and learned by talking with Ame through a telecom that Connel was probably lying regarding the state of the Arenas at the Orphanage. Bent on stopping the deranged scientist they continued to make their way until their were blocked by yet another gate. However this one according to the kids could only be opened from the Doctor's personal office. To get the key to it they had to go through a couple more rounds of Orderlies until they reached the storage room. They set Charlotte free and were able to successfully recover the confiscated Pokémon of everyone. Even Heather's Pokémon were being stored there. After hitting the switch in the office the group made their way through the facility until they reached the top floor where Sigmund was helding Heather down. Along the way a couple of Stanley's Pokémon had evolved and were now ready to put and end to this charade. While Zetsubear hadn't left its Pokéball Stanley didn't need the bear's presence to realize the existence of despair within the walls of the Orphanage. It was no different from a prison to the kids who were constantly being submited to the twisted therapeutical methods of the 'good doctor'. When all the others had finished going up the stairs he followed them and this is what he saw: With the Orderlies cornered by everyone's Aces all that was left was to immobilize Connel and his Electivire who was holding Heather. Charlotte took the iniciative and approached him. At first she just threatened him with words but since he wasn't cooperating she proceeded to take one of her cigarettes (yes she got her squares back in the storage after all) and burnt him. Flinching with the pain the doctor stepped back and said: "Fine have it your way. I do not care for these petty power struggles. You may take the girl". As he said this he returned his Electivire to its Pokéball and Heather was freed. "Nonetheless I have already contacted the authorities and informed them of your trangressions. You shall all be apprehended shortly". Heather was not saying a single word. She was still probably suffering trauma from the effects of the shock therapy. The group all agreed it was time to escape from the building and try to find a safe place in order to get away from all of this. Everyone quickly left with Anna and Stanley leaving last. She said: "Come on Stanley everyone is going to meet up under the bridge at the Opal Ward, where the train tracks turn off into the underground. Come quickly". - "Right. I'll be there". And with that the rescue mission ended up in success, or did it? As he was leaving the Orphanage Zetsubear finnaly decided to jump out of its Pokéball and have a few laughs has they left the gloomy building behind. Stanley had the feeling that this ordeal was far from over and he was sure he would encounter Connel once again. Until then he decided to go with the flow and started heading towards the Opal Bridge after resting at the Pokémon Center. That's it for the first part of the Chapter. There was quite the amount of events this time around but this part of the adventure has not yet ended. See you all next time (which will hopefuly be soon).
  12. Update: Worry not I have not died just yet. Just beat Shade last night and will now start working on posting the next Chapter of the run. Look forward to it!

  13. Ah yes I did read the introduction. Might be a while before I do read it extensively though since I still haven't played Rejuvenation myself. I wish you good luck though. Will definetely give it a read when I get around to playing the game. P.S. Gundham is also my favorite character
  14. Oh wow I didn't even though of that. I got the name just from the japanese word Zetsubo (Despair) so it's all a Danganronpa thing but it does fit since that character also has a black and white color split
  15. Dart used Double Post. It was Super Effective (I hope :P). Chapter IV is now completed. Shade you're next buddy. Zetsubear is coming for your shadowy butt upupupu~

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