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About NeroNerotico

  • Birthday December 26

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    Game Development, Writing, Music, Art, and Anime.

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  1. RIP Tiki. I was looking forward to him using such a broken pokemon. I swear, Blaziken makes some gym battles look so easy, too bad Shelly is not on the list.
  2. He just lost himself a Growlithe as well as some cool plot stuff by not talking to it in the library. That double battle was close, Duck was the true hero of that battle. Corey is gonna be a tough battle for him, that field effect is so annoying. I'll stop trying to predict deaths though. Whenever I try to, I'm always wrong.
  3. Wow. His luck is truly something to be reckoned with. He really needs some Super Potions for the Taka/ZEL battle. But I think that if he levels up his team some more he'll be able to get past them with Moxie Kiki and Tiki (if it doesn't rain). Tiki takes care of Tangrowth, Glaceon and Umbreon. Kiki takes care of Espeon. The Chatot can be kinda annoying but I believe Kiki can 2-shot it with Bite again.
  4. Press F for Wonga He could've been really useful in the next few gym battles. Taka is gonna be a tough battle for him. That Chatot is so overpowered, and he doesn't have healing items. Unless his unnatural luck saves his again, I can see him losing someone again. He also missed the Desert Field note in the academy. I still think that that door should open regardless of which way you talk to that kid. A lot of playthroughs seem to miss it.
  5. I'm 90% sure he'll lose someone in the Florinia fight. She's actually one of the earliest difficulty spikes in the game, I'd even say she's the first real challenge, since she's the first boss to actually make good use of the field effects. Julia has the Electric Field in her battle but she barely exploits it's effects, so he probably thinks that they don't affect battles that much. Since he hasn't gotten the Desert Field Note, he'll probably be caught off guard by some of it's effects. I can see him losing either Belly or Kiki to Florinia.
  6. This is great! As someone that was using an unevolved Roselia and Alolan-Vulpix for a very long time, this greatly pleases me.
  7. I know this is late but, I think this idea is a double-edged sword. While some people will enjoy the increase in the level cap, some won't. I'm personally one of the later. If you guys are doing this for difficulty then consider doing something like the Totem Pokémon in S/M, like some people have already said. Make the legendary pokémon have totem like stats and if you need a very challenging trainer you can make it work like Lusamine/Nihilego, having their entire team have the totem boost. Getting beyond Lv.100 just seems unnecessary. I'll still play the game regardless, but if I got to choose, I'd rather have the totem boost over the increased level cap.
  8. Hello. Can anyone tell me where exactly can I find a Budew in Gearen City? I've been looking for one for hours already and no sign of them. It's morning in-game and I've already found 4 shiny pokémon but still no Budew. Are they in the grass around the city, the hotel garden or the garden with the fountain and statue? EDIT: Found one right when I was about to give up.
  9. Thank you very much! Sorry for the trouble.
  10. @Zarc Yes, my game seems to be glitched or something, most of the times it doesn't receive the requests. Try sending it again or let me send the request.
  11. @Zarc I'm back, sorry I had to leave for a moment. You can send the request now.
  12. Thanks, I wanted an non-shiny one but this is fine too.
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