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BandorKitty last won the day on April 8 2018

BandorKitty had the most liked content!


390 Altruist

About BandorKitty

  • Birthday 01/29/1997

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    Pokemon, Anime, Video Games, Music, Vocaloid

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    Youtube --> BandorKitty

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  1. I had an idea today. It seems like every time I log on here I see someone unhappy with something. To help with this, I'd like to try something. Lately, I've been collecting quotes to help myself when I'm down and I'd like to share them with everyone. Once a day I'll post a quote here. It could be from anything from famous people to books, movies, games, anime etc. What do you guys think? Would it be something you'd be interested in?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BandorKitty


      Thanks :) I've got a few lined up from Madoka too, so look forward to that

    3. BandorKitty


      Thanks :) That's why I'm only gonna do one a day when I wake up. That way, people won't be forced to scroll through tons of stuff if they don't want to read it.

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      kinda agree with what walpurgis said but the idea and the gesture are there so go for it id say :]

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