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BandorKitty last won the day on April 8 2018

BandorKitty had the most liked content!


390 Altruist

About BandorKitty

  • Birthday 01/29/1997

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    Pokemon, Anime, Video Games, Music, Vocaloid

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  1. BandorKitty's Quote of the Day #4


    Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

    Elanor Roosevelt

    1. BandorKitty


      The way I see it is that if someone is putting you down on purpose, you can choose to listen to them or to ignore them and get on with your life. A stronger person is the one who laughs and takes no heed to their words.

    2. BandorKitty


      I know exactly what your saying. Believe me. I've lived it my whole life and still living it. This is why I'm doing this quote thing. To help myself and others. I am the weaker person, and I want to make myself and others stronger. That's all there is to it.


      My whole life I've been tortured with self-hate, and I feel like I'm not worth anything. This probably stems from when I was bullied when I was younger, and now it's so ingrained that I can't escape it without medication... I hate being like this, and I'm sure others do too.

    3. BandorKitty


      I choose to not pull down others to pull myself up. I'd rather pull others below me up to my level instead. And give others above me a boost. Maybe in return, they'll pull me up too.

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