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Everything posted by BandorKitty

  1. Hiya and welcome (back, I guess)! Hope you stay for longer this time!
  2. Singing Fish Edit: No one's posting? So, uuuuhhhhhh.... have some more vids on me! Olympic swimming pools? Pfffft! That's so old school! Life is VERY Strange Doki Doki's Newest Update
  3. @ArcherEric Maybe I'm overthinking it, I just don't like to upset anyone. Even indirectly
  4. A spambot advertising Australian universities in Chinese? Well, this is quite unexpectedly entertaining XD

  5. Well, if we're gonna have a senpai, he'd need to have these qualities: Boring Bland No personality Doesn't stand out at all Completely average at everything he does All of this yet somehow has a multitude of girls flocking after him And I think that rules out all you guys! Sorry Edit: I just reread that and I realise the last part might sound mean >.< Sorry! I meant it as a whole
  6. BandorKitty's Quote of the Day #27


    If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.

    - Booker T. Washington

    1. Lord Drakyle

      Lord Drakyle

      More like, if you want to life yourself up, let go of the heavy burdens of your past mistakes and leave them behind :P

    2. BandorKitty


      True, but not always easy to do. Especially at low points in your life.

    3. PESH1


      "If one wants to rise like a hot air balloon, one must cut loose the wires and let go of the weight that hold back the true potential".

  7. Crobat followed by Mesprit on Pearl, since it was the first game I actually owned rather than borrowed from my cousin.
  8. BandorKitty's Quote of the Day #26


    My momma always said, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get".

    - Forrest Gump (Forrest Gump)

  9. @Thundermaze I-I-I'm not cute! (⊙﹏⊙✿) BAKA!!! Also, the cat is Bandit. He's never impressed, so go figure.
  10. You guys have inspired me to post my own pic! I'm not kawaii or cool but ya know. Also my hair is a complete mess, I took that before going to bed one night so excuse the lazy bum. ANYWAY!!! Much better photo coming soon. When I actually get a hold of it.... Professional photos take forever to get here lol
  11. BandorKitty's Quote of the Day #25


    The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

    - Chinese Proverb

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dreamy


      But surely 10 years ago still would be like.... half as good as 20 years ago because it would still have 10 years to grow. so really it should probably be modeled as a linear decay of goodness with respect to time.

    3. BandorKitty


      The thing is, if you wanted a full grown "tree" now, the best time to plant was 20 years ago. Sure, 10 years ago would be half as good, but what if you missed that chance? 


      Really, it's about life opportunities. Say you wanted to be in a certain profession or have the knowledge and experience to enter a certain field. I'll use my uni course as an example. It takes 3 years to complete my current course. If I had started right after I had finished high school, I would have completed my course by the end of last year. So ideally, the best time for me to start was 3 years ago. However, I only started last year, although due to circumstances beyond my control, not because I didn't want to. I'm not as "grown" as I would have been had I started 3 years ago, however I'm well on my way. 


      Say if when I finished high school and I decided that I didn't want to do a uni course, but only this year I decided that was a bad decision and actually wanted to be in this very field. Then that's the missed opportunity that the proverb is talking about. The ideal time to start was 3 years ago, yet I'm now "planting the tree" to have what I want in 3 years time. 


      This is my understanding of it :D And sorry it took so long, my internet went down as I was writing :( 

    4. Dreamy


      Yea I understand the quote thanks, I guess I just felt like being silly and overanalyzing it XD.

  12. BandorKitty's Quote of the Day #24


    In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.

    - Robert Frost

    1. GenEric


      correction: it sucks ass

    2. BandorKitty


      But it still goes on :D 

    3. Chickens


      It is stupid

  13. Then what I said on the other thread. Nichijou has to be the one you're looking for
  14. Granbull, since it's my one and only God it helped me greatly through Reborn
  15. @Wolfox Yeah I know, I voted no tutorial. That was me explaining my mindset
  16. O_O Just one more post and I hit 100

    1. GenEric


      51 more to get 4 dots

    2. BandorKitty


      I think it was 1=0-24, 2=25-74, 3=75-150, 4=150-idk. Not sure about the rest

    3. Corso



  17. Hmmmm it really depends on the type of game and it's system. If it's something with a complex, unfamiliar system, then yeah, I'd prefer a tutorial to at least get the basics down. Otherwise, if it has a basic system, or it's somewhat obvious on what you can and can't do then I'd prefer to jump right in and find my own way around. If the tutorial is mandatory for a basic game, I don't mind it as long as it's short. With Pokemon S/M US/UM though, that first island is preeeeetty long and the stuff like the different trial challenges feel a bit over-explained to me.
  18. Been looking for this for ages and finally found it again!
  19. Anyway to vote again after voting? You've added some more I've played
  20. You do know that I'm pretty much gonna vote for 95% of the games now, right?
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