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Everything posted by BandorKitty

  1. Hey, you did it! When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life. - John Lennon
  2. BandorKitty's Quote of the Day #10


    The difference between the novice and the master is that the master has failed more times than the novice has tried.

    - Koro-sensei (Assassination Classroom)

  3. Hang on. I was watching the skating the other day. How did I miss this? O_O





  4. BandorKitty's Quote of the Day #9


    I'd rather be my own best friend than my worst enemy,

    I'm one day closer to being who I wanna be.

    - Crusher/Cien Miller (Would You Rather)

    1. BandorKitty


      Here's the whole song if you need a pick-me-up. 




    2. Wolfox


      Here's one that I personally love:

      "Everything will be alright in the end. So if it's not alright, it's not the end."

      said by a lead singer with bloody eyes and blue hair (aka 2-D)

  5. BandorKitty's Quote of the Day #8


    Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, What do we do? We swim, swim.

    - Dory (Finding Nemo)

  6. I'm such a bad person to have started this Have a sexy Pikachu now XD
  7. That's strange, I don't know how you got this far without it unless you traded for a Pokemon that already knows it and skipped getting the TM entirely. It's probably too late now which is why the person is now offering Turtwig instead. @walpurgis are you able to fix this?
  8. @aARONsTARR Ok, it seems you've already passed that area somehow, you're really far into the game. Did you used to have it?
  9. Hmmm that is strange. I'm sure the person gives you Dive then later changes to Turtwig. Just checked myself, its now Turtwig but it should be Dive when you first get there. @aARONsTARR Could you upload your save file?
  10. If I remember correctly, it should be below the tent and towards the right. It's at a stand facing left.
  11. BandorKitty's Quote of the Day #7


    Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.

    - Henry Ford

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      ive gotten so much sleep I read henry ford as harry potter


      i need healing

    2. Wolfox


      damnit bibs...

  12. Yet another Pikachu throwing one XD There's so much more I want to post T^T
  13. Something I can actually contribute to! And in the interest of not spamming, I'll end it here. If I could have added more though...
  14. Oh, wow. I forgot what day of the year it is. My absolute favourite. Yay.


    Guess it's time to do my annual post of this image.




    See you guys on the other side XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BandorKitty


      Make fun of it, that's what I do. Anyway, how's the weather over there? :)

    3. Wolfox


      cold with a blue sky

    4. BandorKitty


      Then rug up and chat with some of us on here :D Promise I won't talk about it, I hate it too XD

  15. BandorKitty's Quote of the Day #6


    Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it.

    - Rafiki (The Lion King)

    1. BandorKitty


      I did think about that, but there's already a quote one going on and it would be kinda redundant even if I make one about just motivational ones.

    2. BandorKitty


      If I make one would you help me run it? I still want to keep posting stuff here though since it's therapeutic for me. 

  16. I personally haven't used it but you could try this mod that allows you to share amongst save files.
  17. BandorKitty's Quote of the Day #5


    When one tries to master something, it ends in either success or failure. But it is in the attempt itself where you find the true value. Believe in your own power and walk your own path.

    - Oki (Okami)

  18. yay. more spam. woohoo.

    1. Wolfox
    2. Magus


      You know when you are 7 months out to sea, spam starts tasting more like chicken.

  19. BandorKitty's Quote of the Day #4


    Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

    Elanor Roosevelt

    1. BandorKitty


      The way I see it is that if someone is putting you down on purpose, you can choose to listen to them or to ignore them and get on with your life. A stronger person is the one who laughs and takes no heed to their words.

    2. BandorKitty


      I know exactly what your saying. Believe me. I've lived it my whole life and still living it. This is why I'm doing this quote thing. To help myself and others. I am the weaker person, and I want to make myself and others stronger. That's all there is to it.


      My whole life I've been tortured with self-hate, and I feel like I'm not worth anything. This probably stems from when I was bullied when I was younger, and now it's so ingrained that I can't escape it without medication... I hate being like this, and I'm sure others do too.

    3. BandorKitty


      I choose to not pull down others to pull myself up. I'd rather pull others below me up to my level instead. And give others above me a boost. Maybe in return, they'll pull me up too.

  20. BandorKitty's Quote of the Day #3


    Happiness can be found in even the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

    - Professor Dumbledore (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

  21. Snakes in the house are never a good sign, especially when you have cats and birds. O__O

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BandorKitty


      7 hour time difference lol XD

    3. Caimie


      Wish i could trade though! I love it when it's dark outside!

    4. BandorKitty


      Yeah, nighttime is the best! I love it when I can see the stars, I live on top of a hill so I get a good view of the sky away from all the city lights.

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