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Everything posted by BandorKitty

  1. BandorKitty's Quote of the Day #2


    When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.

    - Helen Keller

  2. To start a conversation ask a question that the other person would be able to answer, like how was their day or what they did on the weekend. This will help give the conversation momentum so you can feed back on what they tell you and share your own experiences. If the conversation starts to lull, ask them another question about what they just told you, such as "you just said this... can you tell me more about it?". I think the key to a conversation is asking questions about the other person, but not getting too aggressive about it. A conversation is also like playing catch, once you catch the ball you should throw it back. After a while, it should come naturally to you and it won't take as long for you to think of what to say. Source: Am awkward irl. Always have, always will be. I just learn to hide it
  3. BandorKitty's Quote of the Day #1


    When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.

    - Henry Ford

    1. BandorKitty


      Hey, that would be cool :) 

  4. @splargle Hiya If you want to call me Bandor I'm fine with it. Thanks for the welcome! Aegis sounds pretty cool, I'll give it a try sometime. And good luck on your project! I play piano, flute, organ, guitar and I got an Otamatone for Christmas so I'm having a lot of fun with that . I mostly do MIDI covers though, since I don't have very good recording equipment.
  5. I had an idea today. It seems like every time I log on here I see someone unhappy with something. To help with this, I'd like to try something. Lately, I've been collecting quotes to help myself when I'm down and I'd like to share them with everyone. Once a day I'll post a quote here. It could be from anything from famous people to books, movies, games, anime etc. What do you guys think? Would it be something you'd be interested in?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sayia


      I like that idea.. So yeah, go for it ;)

    3. Wolfox


      Cheesy isn't always bad (I mean, look at a grilled cheese. Am I right?). and I personally love quotes, be it from games, anime, tv series, books or just random people

    4. BandorKitty


      Ah, yes. The good old grilled cheese XD Much deliciousness 

  6. "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo (Pokemon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back)
  7. Well... This game was definitely an experience





  8. BandorKitty

    7th street

    @Negi3Storm No prob. Glad you could get your game fixed Good luck with the rest!
  9. Name/Known as: BandorKitty, Bandor for short Age: 21 Gender: Female Birthday: 29/01 Location: Australia Height: Approx. 170cm Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Currently brown (they like to change) Lives with: Sometimes alone, sometimes with mum, dad and younger brother Pets: Two catloafs and three birds Relationship status: Ree-lay-shun-ship? What's that? Can I eat it? Dream job: Veterinarian or musician Currently playing: Ultra Sun, Reborn (also doing a dog run Freaking Titania though) Favourite Food: Sushi, anything caramel or lemon Favourite Drink: Lemonade or orange juice Favourite Color: Blue Favourite kind of Music: I'll listen to anything but my favourite type is Vocaloid Favourite Band: Ummmmm I can't choose! XD Favourite Album: Unhappy Refrain (wowaka), Sekai Seifuku (Neru) Favourite Song: From Y to Y (JimmyThumb), Electric Angel - Giga Remix (Giga), Hayabusa (Xenon) Favourite Game: Has to be Okami Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, rhythm Favourite Hobbies: Games, anime, listening/composing/transcribing/playing music, trying to muster up the courage to play my Otamatone on camera so I can post it to my YouTube but I'm camera shy and don't want to show my face :/ Favourite Movies: Harry Potter series, Madoka Magica series Favourite Shows: Too many to count, although currently rewatching Steins;Gate and it's just as good as I remember
  10. BandorKitty

    7th street

    I'm sorry, I didn't see your earlier post. And please don't swear at me, I really don't like it. I know you're frustrated but it's no reason to swear when someone is trying to help you. I poked around in your save and can't find anything. I'm not a dev so I can't fix it for you. Your best bet is to get in touch with a dev to try and get them to respawn the gangs and the lady who guards 7th Street.
  11. I have family over and they brought their dog with them. I now have one loaf hiding out on my bed and I'm sure the other won't be far behind XD

  12. BandorKitty

    7th street

    @Negi3Storm Have you talked to your gang leader yet? You need to do that before you can go to 7th Street.
  13. Number one thing: Please don't hurt yourself. It will only make things worse. Your dad should be your support through this. Talk to him about how you're feeling, let him know your suicidal thoughts are coming back. Another option is to seek professional help. Talk to someone trained to help you through this. That person combined with your dad will create a rock solid foundation for you to stand on while the storm rages on around you. The storm may get stronger and try to push you into the rough sea, but if you hold on tight and trust your support, there's nothing that can make it crumble. Your dad sounds like a good dad, know that he loves and cares for you. Trust him. Maybe consider going to a nearby library. A nice, quiet place where you can read and if you have a laptop you can play games to pass the time. If not, maybe place some games on a USB/hard drive and hook it up to a library computer, if they let you do that there. If you're still open to talking to someone, I may not be able to offer you specific support but I'm almost always free if you just want to let something off your chest. Feel free to message me any time.
  14. Hmmm I think it depends on the type of game. For example, in RPGs where it's important to know where you have and haven't been yet it's much easier to have the map stationary, but in other games like open world racing games I'd prefer the map to rotate with the character, since its fast paced and just a quick glance at the map is all you need. You don't need to be figuring out exactly which way you're facing in relation to the map right before you're supposed to turn or you're likely to miss it.
  15. About to see Coco at the cinemas with friends. No spoilers, is it any good? :) 

    1. Candy


      Haven't watched it, but definitely heard good reviews :P

    2. BandorKitty


      It was pretty good XD Worth it to check it out :)

  16. It's boiling hot, I'm covered in sweat and my cat decides she wants to snuggle up on my lap. Someone save me >.<

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfox


      wow... that's pretty sad tbh. Now I feel bad for complaining that we haven't had true snow this winter yet

    3. Sayia


      No problem ^^

      Well I have kinda enough snów for now, tbh

    4. BandorKitty


      Surely your snow will come. If not, maybe Sayia will be nice enough to send some of hers over your way ;)

  17. @Fantastic Mr. Fox Hey, are you ok? Do you need someone to talk to?
  18. Happy Birthday! :D Enjoy your day!

    1. LykosHand


      Thanks a lot BandorKitty :D and yeah i will ;). I wish you to have a great day :) 

  19. @Sayia Thanks! I like yours too. It's so pretty
  20. @ArcherEric 7/10 Possibly something from Overwatch if I'm not mistaken? I've never played please don't kill me
  21. @MachoPony As others have said, Krookodile is an excellent choice for going up against Radomus. Also, for levelling, if you're willing to trek all the way back to the Grand Hall you can battle trainers there for more exp than going up against wild Pokemon.
  22. Welcome, nice to meet you too Looks like you've got a pretty diverse team backing you up. Good luck!
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