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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Illumi

  1. I got the incense I think, so I will take a female Marill please
  2. Hello everyone. I am looking for an Azurill, which has Adamant nature and Huge Power, last piece of my fairy monotype run that I will be starting soon. If any of you have a spare one, please consider supporting my run, thank you.
  3. Hi, uh. Is this thingy still going? I am in need of a mon for my monotype fairy run is possible.
  4. Snubbull is right after second gym. Also first evo of Azumarill is Azurill. I like idea of Mawile tho
  5. 2 water types against Electric and Grass gyms? Not a good idea...
  6. I mean for first gym I will only have Popplio/Brionne and Igglybuff/Jigglypuff... so 3rd mon would be pretty useful
  7. So, in my poll about what my monotype run should be, Fairy won by 5 votes, wow xD. But! I looked at list of available fairy mons at early game, and... I am quite scared... So I am asking you guys! Can I get a 2nd starter, which you will decide on. Must be a fairy. Simply say no, or say yes and type which fairy mon I can take. I will be waiting a week for your replies!
  8. Look at that showoff with Lunala and Necrozma tho xD Also I thought it will be getting exp for catching mons o:
  9. I accidentaly sold my Helix Fossil, so I can't do the quest in 7th street. If someone has a spare one, could I have it? Amaura is my favourite fossil mon, and it would be awesome to have it on my team u,u
  10. He can get lvl 30 at max in this fight xd
  11. I forgot to mention, that voting will be closed on Friday.
  12. I got one on my main team of normal run x3
  13. Illumi

    Mirage Tower

    I didn't find any mirages for like 3 months now. And I am checking it every day.
  14. Illumi

    Mirage Tower

    Hi again. I heard that gaining access to Mirage Tower is by finding 3 mirages on desert, but thing is, I found them not at the same time. Will they spawn back, or I just missed Honedge, Mimikyu and items inside it?
  15. @luis Let me finish Chrysolia Springs puzzle, I will then trade with ya
  16. I need a Sweet Heart to finish Spyce sidequest and get 2nd reward from it, please tell me if anyone will be willing to give it to me, I will appreciate it! ;-; Edit: Forgot to mention that I used mine in battle already.
  17. This breeder actually shows up AFTER defeating Narcissa, soooo... good luck
  18. Okay, it actually happened again, this time through this spot, and I got it this time. Edit: I could encounter water pokemon on land.
  19. So, I didn't catch it on screenshot unfortunately, but when surfing on Route 9, I went through this spot where my character is standing, but for some reason it let me through, as I was surfing on land! However, second time I did it, worked as it should.
  20. Alrighty! Got 5 upvotes on my post, so here it is! My strategy that worked against Grass-type Gym Leader Flora. Before I start, here are teams: My team: Pyroar lvl 65 Incineroar lvl 65 Shiny Dodrio lvl 65 Alolan Muk lvl 65 Primarina (only for surf to get to the battlefield) lvl 65 And my lifesaving support, Mr. Mime lvl 61 Flora's team: Torterra lvl 67 Ludicolo lvl 66 Ferrothorn lvl 67 Vileplume lvl 66 Shiinotic lvl 67 Shiny Mega Venusaur lvl 70 Yes, I am playing on Intense. Now you could ask 'What do you mean by lifesaving support?' Let me explain! Bewitched Woods was super annoying field, along with rain, which put my Fire-types in disadvantage. Plus Magical Seeds on 2 of her pokemon, which on field gave the Sp. Def boost and Ingrain effect, made me so annoyed. Before my win, I lost 14 times to her due to field effect, or rain, so I looked at the note to see how change terrain, and it was only 5 moves that could change it to Forest Area: Purify, Healing Wish, Floral Healing, Seed Flare and Safeguard. My only real option was to find a mon with Safeguard, and I had 2 candidates: Mr. Mime and my Altaria. Buuuuut the thing was, Altaria learned Safeguard at lvl 9, and I had only 30 Reverse Candies, she was lvl 65 so... yah. However, Mr. Mime learned Safeguard at 50, so I just had to train Mime. Jr from 15 to like 60, which I did... along with 7 other mons for my 14 loses. Okay, here is battle went! I open with Mr. Mime against Torterra, knowing that I am faster, and went for Safeguard, changing terrain to Forest Field. I was dead from one Earthquake, but Flora went for Stealth Rock for no reason, which gave me a free Light Screen for 8 turns (thank you Light Clay), before going down. I choose Vanilluxe and pray for Ice Beam to 1 shot. I know, why pray since Torterra had 4x weakness? Stupid. Yache. Berrry. Reduces super-effective Ice-type moves. Thing was, Bewitched Woods field boosted Beam-type moves by 1.3x, so before that it was clean 1-shot. HOWEVER, instead of Ice Beam, I used Hail to get rid of rain. My luck at this battle was insane, because not only Torterra missed Rock Slide, I got a crit Ice Beam for kill. Her second mon, Ludicolo. Without rain, it didn't have benefit of Swift Swim, but still could kill. I went for Mirror Coat, living his crit Focus Blast with 4 hp, killing it in process. 3rd mon, Ferrothorn. I swap to Pyroar, knowing that Magical Seed isn't procing on Forest Field, so no Sp. Def buff for you buddy. 1 shot with Flamethrower, same with her 4th mon Vileplume. 5th mon, another seed user, Shiinotic. On Bewitched Woods, Poison moves weren't super-effective against Grass and Fairy-types, but since I swapped terrains, I 1 shot it with Muk's Poison Jab after tanking a Moonblast. Last mon, Mega Venusaur... oh boy. Here is when table turned, because Muk got killed with crit Uproot. It's her special move that lowers Sp. Def by 2 stages. I swapped to Incineroar, but I had -Speed nature, so I got outspeed and killed with Sludge Bomb and Stealth Rock. Now it was harsh. Vanilluxe dies from SR, so no point. I sent out Primarina to heal Vanilluxe, as it got 1 shot with Uproot. Now I went for Dodrio, but I didn't go for Drill Peck, instead used Endeavor, bringing it to about 40% of hp, before going down to Sludge Bomb. Vanilluxe again, I connect Ice Beam, bringing it to red hp, she goes for Full Restore as I go for another IB, before going down I set it on fire with Will-of Wisp. Final fight, Pyroar and Venusaur. Flamethrower and burn bring it to literally 1 hp, but so does she with Sludge Bomb, and I get poisoned. I had 0 healing items or Revives, so Full Restore from her meant 15th loss, but she got greedy! I kill Venusaur with Hyper Voice, winning the match after 4 hours of grinding mons, thinking in strategies and losing. That was my strategy against Intense Flora fight, thank you for reading! @FairFamily @LemonJones
  21. My strategy for Puppets is to Taunt Bronzong with my Pangoro... and somehow go through it
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