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Bok Choi

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Everything posted by Bok Choi

  1. The Prince could feel it. it was over. There was no saving the ball now. All he could do was save himself. He was ready to make his escape, standing near a trapdoor. The remaining five party guests gathered, including the mysterious figure in the hood. Two of them immediately pointed their fingers towards that figure, but the Prince knew better. She was the one that has been helping him. "Guards, take-" But before The Prince could finish his sentence, one of the guests drives a blade into her side, and she collapses to the ground. His head catches fire. A second one removes her mask, revealing an older woman with a glare of steel. "Oh come on, Mister not-so-Charming," The man with the fire for hair laughs. "You really thought you could defeat me? Hades? Your kingdom is MINE!" The remaining guest removes her mask, revealing a beautiful woman with blonde hair. "W-What do we do?" She clings to the Prince, scared. "We leave," he whispers. Grabbing her hand, he pulls her through a door in the wall, and before Hades has time to react, the Prince and the girl are running through the forest. "What's your name?," The Prince asks. "I should get to know someone as resilient as you if we're to build a new kingdom". "I'm Aurora, my Prince". She smiles, relieved. They run. And the Castle is swallowed by darkness. Bean was lynched, he was Belle The Party Crashers (Mafia) have won! Caimie was Hades and L'Belle was the Evil Queen Kiet has won using Drago! Kiet was Prince Charming, Drago was Aurora. Role, item, and action details are all on the discord! MVP goes to Kiet for perfectly manipulating a win even though his beloved Cinderella had been lynched. MVP also goes to Caimie because literally nobody thought she was mafia. 1. DigitalAmber [Doctor Facilier, killed night 2] 2. Newt [Hercules, killed night 2] 3. Walpurgis [The Fates, killed night 0] 4. Nano [Mulan, killed night 3] 5. L'Belle [The Evil Queen, won day 4!] 6. Alaris [Pocohantas, killed night 1] 7. Candy [Mother Gothel, killed night 0] 8. Lykoshand [Snow White, killed night 3] 9. Purplecicada [Elsa, killed night 1] 10. Crimsondragon21 [Prince Charming, won day 4!] 11. Hooky [Belle, lynched day 4] 12. Jace Stormkirk [Cinderella, lynched day 2] 13. Bazaro [Anna, lynched day 1] 14. GenEric [Ariel, lynched day 3] 15. Andracass [Rapunzel, lynched day 3] 16. Dragoknight [Aurora, won (sort of but not really) with the Prince day 4] 17. Caimie [Hades, won day 4] 18. Seal [Moana, Lynched day 3] Thanks for playing! I hope y'all had fun!
  2. In the midst of the jig, the Prince suddenly notices the drop in numbers. In fact, there are less people than there were leaving the vote earlier... Scratching his head, the Prince excuses himself from the dance, going to look for some of the missing guests. As he turns a hallway corner, he gasps. Two bodies are splayed out. One clutches a sword, stained with blood. The other suffered a stab wound, lying not too far away. That's it. He's ending this. Now. In his room, he grabs a small box of gifts. He was going to save it for the end of the party but... Now is the time. As he walks back towards the ballroom, gifts in his hands, the same figure from the times before runs by him, shoving a note into his hands. "Wait! Who are you?" He calls out. They don't answer, instead darting around a corner. Lykoshand has died. He was Snow White Nano4 has died. He was Mulan The Prince is giving out gifts! - A pair of light blue gloves - A seashell necklace - Midnicampum holicithias Hades' information has been revealed! Any and all night kills against you will fail. The first lynch (only the first) against you will also fail, but it will then weaken you, leaving you vulnerable to kills of any type afterwards. Visits from Hercules will also immediately weaken you, leaving you vulnerable. Day 4 now begins... 1. DigitalAmber [Doctor Facilier, killed night 2] 2. Newt [Hercules, killed night 2] 3. Walpurgis [The Fates, killed night 0] 4. Nano [Mulan, killed night 3] 5. L'Belle 6. Alaris [Pocohantas, killed night 1] 7. Candy [Mother Gothel, killed night 0] 8. Lykoshand [Snow White, killed night 3] 9. Purplecicada [Elsa, killed night 1] 10. Crimsondragon21 11. Hooky 12. Jace Stormkirk [Cinderella, lynched day 2] 13. Bazaro [Anna, lynched day 1] 14. GenEric [Ariel, lynched day 3] 15. Andracass [Rapunzel, lynched day 3] 16. Dragoknight 17. Caimie 18. Seal [Moana, Lynched day 3]
  3. The guests snap at each other, each wanting to find these murderers before they themselves are killed. The Prince grumbles, discontent with the ball. All the meanwhile, the guests munch on their snacks from the night before. Tallying up the votes, suspicion begins to fall equally between three people The Prince doesn't care. Giving the order, all three are dragged to the dungeon. Hair drags, a girl protests, and oar drops Thinking the party was safe once again, the guests headed back into the ballroom, this time greeted with a lively jig. The Prince sighs. What's going to happen now...? Seal was thrown in the dungeon! He was Moana Eric was thrown in the dungeon! He was Ariel Andracass was thrown in the dungeon! She was Rapunzel Night 3 now begins... 1. DigitalAmber [Doctor Facilier, killed night 2] 2. Newt [Hercules, killed night 2] 3. Walpurgis [The Fates, killed night 0] 4. Nano 5. L'Belle 6. Alaris [Pocohantas, killed night 1] 7. Candy [Mother Gothel, killed night 0] 8. Lykoshand 9. Purplecicada [Elsa, killed night 1] 10. Crimsondragon21 11. Hooky 12. Jace Stormkirk [Cinderella, lynched day 2] 13. Bazaro [Anna, lynched day 1] 14. GenEric [Ariel, lynched day 3] 15. Andracass [Rapunzel, lynched day 3] 16. Dragoknight 17. Caimie 18. Seal [Moana, Lynched day 3]
  4. 12 maybe 13 hour left vote count Andracass: 1 Drago: 1 Lykoshand: 1 Nano: 1 Seal 2 Remember to discuss and vote!!! Missing posts from @Caimie and like half the votes grrr
  5. All the remaining guests mingle, ordering food, chatting happily The Prince grumbles, trying to figure out a way to open the palace gates. There has to be a way to save this ball. Voices mumble, dishes jingle with cutlery, a rush of water. Then, a fight breaks out at the side of the room. As the prince looks over, people are embroiled in a brawl. Fire flies, a table is thrown, knives are hurled. It was the biggest display of power the Prince had ever seen. But he couldn't get a clear view... All the smoke, chaos, and people running back and forth were obscuring his vision. As quickly as it began however, the fight was over, the assailants disappearing into the crowd. On the floor lay two people. One was a large muscular figure, his mask shattered on the floor. The other was a thin, wiry person, his purple hat crumpled, his charms scattered, and a knife in his back. And before the Prince could calm down the people in the ballroom, another note is shoved into his hand. DigitalAmber is dead. He was Doctor Facilier Newt is dead. He was Hercules The Evil Queen's information has been revealed! Each night, you may visit a player, giving them a poison apple and silencing them, preventing them from speaking during the next day. This will fail on Snow White. Day 3 now begins... 1. DigitalAmber [Doctor Facilier, killed night 2] 2. Newt [Hercules, killed night 2] 3. Walpurgis [The Fates, killed night 0] 4. Nano 5. L'Belle 6. Alaris [Pocohantas, killed night 1] 7. Candy [Mother Gothel, killed night 0] 8. Lykoshand 9. Purplecicada [Elsa, killed night 1] 10. Crimsondragon21 11. Hooky 12. Jace Stormkirk [Cinderella, lynched day 2] 13. Bazaro [Anna, lynched day 1] 14. GenEric 15. Andracass 16. Dragoknight 17. Caimie 18. Seal
  6. As the deliberations wind down, the Prince tallies up the votes, shocked. It can't be. He protests with everything he can think of. But unfortunately, the votes are just enough. She takes off her mask. "My Prince... no... This is all wrong..." "I'm sorry," He takes her face in his hands, looking into her eyes. "I'll fix this. I'll fix this if it's the last thing I do". He kisses her, maybe for the last time. She's taken to the dungeon, sobbing while the Prince runs his hands through his hair. How could this happen? Despite the Prince's declining mental health however, the guests insisted the party go on. "For sure any bad guys have been caught now!" They insist. The Prince wonders why they insist like so. Some probably for more sinister reasons than others... The Prince once again invites the guests back into the ballroom, where small tables have been set up, and servers are walking around with trays of food. He only hopes this party ends soon. One way or another. Jace Stormkirk was thrown in the dungeon. He was Cinderella. @DigitalAmber and @Newt recieve a warning for not voting and/or not posting~ Night 2 now begins... The Feast will now begin! Alongside your night action(s), please send in which of the following items of food you would like to order. You may only order up to one piece of food, and effects of food will not be revealed until you order it. You may use items of food tonight if you would like. The menu is in the spoiler tag. 1. DigitalAmber 2. Newt 3. Walpurgis [The Fates, killed night 0] 4. Nano 5. L'Belle 6. Alaris [Pocohantas, killed night 1] 7. Candy [Mother Gothel, killed night 0] 8. Lykoshand 9. Purplecicada [Elsa, killed night 1] 10. Crimsondragon21 11. Hooky 12. Jace Stormkirk [Cinderella, lynched day 2] 13. Bazaro [Anna, lynched day 1] 14. GenEric 15. Andracass 16. Dragoknight 17. Caimie 18. Seal
  7. 14 hours left, here are the votes as of right now Drago: 1 Jace: 3 Lykos: 1 Eric: 2 Andracass: 1 Remember those of you that don't post and vote will get a warning. Based on how many people are alive, there should be more votes when the phase changes... Oh, and good luck everyone~
  8. As the waltz plays, and everyone dances, the stars of the show, the princesses, circle the floor in their dazzling dresses. The Prince dances from person to person, looking for the girl he loves. animals scurry, feet move completely in sync. Ice flies, hair glows. And a guest, in the middle of the dance floor, collapses to the ground, a dagger in her back. Small woodland creatures gather around her, concerned Before anyone can scream, another guest collapses to the floor, her shimmering blue dress sprawling out below her. This is a nightmare. The Prince, ever diligent, examines the bodies, taking off their masks. Thank goodness, the Prince thinks. Neither body is the girl he's looking for. As he stands up, about to call everyone to gather once again, a figure darts by shoving a note into his hands. Opening it, he finds some important information... Alaris has died, he was Pocahontas Nicki has died, she was Elsa Doctor Facilier's information has been revealed! Each night, you can temporarily change the appearance of another player, making them appear like a specific Villain, or making another Villain appear as a specific Town role. This will affect alignment and role investigations, and if the targeted person dies that night, they will appear in death as who you changed them into. You CANNOT target the same person as your factional kill, and you will not learn anything from these visits. To use this, tell me [turn ‘player name’ into ‘role name’]. This lasts only for that night. Day 2 now begins... 1. DigitalAmber 2. Newt 3. Walpurgis [The Fates, killed night 0] 4. Nano 5. L'Belle 6. Alaris [Pocohantas, killed night 1] 7. Candy [Mother Gothel, killed night 0] 8. Lykoshand 9. Purplecicada [Elsa, killed night 1] 10. Crimsondragon21 11. Hooky 12. Jace Stormkirk 13. Bazaro [Anna, lynched day 1] 14. GenEric 15. Andracass 16. Dragoknight 17. Caimie 18. Seal
  9. To try to solve this mystery, the Prince gathered everyone that was in the ballroom at the time to deliberate. The guests, however, were reluctant to decide. Why throw someone in the dungeon when those two weren't even invited? Serves them right for sneaking in. slowly, suspicion began to rise equally between them, everyone pointing fingers at each other. They were at an impasse. It seemed as though three of the guests were to be thrown into the cellar. Without warning, a voice raises, one that had seldom spoken, making the deciding vote. As the accused is dragged off, she protests with all her might. "Wait, you've got this all wrong! You can't do this to me! Sister! Convince them! I only made one little mistake!" But Princess Elsa of Arendelle could say nothing that would save her sister. With that out of the way, the Prince decided the ball must go on, and everyone agreed. The lights dim. And the ballroom fills with song and dance once again. Bazaro was thrown into the dungeon. He was Anna Night 1 is now underway... Send in your actions 1. DigitalAmber 2. Newt 3. Walpurgis [The Fates, killed night 0] 4. Nano 5. L'Belle 6. Alaris 7. Candy [Mother Gothel, killed night 0] 8. Lykoshand 9. Purplecicada 10. Crimsondragon21 11. Hooky 12. Jace Stormkirk 13. Bazaro [Anna, lynched day 1] 14. GenEric 15. Andracass 16. Dragoknight 17. Caimie 18. Seal
  10. Phase change in roughly 15 hours Vote totals are as follows: Bazaro: 2 votes Alaris: 2 votes 12 out of 16 of you haven't voted, so do that Some of you haven't even posted, you know who you are. In the event of a tie, all in the tie will be lynched. Vote carefully.
  11. Sounds echo in the small amount of time the ballroom is quiet. Pattering of feet. Nervous whispers. A scream. The lights flicker back on. The doorman yells from the front of the room. The door is locked. And immediately, the Prince sees something he never once would imagine would happen at his ball. On one end of the room, a middle aged woman lays dead, her mask lying at her feet On the other end of the ballroom, three cloaks lie at the ground without a body, only a single eyeball and three masks as evidence they were ever there. The Prince stumbles backwards. These people weren't on the guest list! How many more had snuck into his ball? Candy has died. She was Mother Gothel Walpurgis has died. She was The Fates Day 1 now begins. 1. DigitalAmber 2. Newt 3. Walpurgis [The Fates, killed night 0] 4. Nano 5. L'Belle 6. Alaris 7. Candy [Mother Gothel, killed night 0] 8. Lykoshand 9. Purplecicada 10. Crimsondragon21 11. Hooky 12. Jace Stormkirk 13. Bazaro 14. GenEric 15. Andracass 16. Dragoknight 17. Caimie 18. Seal
  12. Prince Charming slips on his mask, walking into the bustling ballroom. It was time. “Tonight,” he thinks, “I will find the girl of my dreams and marry her”. A girl in a magical dress slips quietly in through a side door. “Tonight,” she dreams, “is the one night I will dance with my Prince”. Three witches whisper, in disguise at the back of the room. “Tonight,” they cackle, “souls are ripe for the picking”. “Tonight,” sighs another guest, “I will dance with my own two feet”. “Tonight I am free of my tower”. “Tonight I will explore this new world”. Finally, a malevolent god walks through the back door “Tonight,” he laughs, his minions rising up behind him. “We will finally get revenge”. And as the Prince is about to approach the girl he’s been looking for, the ballroom is plunged into darkness. Night 0 has now begun. Send in your night actions Our Guest list: 1. DigitalAmber 2. Newt 3. Walpurgis 4. Nano 5. L'Belle 6. Alaris 7. Candy 8. Lykoshand 9. Purplecicada 10. Crimsondragon21 11. Hooky 12. Jace Stormkirk 13. Bazaro 14. GenEric 15. Andracass 16. Dragoknight 17. Caimie 18. Seal
  13. There are no maf princesses If you want to be maf you have to give up your lifelong dream
  14. It’s time for the Prince's annual ball. After all these years, it seems he has yet to find the girl that keeps getting away, every single year. This time however, he's gone far and wide, inviting guests from around the world and across time and space in his quest for true love. He's so dedicated, in fact, that this time, the prince has asked all guests to don masks, as he has no doubt he’ll pick out the same girl, and marry her. But when the door closes and locks behind the final guest, vying for his love is going to be the least of the princess's problems. For their enemies are coming for them, and they aren't going to let something as trivial as a royal ball get in their way. Mafia? Sounds sketchy, what is it? (Credits to Dive) Roles and Factions? Wait but uhhh where are those descriptions?? Any other special things about this game? The party will begin as soon as all our 18 participants arrive~ 1. DigitalAmber 2. Newt 3. Walpurgis 4. Nano 5. L'Belle 6. Alaris 7. Candy 8. Lykoshand 9. Purplecicada 10. Crimsondragon21 11. Hooky 12. Jace Stormkirk 13. Bazaro 14. GenEric 15. Andracass 16. Dragoknight 17. Caimie 18. Seal .
  15. Oof I didn't realize this game had seriously resumed xD The Ali theory was pretty good, but guess we were wrong I don't like how Nano said if Alaris was Mad, Cass has to be mad too, and then after Alaris was mad killed, continued to vote Cass anyways. (Alaris is town right? I don't think the post at the beginning of the day specified?) Pressure vote for now, but I'll change it if anyone has a better idea [eliminate] Nano Jace, I'd suggest pinging everyone directly on the forums, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who thought the game had just died and isn't coming back
  16. #blameAli u succ JK we luv you Ali This was a really fun game! I'm pretty sure Bean knew I was maf from like day 3 ish xD
  17. But Bean didn't even present an argument except I'm surrounded by greens?? Oh well guess I'm dead rip
  18. Ok cool, I didn't notice that (what Astra pointed out in regards to Eric). I was hesitant to trust Ali at first and didn't consider his statements at the end of the day, but in retrospect, he probably didn't have much reason to lie. On that idea, Jace probably has to be innocent. [Unvote] Jace [Eliminate] Bean
  19. Erm what's the reason y'all have for voting me? This feels a little sketch, especially from Jace, who usually tries to explain at least a little why he votes people I'll leave this vote here unless someone has a better idea [eliminate] Jace @Astra125 and @Seal Do you guys have anything to say at all?
  20. Rip Amine There should only be one Mafia member left alive, between me, Bean, Jace, Seal, and Astra. The biggest question right now is Jace, and whether or not he was working together with L'Belle as maf or as town. Personally, I townlean him as if you check the discord, L'Belle has a special role that says "dead nautile". Bean has been wanting me dead for a while and I don't know why. An explanation would be nice. I'm more sure of Astra's innocence than Seal's innocence, because Astra's efforts to keep Ali alive, although a little weird, doesn't feel like something the final maf member would do. Thoughts? My vote will likely be between Bean and Jace, but that depends on if Bean gives a reason for voting me
  21. I've been thinking - would the existence of a mastermind - type role explain some of the weirdness happening this game? (Remember there still seems to be a third party hiding somewhere) It definitely explains why Eric was suddenly bussed when they were on the verge of winning, as well as why Caimie and/or L'Belle suddenly died, because of their effort to maybe root out the traitor in their midst. In fact, if this is true, it could be that Jace and Ali are turning on each other, one of them being the third party that has been carrying out the extra kills. But that's just kind of a theory, and I don't have a lot of evidence other than some conversations and conflicting information in the private chats with various people. I do believe that if you ignore my theory, this can look like one of two things A) A hail-Mary from Jace, trying to keep himself from being lynched - Personally, I don't think this is the case. Jace was never really on anybody's radar, and I don't think he would suddenly call attention to himself like this in a way that looks so obviously scummy. B) L'Belle/Jace is playing us, to either draw attention away from people we had our eye on before, or attempt to secure Ali's innocence - This is much more likely IMO, the problem here is that we don't know for sure who's the one that's being played, and we most definitely don't know who's the one trying to be protected. I guess TL;DR in this situation, there are too many variables here, and it seems to me in this situation that Ali is just as suspicious as Jace is. I don't believe my vote will make much difference at this point so I'm going to listen to my gut, which has been working pretty well for once owo. [eliminate] Alistair Also just realized this, but if Jace is telling the truth, why would L'Belle tell him something like that unless L'Belle KNEW he was about to die? Just something to think about if Jace flips town. If I'm wrong, feel free to kill me.
  22. Yay? I have no clue how this happened, but a welcome surprise nonetheless? I can only assume this is because of the third party? Are the mafia turning on each other? Are vigilante roles finally in play? If anyone has answers to these questions, now would be a good time Mafia had been doing really well, I wonder what caused them to suddenly bus Eric as they were on the verge of winning
  23. This feels a little bit like grabbing at straws but Eric did vote for Nano last phase and Kiet the phase before And lo and behold Kiet ends up dead that night. On top of him being silent, and only contributing a "Bean is a meanie" in a win or lose situation makes me think hes not too keen into adding to many of the points I and the others have brought up. Hopefully Eric is maf, or else gg maf, you played well [Eliminate] Eric
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