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Bok Choi

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Everything posted by Bok Choi

  1. This ain't good guys 11 players left means there are 5 mafia peeps to kill here, and at this moment it's difficult to see who it is Let's start with voting patterns. There have only been two lynches, hardly enough to establish solid information, but it can't hurt to list it out Voted for Nano last day: Everyone except Bean, Ali (who changed close to the end) and I. Of the people still alive, that includes L'Belle, Eric, Caimie, Amine and Astra. Jace, purps, and Seal didn't vote. Someone correct me if I'm wrong pls. Votes on day one: Nobody died, but I'll list voting values anyways. Three on Kiet, three on Newt, and three on Jace, two of which we now know are town members. Although some of votes are chalked up to create a tie, the voting really didn't pick up until people started talking about saving Jace, who - guess what - is the only one of the three who isn't yet dead. I'm gonna be honest, I'm not sure what to make of this. On the other hand, Jace hasn't voted for a single person this whole game, which throws off my suspicions On a different note, Ali changed his vote before the phase change last day even though it wouldn't do anything, and I can't help but think that was to try to throw people off. Thoughts? Hopefully someone who isn't maf can make sense of some of this, cuz I really don't know.
  2. A lot of games here are purposefully different than town of salem. Often there are roles that have been altered and changed to spice things up, meaning that nearly every game here will be different and unique. Claiming your role is also usually not done unless you have very important information to share, because it then puts a target on your back. Claiming for the sake of claiming often just makes you more suspicious. My gut tells me Nano isn't lying, he's just used to playing on Town of Salem and isn't used to the play style of the forum games, as such I'm going to put my vote onto Bean, unless he tells me why he thinks I should die. But y'all know how often my gut is wrong so we'll see. [eliminate] Bean I also don't like how quickly the votes piled on Nano. If Nano ends up being town, I wouldn't be surprised if some or most of those votes end up being opportunistic maf.
  3. Nononono Kiet The strongest member of the Power Rangers is me Obviously I don't really know why Bean is voting me, but I don't love how Nano voted Bean back, demanding his role. Nano is kinda new and might not really be used to bean's randomness yet though, so I'll let that slide. The other thing is Kiet seemed obviously town and Lykos was barely talked about so not a lot to look at about them from the previous day either. We really gotta get rid of this third party, whoever they are, or they'll only add to the maf kills that go on every night. The voting patterns from last day are also fairly random (admittedly partially mine and Kiet's faults xD). The only thing that might make me raise some eyebrows are the two votes in quick succession onto Newt by both Amine and Nano, but imo that's still kind of a stretch nonetheless. Nano, you're revealing a lot without really revealing much at all. You say you're evolving to kill more things? But what does that mean? Could you be the third party that's causing the extra deaths at night? My vote will come later, I want to see what other's input into this is, anyone have any insights?
  4. No u stop it You're the one posting after me xD [eliminate] Amber
  5. Ok good that's what I thought, I got kinda confused by the wording there Also Kiet please you messed up the three way tie [unvote] Amber
  6. But Newt typically plays aggressively anyways Sorry I haven't posted, I've just been a little lazy Alaris is pretty obviously hinting there are third parties running around that aren't aligned with us or the maf. I heavily doubt a town aligned vigilante a) exists yet because we're all single celled organisms, and b) would risk taking a shot on night zero and risk hitting a town member (Unless they're bean maybe?), which is why I'm more inclined to lean towards Cass's death being because of a third party. The other stuff regarding the deaths last night has been covered at this point. I find Jace kind of suspicious in that if he had nothing of value to add, why not just *not* post until you have something to add? It being a short (and his only) post however, I think it's too soon to be voting him off just because of that. 2 votes for Newt, 2 votes for Jace, let's make this even. [eliminate] Amber Now there are two on Amber as well *oddly satisfying* I also want to clarify one thing Alaris You said "The format of the votes is: [Eliminate] Player name and [Unvote] Player name. Please remember that it won't count unless they're in bold. You must post at least twice in this thread. You can also use the private chats you created last night". That doesn't mean people are able to vote in the private chats, right?
  7. Couldn't you have started with that Bean??? Then we would've had something to talk about. If Bean is being truthful, it's concerning to me how quickly Amine decided to trust him, agree, and tack his vote on top. Perhaps he's trying to ensure the safety of a maf member while getting rid of a cult member. Well we'll know by tomorrow whether or not Bean and Amine are trustworthy, and this looks like a straightforward way to sort this out. [eliminate] Seal Sorry in advance if you're town, Seal, but if you are, at least we know who we can't trust.
  8. Perhaps a way to get around random visits is that Jace's gift giving is not a visiting action at all? I do agree however that it's strange Jace did not know/share these details about his role from the start. I was wondering what Cass thinks, she usually has some pretty good insights and hasn't said anything this phase. It also would be nice to hear why Bean is voting Jace? I don't know why Amine thinks Bean is trustworthy when he's done nothing to make me believe so. My vote is gonna remain tentatively between Bean and Amine, but there are still people who haven't spoken, and they are seeming more and more to me like they don't want to discuss. For instance @purplecicada you didn't even address Drak's suspicions of you? In fact you haven't really addressed anything at all today. I also want to add that it's possible we've lost more than 4 town members at this point, remember there is a cultist running around. We could've lost up to 6 people by now if the cultist can cult someone each night.
  9. The reason I called it a bandwagon and didn't feel the need to explain why I thought others were more suspicious were for a couple reasons. First, it occurred to me that other people had brought up numerous good points against Amine and Amber, and absolutely no points against Seal, despite the fact that in that moment, with Amber's vote on him, Seal had the most votes on him. I also agreed with, and felt that the points against Amine and Bean (being unhelpful, pointless recapping of points, being random, etc.) had already been well addressed, and didn't feel the need to bring them up again. Third, I was going to take my vote off Amber, but changed my mind because of his sudden vote change onto purps after taking it off seal. From what I've seen of other games, quickly changing votes is not something Amber usually does, which only added to my suspicions stated in the post where I voted for him. I hope this clears up why I did what I did. That being said, I want to hear Amine's thoughts, as he's been oddly silent throughout the discussion about him.
  10. Let's kill @CrimsonDragon21night one for the lulz
  11. Erm is it just me or does it seem like people are bandwagoning seal for much less suspicious behaviour than someone like Amine or Amber or Bean? *Skeptical Bok face* @Jace Stormkirkok then that makes more sense, I thought you know what you're giving out, sorry xD I didn't suspect Amber much at first but I don't like how he jumped into voting seal with nothing more than "I don't want to die so I hope you are mafia," which raises alarm bells for me. If you really are town, explain why we should think so, and give your thoughts on whether the people voting you are or aren't. Also you sound uncertain in your post, both when you hope that Seal is maf and when you say "hmmm personally lynching me means a town death". I could be wrong, but it's just off to me. [Eliminate] Amber
  12. I mean It's Bean Are you guys actually trying to understand Bean's logic? xD We still have a day, and right now I think one thing jumps out at me. Assuming that Jace is telling the truth, the way he worded his explanations of his abilities, the bomb and what he thinks happened makes me think the person who received the bomb is not the one who died. We don't have any way of knowing whether or not the bomb has been used or not, as per what Cass said. Assuming that the person who got Jace's bomb knows that they got it and whether or not it's been used, that person has a few courses of action. 1. If the bomb is unused, tell everyone. Even though this tips off the Mafia and Cultist as someone they can't touch, this also prevents any unsuspecting people on our team from visiting them and getting killed, essentially guaranteeing that person's safety. Of course, we could run into the problem of false claims, but Jace can easily confirm who's telling the truth. 2. If the bomb is unused, stay silent, hoping that some maf or cultist runs into them before a town member does. Personally, I don't think this option is a good idea unless the person who has the bomb is a cultist or a maf member. 3. The bomb was used, tell everyone. This will probably clear up any confusion about the deaths last night and how that happened, but I'm unsure if it will get us any closer to rooting out anybody who's not on the side of the town. 4. If the bomb was used, stay silent about it, which is what's happening right now. We're not learning much of anything at all right now, and if this continues, we're going to have to vote based on some very superficial evidence. Hopefully my reasoning here is sound, feel free to add your thoughts. That being said, I have a question for @Jace Stormkirk, Does the person you're giving gifts to know that they get it? They probably do, right? Also I want to clarify that the person you gave the bomb to is not the one who died, right?
  13. A granny role is also possible imo, considering Ali has to visit someone (I think) to send it. Oldbags fits that role well. Regardless, we need to see if anybody got Ali's message last night
  14. I think this chapter turned out really fun ^_^ This music is really fun too Fox McCloud: Guardians I have enough pieces. I don’t need you anymore. You are missing some pieces. You will fail. I will no- If you’re missing some limbs, what will happen, I wonder? You bleed. You bleed until the waters run red, and creatures of the land are living off your blood. Next Time: Luigi and Yoshi
  15. I started this when Ultimate was announced and now it's out?? How time flies some spacey tunes Luigi: Accession You have done it, Callie! You stole it! Just as you asked. What’ll you do with it? Rosalina’s power will help us win. Meanwhile, you have another-nother job. With Magolor? No. Just a teensy weeny different thing. …? I need you to steal a crystal ball.
  16. Feel free to tell me if my taste in music is terrible Listen to this! Waddle Dee: The Suit of Power … Samus failed. She what? She couldn’t get the crystal ball you wanted. Ohohoho. Your turn. No. I’m done helping you. If you want it so badly, get it yourself.
  17. Life has been busy, but here I am! Btw, you guys seemed interested in thematic music, so from this chapter onwards, I'll share what was playing in my head as I was writing and editing it. Who knows, I may retroactively add some to older chapters as a little bonus. For instance this Peach: Fragmented You’re done for! Give. It. To. Me. Never. You can kill me, but I will n- It’s over here. Zelda! W-Why? I’m sorry. Spare our lives and I’ll hand it over. All three pieces. No... … Thank you, Princess. I knew you’d come to see th- Hee hee~ Where’d they go?!?
  18. I'll give you some time to soak it in Intermission the Second: Promises Made... Nice to finally meet you, Magolor. The great Lana. You know what I’m here for. And to get it, you’ll have to get past me.
  19. "Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten". - Lilo and Stitch Link: Betrayal We have visitors, Princess. Again? They’re not friendly this time. And we know what they’re here for. … I can’t take another fight. Is everyone else here okay? They can take care of th- The door! … … … Bring it on, assholes.
  20. This is going to be important for a long time onwards Waddle Dee: End of Day … What is this? Star Dream. I’ll finally be able to avenge my family, my *life*. Keep in minding the goal, Magolor. I don’t give a crap about your goal. You promised me revenge. HeeeEE heEE HEEee… heh. I did, did I not? But only if you follow *exactly* my instructions.
  21. I forgot this existed I agree with Alaris. Since Ali has opted out, nobody is replacing him, and he isn't being modkilled, moving to lynch Ali would probably get the game moving before it dies. If people agree, vote
  22. This is the longest chapter yet *sweats* some music Fox McCloud: Primal Unbound … No more tries. No more second chances. I-I’m sorry! I’ll do better! No more mistakes! All your mistakes have caused nothing but chaos. I’ll try harder! I’ll make you proud! No. I have to keep order. And I'm the only one who can do it.
  23. @Jason Grace Methinks you missed that Drago also added a second vote onto Amber
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