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Bok Choi

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Everything posted by Bok Choi

  1. Idk I guess you're just a trustworthy person, Evi. Nevermind the fact I didn't notice until just now. Lykos what do you mean it's funny? I was just torn between voting Bean or Corso and asked what you think. Granted, I made a whole load of mistakes and misreads, Lia, but I'm trying my best T_T I've looked back at previous votes, and IMO Corso's votes seems a lot more maf leaning than Bean's votes. I second the request for the cop to share potential info. Hopefully you can shed some light on things. [Eliminate] Corso
  2. Ooof it looks like it's five town against 2 maf now, and I really don't know what to do. Most suspicious seems to be Bean and Corso, but Amine seems concerning quiet. What do y'all think? Mayor Evi, guide us to victory pls
  3. Is nobody scared we're lynching two towns? Im even less sure about Corso than I am about Paul, so why are we taking this chance when the cop is still alive and their identity is still hidden? Couldn't they check Corso tonight so we can be sure?
  4. Cass's plan seems solid. The Vig and the maf are the only ones who know the truth, so if Nick is lying, shoot him at night. [Unvote] Nick [Vote] Paul
  5. Nick you are avoiding my points, and you're looking really suspicious rn. [Eliminate] Nick You haven't explained yourself as you so claim, and there are a LOT of holes in your roleclaim. Answer two questions if you will: 1. Why did you not help town by claiming earlier? 2. How do you explain Dive's behaviour when he aggressively went after Nicki who - according to you - were on the same team.
  6. Ok, I sense something fishy going on, for a couple reasons, and Nick is dropping fast on my list with that claim. If I understood correctly with all the hints you've been dropping, you are claiming Sayaka (the vanilla role) and are thus claiming Dive is Junko. 1. Why wait until now to counterclaim? You could have done this much earlier and it would have been much more believable. It's not like Sayaka is a priority role for maf to target. You could have given us info that 'hey, there are less maf around then you actually think' 2. Dive scumhunted really hard, almost singlehandedly eliminating Nicki. If Dive was on the same team as she was, why would he so readily and eagerly bring down Nicki when Venus' initial arguments we're so weak? Another explanation is if you know who the actual Sayaka is, which I don't know how you would know. Pls explain.
  7. What? Where did 'Dive is Junko' come from? I'm thinking there are two possibilities: 1. Junko died and someone who's still alive didn't counterclaim a death. 2. Junko's still alive specifically for the reason that nobody has had to counterclaim a death. Either situation means we wouldn't be able to pinpoint exactly who Junko is yet :thinking:
  8. Well nobody's died yet, so there's nobody to accuse or defend, and thus there's nobody to lynch. And I voted the psychologist because it's more reliable early game. Who knows if the psych/doctor will be alive near the endgame?
  9. Cass, I don't entirely understand why you're suddenly all over Nick today,(unless I missed that you were arguing earlier days?) and Evi's worries are more paranoia than anything because Nick is pretty good at this Mafia thing. Do you know something we don't? This argument would make me suspect you as maf, but we know your role already, so I'm not sure what you're working towards with this argument. In other words, I came to cast my vote, but seeing Paul vote for himself has me going ehhhhhh idk. This is subject to change if a better candidate comes up. [Eliminate] Paul
  10. Okee let's do this [vote] Psychologist [no lynch] for now.
  11. Aw nooo Dive who'll scumhunt successfully nowww? Hey, at least Lia is confirmed town now which is good. Also Nick, I don't understand what you're trying to say by "new targets for possible Junko play".
  12. No, not really any since then. My thoughts haven't really been changed, except that Cass is most likely town at this point. Which is why voting Candy and looking into Lia/Paul is probably the best choice based on the stuff I've seen. I also realized I forgot to put Paul on my list whoops but he goes around scummier than Corso but less suspicious than Lia.
  13. @NickCrash I said this yesterday when I shared my list. To me, Lia voting Nicki and then taking her vote off nearly immediately afterwards made me a little but suspicious. It could just be that she was convinced by Cass's arguments for Nicki, but it just doesn't sit right with me.
  14. There are so many posts to read through DX Bean why? My conclusion is that... I have no conclusion. Everyone is just pointing fingers for the most superficial and baseless reasons, so my vote will just stay where it is.
  15. Nothing's happened really to change my mind much, and Cass's roleclaim is going undisputed so [Eliminate] Candy I would suggest to Kyoko to look at Paul or Lia this night, but up to you.
  16. Nobody has enough info at this point, and I dont feel confident voting anyone yet. But I can't abstain so I guess I'll vote someone nobody's voted yet. [Eliminate] NewtJeff
  17. I liek lists, but this gonna be badly formatted because ow phones. Towniest to Mafia-est Me, Nick, Dive, Lykos, Evi, Jace, Andracass, Corso, Bean, Lia, Candy. So I should explain this. Nick and Dive has especially been pretty active in hunting for mad, so self-explanatory. Lykos and Evi have been less active than Nick and Dive, but nonetheless been contributing. Lykos also just always looks town to me I don't really have a read on Jace or Andracass. On one hand, Cass defended Nicki pretty hard, but her reasons are strong and well explained. Jace not sure about, because he had a weird brief argument with Dive, and abstained, but fell pretty silent later in the day. Corso has been quiet, and he abstained, so maybe he's laying low or just not confident in the decisions being made. Bean is bean, and I've never seen him be Maf, so idk. Lia voting Nicki and then abstaining sets off alarm bells in my head, but it's possible she was just convinced of Nicki's innocence by Cass's arguments. And Candy mainly for reasons already listed above. Hopefully I'm not wrong. Also just a side note now that I think about it: There are more visiting roles that don't kill on the maf side more than the town side now, so statistically speaking, since we know Cass visited the loudmouth without killing them, she's more likely to be Maf than town. I'll cast my vote later in the day since the day just started.
  18. @Lord Drakyle Now that we all know Candy was the other person who visited corso, it's likely that you yourself was roleblocked, right? How are you sure it was the jailer?
  19. I thought this was still in signups oops I would attempt an analysis, but it seems drak has covered everything I had a hunch on. o_O Btw @Lord Drakyle Bean is bean. I think he does this pretty much all the time
  20. Ooooh I love psychology, stuff like this makes me happy heeee @NickCrash What Andracass asked was a leading question. By asking "were you roleblocked", any people who respond to her with yes or no automatically make the assumption that they can and could be roleblocked. It's actually really smart in a social game like this and I smiled a little when I saw her analysis.
  21. Dive, I didn't say you were protecting Knightly. I was trying to say that Jace's argument only made sense if you were protecting Knightly, but I don't think you are because then you wouldn't suggest killing him at night.
  22. Oh jk I'm wrong again, sorry for double post. Alaris is a juror, isn't he. In that case, I don't get your point Jace, the only person Dive could be protecting (and I don't think Dive is trying to protect anyone) is Mr Knightly, who at this point I assume is who he says he is because nobody has counter claimed.
  23. Well I don't think I've seen Nicki last past the first day or two, and I haven't read past games much, so I don't think I can judge accurately. That being said, your arguments are echoed by a lot of people. As I said before, the only thing keeping me from eliminating Nicki is the math. I wouldn't risk mislynching one of us when we can get rid of someone who is for sure not on our side. He's literally asking to be lynched. Also Jace?? If I understood that correctly, what makes you think Dive and Alaris are working together?
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