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Bok Choi

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Everything posted by Bok Choi

  1. If I understand correctly, Fali, if town crier is what I remember, that anonymous temmie message sounds like Amber's claim? I guess that confirms his role but not his alignment (obviously). Alternatively, it could be a maf buddy vouching for Amber? Could be possible but it's hard to know for sure. Also Lia if you're talking about my chummyness to Kiet, I only want to protect my dear Kiet
  2. Why would Amber asking for healing necessarily make it more likely for him to be maf or lying? I think regardless of alignment, you would ask for someone to help if you're heccin bleeding. Well he could be lying about bleeding altogether to tie up the doctor, but there's no easy way to tell that for sure. I guess the doctor needs to make their own judgement on whether or not Amber seems towny enough to be healed. We still have no clue how alignment is looking yet, so I propose looking at the bandwagons that formed (or tried to form) yesterday on the people who were close to being lynched (Regardless on whether or not Bazaro ends up being maf or not) Votes on Baz: Nano, Kiet, Mimi Votes on Nano: Soph, Me, (Almost Drago) Votes on Amine: Lia, Lykos, Nick I'll start breaking down what seems really weird to me and if anyone wants to add or refute feel free to Baz ended being lynched because of Kiet's double weight Mayor vote. That much I think is obvious. What happened in quick succession before the day ended was as follows: Nano takes a vote off of Baz and puts it onto Amine, claiming to save the town?? Idk what he's going on about, if Nano could clarify what he meant that would be nice, except he's dead so. If the day were to end at that point, Amine would be lynched. Kiet puts two votes onto Baz with his mayor-ly vote. At this point, Lia had not voted for any of the three, meaning Amine and Baz would have been tied for votes, and if the day ended at this point, the lynch would be Kiet's decision. Then, Nano takes his vote off of Amine and onto Baz, and the lynch target does not change until Newt locks the thread. Now, whether or not Baz is mafia, Nano's behavior does not make sense at all. He puts the lynch on Amine, then when he sees that it could come to a tie vote, he takes the lynch over to Baz. Now, say Nano did not consider the double vote weight of Mayor Kiet. What he did STILL doesn't make sense because he made the effort to try to get the lynch on Amine, then when Kiet closes in to Baz, he goes over to tie the vote instead? I'm not sure whether I can chalk this up just to him being Nano. The thing is, something about the spread of these votes and the voting chaos of the last hour of the day (other than Nano's behavior) still bugs me, but I'm not sure what yet. If anyone has ideas, please say. Since alignments are not clear at all, I think that there is a good chance that maf may have tried coordinating their votes either to eliminate someone or to frame someone who is town. If Nano WAS maf, perhaps he saw he was being suspected and wanted to pull a frame job on Mimi and Kiet, or Lykos and Nick before he may have been murdered at night? (I exclude Lia since she voted after) Though if it worked, it would have been a pretty weak frame job since alignments don't exist yet. I would also point out if Nano is mafia, chances are that Lia is not and vice versa Also Lia why what did I do :[
  3. Because it's Nano-y behaviour... Maybe. I'll elaborate below. I don't believe Kiet is the cult leader, because I can think of roles much more obvious for him to be. IMO Baz is the most likely to be the cult leader if there is one. I've been thinking on things and looking back at day 1, and there are a lot more votes for Kiet than there are mafia. Hard to say whether mafia had a hand in getting Kiet elected, but the pile-on of votes after the half-way point of the day kinda piques my interest. Especially from Drago or Amber who aren't even part of our glorious alliance. It is also possible that the votes on Ali or Arch (the second most voted peepos) could be mafia trying to get votes for themselves? My question is whether Nano gave Kiet that gun expecting him to die. It's possible he gathered that Kiet would shoot bean, and if he knew both Bean and Kiet are town/not on his team, death of either one works. Yes, this is supposition, but a lack of alignment information means this is probably the best we have to go on. Kiet is a popular early target, and a good player, so - On the Second Day The time ticks away Now I think I will go and [Eliminate] Nano
  4. I am your resident blocker, clocking Kiet N0 as anyone would do. I thought, since nothing happened that night, that I was stumbled onto the right track, but then he died and was revealed as town, which meant that I probably had no bearing on N0. If Kiet was the actress, he would have appeared as himself. I blocked people on following nights too, but it seems to have had no bearing on what happened. I agree that Aldo is still sus to me, but I'm not sure about Drago or Seal. [eliminate] Aldo
  5. Fali jumping on my random vote makes me suspicious. [Unvote] Nano I need to think more on this later which I currently am lacking time to do
  6. Let's lock Nano in that bunker. He can have all the fun he wants in there ifyouknowwhatimean [Eliminate] Nano
  7. Two dead people Nano calm your trigger happy fingers Guide us mayor Kiet
  8. My dear Bean To Kiet, you're mean It cause me pain So I'll [Abstain] Edit: Poetry
  9. I would love to take the time to sit down and write a detailed response and give my reads on every person, but I am not at all available enough to do so. I'll only comment really on what seems to be the big topics of this day, so if lynching and flipping me is the best way forwards, so be it. I dislike how Seal jumped onto your vote Fali. People keep an eye out for him. I would recommend keeping an eye on Aldo. He has much scummier vibes than previous games, not just from his inactivity but also the few times he contributed were either more aggressive or lacked substance. I don't necessarily trust Boat's claim, and Lia also counterclaimed as well, so one those two have to be maf. Flipping one of them should flip the other. Between the two of them, I would rather put the lynch on Boat since in my opinion, Boat is much harder to read. My vote nonetheless will stay on Aldo, since I believe Boat at this point will be lynched either way? I may have miscounted but.
  10. Kiet asked me to give a speech so Elect me. The Asian alliance shall reign supreme. Kiet is tired of being stepped on early in the game. I appeal to you - "They, in their squeaking laugh contemn Us as we walk more low than them. And, from the precipices tall Of the green spires, to us do call". So I am also cultured. Take that.
  11. Mhhh my early gut has been right the last couple games so I won't second-guess and just [Eliminate] Aldo
  12. I am not liking the randomness that sort of seems not random. Voting off the quiet people is a good idea But I'm quiet oops I guess Let's see what happens with today's pattern of votes, shall we? [Eliminate] Arch
  13. "Bok because he voted Kiet" Idk how is that suspicious I do it every game now I was being sarcastic guys my vote wasn't serious xD. And I remembered to change it this time too! Scummy reads go to Aldo for now because of his weird defensiveness against Newt's sarcasm that was probably a lot more sarcastic than mine. I also think Astra is a bit sus, but tbh not a lot to go on there, just a hunch. I don't think Ali was necessarily hinting he was the coach, but we'll see as time goes on. We should also keep an eye on popular targets for the maf kill, and see how long they stay alive. Such as Ali. [Unvote] Kiet [Eliminate] Aldo
  14. Well played Nano. I really did think it was Evi at the end there. Leaving the townie that can't vote alive is something I'm sure you were counting on. That way, worst case scenario, you still have a 50/50 rng chance of winning. I don't see why Newt would turn against you now after you helped him so much so I guess all there's left is for you to push the lynch on me I was hoping you would shoot Evi, since I thought she maf. Apparently she isn't. I can't die at night. I kept that secret in the hopes mafia would target me, but since Nano was so heavily townread, I now see there was no reason for him to attack me when I am much more suspicious than Evi. I also believed if I revealed your kill would fail against me, you would only want to shoot me more. Either way, whether you'd have shot Evi or me, it seems we would still be in this situation. Make the right decision Newt. We have a chance, albeit a slim one
  15. So let me get this straight. As of right now, there are still 2 maf: Fali and one of either me, Evi, or Nano. As of the end of the day, when Fali is lynched, there will be 1 Mafia and 3 town. I'm confident at this point that Nano will be the next maf kill since he's very town-read and also doesn't have a vest like Newt, leaving me, the most sus one next to Evi alive. That means realistically, Newt has a 50/50 chance of shooting the right person and winning the game. I'd tell Newt to shoot Evi, but Evi would tell Newt to shoot me, so really everything's in his hands.
  16. I think Newt is talking about the combinations at the end of the day aka before you killed Aldo
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