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Bok Choi

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Everything posted by Bok Choi

  1. So is Anti a) Protecting Nicki b) giving up c) making me reee *Circles option c*
  2. idk when/if Jelly and Sophiera will ever confirm, so I have a proposition. We'll easily be able to prove both all of these claims by the end of next night provided literally everyone isn't wrong and or lying Suggestion 1: Jelly visits and blocks Ali like Sophiera suggests. - If Ali is indeed the leader of a cult like Soph claims, that ties up a cult leader from Recruiting OR Promoting. (confirmed by baz that drunk DOES block promotions). - If Ali is not, I don't think we'll know immediately, but at worst this turns into an Ali vs. Soph/Jelly war next day phase, and I guess we can deal with that when it comes Suggestion 2: A lynch that will test Nicki's claim - Assuming I counted right, Nicki's vote currently sits on Jelly. I will vote Jelly and ask @cicada to move their vote onto Anti. This serves TWO purposes: - If Nicki is telling the truth about having 2 votes, she should have no problem switching to A-L, ensuring they, the most suspicious character other than her will be lynched and protecting herself. - If Nicki is NOT telling the truth and only has 1 vote, she will have to risk an RNG vote between either her and Anti-Loser, or her and Jelly, and as such will be inclined to switch her vote over to somebody else. (This could possibly also indicate, if either Nicki or Anti-Loser flip cult, that both may be on the same team). - Anti-Loser, one of the biggest concerns of debate atm, will die and flip either cult or innocent, which will be heavily revealing either way. - As such, after my vote, nobody should switch votes between A-L, Nicki, OR Jelly. Assessing Nicki's behavior here is crucial. - If Nicki IS telling the truth, that heavily incriminates Jelly, Soph, AND Nick, who voted her in quick succession. Since I believe you three are trustworthy, I urge you to go along with this plan. pleasepleaseplease let this work, it's late in the phase and oof I hope this has time to play out [Eliminate] Jelly
  3. Lmao my blind eyes didn't see Lykos already suggested this Consider most of my previous post an expansion on what Lykos suggested lmao
  4. I agree with this which is why Ali's description of Nicki was kinda strange. He's doing that thing where he's throwing suspicion on someone while simultaneously defending them Not sure if that's an indication of cult behaviour just yet but it's a point against Ali. Sophiera needs to elaborate before I decide whether to believe that claim or not. Another thing I want to bring up is that unlike what Nick claims, it's totally possible for there to be a cult assassin by N2. (If I misread Nick's claim, correct me) Take this chain of events: N1: The cult leaders promotes either a spy or watcher to an assassin. N2: Said assassin shoots, and cult leaders recruits. If this happens, the cult in question would have one spy/watcher, one leader, one member, and one assassin by N3. This would be an advantageous position, and something that I'm sure the cults would have thought about. Granted, because a spy and watcher has been killed in red cult, the only one this theory could apply to is blue cult, who has only lost their watcher. And I just got confirmation from Baz that spies and watchers can be promoted so in light of this info I'm not sure Nick can be confirmed innocent just yet (Nick could have shot night 1 and been recruited night 2. Another possibility is a now-recruited vigilante shot N1, was recruited N2, and Nick is on said team). I'm not gonna decide whether to vote him or not until I see how people react, but I do find it concerning how people are so quick to write off the question of Nick's role when he's proven very capable of masking it well in the past. My explanation looks a little confusing but if there are questions or holes I'll do my best to answer them.
  5. Actually split-second decision making I think I'd rather keep Bean alive for now [unvote] Bean [Vote] Kiet
  6. It's starting to stack and me no likey [unvote] Drago [vote] Bean
  7. @AlistairNo particular reason on voting Drago, just a rando vote that'll definitely change if it starts to stack But if somebody has a better suggestion, please share~
  8. Nobody really jumps out at me as acting suspicious quite yet, so I'm gonna just throw out a vote (since I don't think we can abstain?). I'mma give Kiet the benefit of the doubt for now, but that might change depending on how things continue. [Eliminate] Dragoknight
  9. *Kills little Jimmy* So clearly there was either one vig kill and one granny kill, or two granny kills. especially since we try not to kill the new peeps immediately, my hunch is that Aldo was granny killed. Also I will say the kills probably not the cult assassin since I don't think cult leaders can recruit, promote, and the assassin can kill all in one night. Anyone have things to share?
  10. Ok peeps sorry for being dead, because I kind of was Lia only saw Ali visit Kiet, so open and shut I guess? I would also like to ask if anyone visited me last night, I'm curious~ [Eliminate] Ali
  11. Sooo Either someone else is the ancient being, or we have another deadly role/trigger-happy vig in addition to the maf kill. I'm not sure why maf would kill Anti but that's what they did. I never counted the disclose votes but did they tie or something? For now [Disclose] Piercer
  12. Ok my dumb eyes can't read Time to find replacement eyes. My points still stand tho. My credibility sure doesn't.
  13. Haven't posted today I don't think which is bad xD This Vanilla Townie strategy is sketchy and also a little bit ridiculous? [disclose] Piercer For now, I've been looking back at Kiet's posts this game and who he's been trying to protect/lynch since he's the only maf we know of 100% so far. And he's dead. Yay. (I'm brushing aside the possible 'Bean is the ancient being' issue for now since there are too many of us not on the same page to get him lynched anyways if he is the ancient being, and if he is in fact maf, my vote won't swing things for or against him any more than things already are) Regardless, I feel confident enough about my analysis right now to share them. They might be right or end up completely wrong, who knows. I just want to get this down before the phase changes. I won't give my thoughts on everyone, only two people who stick out of the crowd to me as being strange as of re-reading everything: Drago: definitely one of the ones at the top of my scum-list for me. Voting to reveal a vanilla town? Unless I'm mistaken, Kiet tried to push that as well, not to mention his general Lia: Has hinted multiple times earlier in the game the Newt is suspicious, similarly to how Kiet thought so as well. I thought it might have been distancing from other maf, but now that we know Newt was puppeted, I'm a little more sure of my read on her. Her vote also changed an inordinately large amount of times last day, but maybe that's me reading too much into things. She also tends to be an early-game maf kill, so the longer she stays alive, the more sus she is imo. Kiet (who is dead maf) and Drago (Who is one of the most sus at the moment) also read her as confidently town, which lends a little more credit to this. Based on other people's reads and contributions, Ali and/or Astra and/or maybe Lykos are on my radar, most to less suspicious in that order after Drago and Lia, but in my mind, all of that currently rides on Drago's alignment and could go the other way. Everyone else I currently read as town, or I don't have enough to make a judgement either way. If you want my honest opinion, I don't think we should push a vote on Bean, regardless of whether he is the Ancient Being or not. Maf may be trying to save their own skin by pushing it on someone who isn't them/can't die without total consensus. I would encourage y'all to vote someone who we haven't already tried to kill. And if I missed something please let me know [vote] Drago
  14. I can't help but think Bean is making the ground shake Have fun in death, Bean, you brought this upon yourself xD.
  15. Ok that makes sense, Knightly. I was confused because I thought you just randomly chose people to protect, but if you know who's attacked, that sounds more likely. Also I gotta vote or Alaris' will smite me so. I'm more inclined to think Newt is being puppeted but I'm not sure that means Bean is maf. Also remember that it's possible, like silencers in other games, that the mafia could puppet people on their team to throw us off. I'm inclined to believe Jelly for now, so [Eliminate] Candy something feels off about her but maybe it's just me
  16. I'm so confused. I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth but Knightly's two use restriction + just happening to protect me and jelly on the first two nights AND the fact we were attacked. And this combined with the fact that neither of us are popular early game maf kills? Idk how reliable Knightly's claim is but it's kinda sketchy. For now [Disclose] Swindler
  17. The seemingly random switch from consonants to vowels is kinda sketchy. Perhaps two message senders? The message I got at night was that I was attacked. I thought I was going to die, but I woke up in the morning fit as a fiddle. (I don't know if I can directly copy/paste so I paraphrased) That's why I was like huh? Which also means that Jelly's claim of maf attacking Newt (if true, which is debatable) reveals more than one killing role. [Undisclose] Piercer [Disclose] Swindler
  18. Oooh spooky message there is cult leader in this game can't say consonants I think they mean vowels and punctuation is a no too it looks like xD If this info is reliable the existance of a cult leader is good to know ffs Baz why
  19. I was attacked but survived because of reasons I'm not sure of. I would say perhaps the mafia wanted to kill me but I can't really think of a reason why since I'm not typically a N0 target *thinkingface*. I'd think mafia would want to kill more active players, so if anyone has insight, that'd be nice In other news for now I will vote to [disclose] piercer
  20. Obviously he votes for me since I am the better half of Boku no kieto [Vote] Newt [Disclose] The Immolator
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