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Bok Choi

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Everything posted by Bok Choi

  1. Peeta is cute but really he's not, Gale is so much better I'm a rebel, so I choose Finnick but too bad he's taken
  2. Drak be rational, Jace doesn't know any more than we do I guess I will go with who I think is maf, there's not much more to go off of atm [eliminate] Jelly
  3. Since we seem to be nearing the end here, there are really only two ways this could go One, we lynch the right person and the game ends, eez. Two, worst case scenario, we lynch the wrong person AND maf fires off a kill next night. In this case we would still be two town vs. one maf (and Jace but he's third party so) Of course this is assuming there's one maf left, which I think is true, but hey who knows I'm with Drak since there probably isn't a doctor left (if there even was a doctor in the first place) and Cass, who had my protection totem is dead. It's more likely they just forgot to submit a kill. I don't think today's votes are private, I think it would've been in the phase change if it was?
  4. So I was correct, Bean was maf *cheers* Wondering why nobody was killed, I dunno if there's still a doctor type role left, or maybe they just forgot to submit a kill? I don't like how Drak suddenly tried to lynch me even though he made no mention of me on who his top pics for maf was. BUT Bean was lynched anyways, so it seems more people listened to me then I thought actually would xD There are 6 of us left: Me, Drak, Jace, Astra, Alpha, and Jelly. If we look at the opening post, it DOES say that maf only wins if they equal the Fernandez family, with no mention of the third parties, so it seems Bean was telling the truth about that. As such, there would have been 2 maf last day phase, and now that Bean is lynched, there SHOULD be one. What do you guys think? My money is on Alphagar for being inactive or Drak for his kinda random fake lynch attempt on me, but I want to give everyone a chance to say something before I vote for anyone
  5. As long as everyone votes for Bean, we have a chance because maf will coordinate votes cynce we're all voting in secret
  6. cynce we seem to be in agreement on who the remaining maf are, And unless anyone has any objections, I propose lynching Bean first. pix~ If you are town, please vote for bean, because it'll probably be the only way we can keep this going. pix~ We ALL have to vote for the same person. pix~ (Jace that means you too I think but oof idk if he'll help us)
  7. Holy crab cakes my grammar is atrocious, I need sleep (sorry for double post What I MEANT to say was: I can't get a read on Alphagar, but I believe Drak and Astra to be innocent, and that you all should say your top three picks for maf Jelly, I (And everyone else) would like your totem results ASAP
  8. "Our remaining maf?" There's no way there's only one maf left in a LYLO situation. And why haven't you used my totem yet? I would have have expected you to use it on somebody at this point. There are seven of us, which means 3 maf. Bok Jelly Drak Alphagar Jace Astra Quillish Chances are the maf are coordinating their votes, so ALL of the rest of us need to vote for the same person to secure a win. I propose that the remaining maf are Jelly, Bean (Quillish) and Alphagar (don't have a good read on these him yet, but I believe Drak and Astra to be innocent) All you need to propose your picks for the three remaining maf, and we will lynch the one that's mentioned the most. Deal, all y'all townies?
  9. @NickCrash If I understand that correctly, what happened was either Jace tried to kill Lia or Lia tried to kill Jace. If that's true, I'm doubtful of Jace's claim for one pretty simple reason: If Jace is indeed town, he would hardly be my primary target. I do think that Kiet probably thought he was on the chopping block and decided to swap himself with either someone he thought was a werewolf or a non-active town. However this is also assuming Kiet is town and not a vampire. I have a hunch (but no evidence) that perhaps Kiet is Vampire C. We do know from the first night that werewolf kills have priority over vamp kills, and it would explain the lack of a vampire kill last night. (Of course it is possible that Vamp C found a friend). And all this is ALSO assuming Jace is not lying. I don't think he is, but it still smells a bit to me. It is ALSO possible that both in fact non-towns, which with Kiet possibly being Vampire C, is entirely possible (Werewolf X targets Vampire X while Kiet switches with a Vamp X unknowingly). We know this is possible because Vamps can both kill and act at night, which means Kiet wouldn't need to forgo his kill to switch with someone. Lots of assumptions here and possibilities, but this raises questions STILL. Speaking of who maf would target, why hasn't an active player like Nick been targeted by werewolves or vampires yet? I suspect him to be one or the other, and I'm increasingly sure of my suspicions from earlier in the game. Also on my sketch list are Newt Purps, Lia, Seal and Amber, all of which have not said a thing in a heavily implied LYLO situation I'll might be killed for this cuz I'm suspicious enough already but I think we should lynch someone who hasn't said anything. I've seen a pattern of maf falling mysteriously silent in LYLO situations before [eliminate] Amber, because of that group, it feels to me like Amber has contributed the least, and it seems to me like he's been trying to lay low this whole time. Lia also falls into that category, but something feels VERY off about this bandwagon on her. Also I forgot to address something yesterday. Someone asked whether I tried to use my ability on the first night, and my answer is I didn't, but I still got witched. This means that you don't necessarily have to have a usable action for Boat to tell you you've been witched. Don't think this'll be of much use but I just thought I should answer this.
  10. Was going to claim last day phase but I didn't get around to it, sorry ghosts. I'm the Shaman, and all my totems have been given out. I believe Cass and Jelly haven't yet revealed their totems, so as proof, I gave Cass a protection totem and I gave Jelly an investigation totem. I assume they've both used their totems by now? I'd like to ask Jelly for the results as such [eliminate] Roswell
  11. I would think Dive made it, so it probably would be deleted afterwards. And to me, this looks like ONE person is doing this, not all of the dead chat. Fake Ross seems to be able to see some of the night messages and that doesn't sound like something all of the dead would be able to do. I think the ghosts know who I am already, but ask me if you want me to claim. (I might claim later anyways if everyone wants me to since my role has basically exhausted its usefulness by now) The fact that Roswell is at the top of fake Ross' list I think is not a bad place to start [eliminate] Roswell
  12. I literally said I was looking suspicious, so I was scared I would be lynched before I got the chance to skip a night, I didn't want to use it night 2 because I thought it was too early (Which ended up being a mistake as we learned). AND ON TOP OF THAT Nick suggested he had a target for another lynch so I'm just waiting to see what he says I'm a little annoyed Jace decided to continue antagonizing me for my thoughts 2 days ago (which I still insist have merit and are not weak unlike what all y'all think). Would you rather me do nothing and prevent no deaths? Because I seemed mighty suspicious yesterday and I was definitely expecting to be lynched this phase if I didn't cry wolf. I'm not voting Jace since his posts don't scream "I'm maf," but I don't like this. EDIT: sorry I meant night 3, not 2
  13. I, in fact, take pride in being a complete weeb You're welcome y'all for crying wolf. I would've done it on a night with two kills but I didn't want to use it as early as night two (oof big mistake) but I didn't know if I'd survive to see the next night since our numbers were dwindling and ngl, I seemed pretty suspicious. Anyways, Nick wished for a double lynch so @NickCrash you must have an idea of someone to Lynch.
  14. The fact this Martin person has a middle name is also strange to me. As far as I know, I don't think anyone has three names, but it's specifically written here that my friend is Martin Peralta Fernandez. Idk if that's significant, but just pointing that out too. ok i haven't voted, and I'm not sure who to vote for but I think I'm going to have faith in Nano for now [eliminate] Cicada
  15. Okee Doky bois I am of the Ecleos, specifically Dante Ecleo. I was married to Cecilia Ecleo (Lykoshand) who is now dead, and we have two kids, Lorenzo (Crimson Dragon/Kiet) and Antonio Ecleo (Unknown). And I'm close friends with a Martin Peralta Fernandez, whoever that is. Not sure exactly what significance all this family stuff has, I suspected at first it might have to do with my dreams since I was married to Lykos, but unless I missed something that connection isn't there with Baz or Drak's dream visits. I'm not sure voting Cicada (Nicki) off is a good idea, mainly because we don't have much more other than 'she's been quiet'.
  16. All this finger pointing aiyah why I'm not a hundred percent sure about this lynch on Jelly, but I don't have a compelling reason why not to. I do think that Lykos' defense of Jelly is very sketchy, if not more sketchy than Jelly themselves. [eliminate] Lykos for now. Nick, your idea on the orders of the witch and merchant makes sense I think, and I also think this whole Witch-merchant thing is going over my head a little, but that's probably my fault. I also don't like how Jace seems to be giving little reason to vote me but hey
  17. Ok hopefully putting together what we know about dead players can help us decipher... something, idk Here's what I can put together from the dreams (assuming the dead aren't lying to us) First of all, Castiel is maf, which seems to be the one consistent message throughout our dream messages If we look at the information that Drak has the exorcising even nights and maf has the exorcising odd nights, we can determine who has been exorcised. Kiet: Exorcised Night 1 by maf, which aligns with the information that he's "gone" or "in the underworld" (Also just noticed Baz got a message saying exactly that) Castiel: Exorcised night 2 by Drak (allegedly) Lykos: Exorcised night 3 by maf (According to Jelly's information) This also means the ghost's messages have priority over the exorcising since it seems Lykos sent me a message AND died in the same night Which means we have 4 ghosts on the loose: Alaris, Nano, Yahen and Walpurgis (Lia). Idk whether this information can help us but hey I'm inclined to believe Drak is innocent here, just because all the information here seems to line up pretty well. Sorry Lykos xD I think the question right now is whose ghost to trust more: Nano, Alaris or Lykos? Because there is more than a little bit of conflict. Nano claims both Jelly and Bean are confirmed townies while Alaris says no, and Lykos says Drak is maf while Nano sends Drak a message anyways. I'm more inclined to trust Nano because he was killed by the maf at night (therefore pretty certainly not maf) But that leaves with no clear lynch target. What do you guys think?
  18. That's pretty much exactly what my message said. "You were convinced by the merchant to stay at his house for the night". And then in square brackets, I assume to clarify, said "You got swapped".
  19. I got swapped last night, but I'm not sure what that means And we lost our paladin which is oof. Anyone have info to share from last night?
  20. Oh man ok Jelly's info that Lykos was exorcised by the maf means I can probably trust this info. The info I got was from Lykos (who is now dead, but because of the existence of exorcists, I didn't want to reveal him). But now that he's even more dead than before, *shrugs*. My info said that Castiel was definitely maf, Kiet is 'gone' (whatever that means) and that they suspect Drak of being maf. EDIT: It said "Kiet is in the underworld", not gone oops I need to look back on the day one stuff on Castiel now that we have a reliable confirmation, and since they aren't certain about Drak's scumminess yet (only suspecting him), I'll hold off on voting him for now until I have time to take a close look back at day 1 stuff
  21. I can indeed confirm that I got the doll from Astra. I want to believe Drak is innocent and my gut is telling me he is, but I got information from someone this past night that seems to claim otherwise... This person knows who they are I believe, and I won't reveal them unless I need to for whatever reason, but whether or not this information is trustworthy is the question. The question I have for everyone still alive is has anybody been visited "in your dreams"? Because looking back at previous days, this doesn't seem to have happened to anybody yet, and idk whether to trust this or not
  22. Nick is saying my arguments are weak but let me clarify my thoughts. If people are voting me, I want it to not be because my point is weak, because I assert that they aren't. I don't blame Nick for keeping his vote on me, because I'm antagonizing him but some of the others seem to be basing their votes on my possibly badly worded explanation. Let me guide you through my thought process for my reasoning so that you know I'm not just trying to pull this vote out of nowhere. Strange: Nick claims to have wanted Baz lynched, and he was very adamant about that Now, why did I think that was weird? Because by pointing out that votes for other people support Baz's vote, Nick caused the vote to drift back towards no Lynch when it had been on Baz. My point is that if Nick really wanted Baz lynched, he wouldn't have said anything. Perhaps he was being nice by pointing it out, and you're free to think that, but Im not so sure about that. That is what my vote is based on, because the others just aren't as suspicious to me
  23. @Alaris I think you misunderstood the theory, I wasn't trying to say the silver knight was a werewolf, I was trying to say the apprentice is a werewolf, which is why they would be unable to get Silver Knight. It's more of a Apprentice-werewolf theory based on the info boat has given us about the Apprentice not being allowed Silver Knight and that Silver Knight is a non-werewolf exclusive role. I stand by my vote though.
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