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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by snowflakesfall

  1. Hey, I'm liking the game so far. It's pretty interesting. One suggestion that I got is nerf down the 1st gym leader. Get his pokemon within the lvl 16-18 range. I had a really hard time trying to beat him. Even with 6 pokemon (it might be just me. i'm that bad of a pokemon trainer lol). You should add some more pokemon that would help too. It would make the gym battle a whole lot easier. Also, does chapter 1 end after I beat the 1st Gym Leader? I'm a bit confused on where to go next. Never mind. I found the person I was supposed to talk to. I'm having trouble figuring out the passcode for the computer, despite reading the hints. Anyone care to help me out here?
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