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8 Fledgling

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  1. Sup sukka.


    1. Illumi



    2. Kasheena


      How ya been dude

    3. Illumi


      Pretty good, V12 of Rejuvenation finished, work is treating me fairly, how about ya?

  2. OH! And I plan on making my gym leader battles their own little compilation series. e ue <3 <3 <3 -hype-
  3. @RedAlert What's up, my guy!! I'm about to play a little monster hunter to relax then edit episode 4 of Pokemon Reborn for it's youtube debut. =D Episode One is out, two comes out on the 4th and it should be a weekly drop onto youtube from there. Phew this stuff is tough~
  4. Updated my team list~ I'm doing video editing and I'll be checking every so often if anyone wants to chat <3
  5. Did I send you my twitch link? I can't remember!


    1. HellBoyOnEarth


      I think u sent it, but I didn't make  to watch you right now :(


    2. Kasheena


      You're okay, I didnt have any time to stream today. I was busy editing titles, descriptions and tags as well as making "Highlights" which never disappear. If you look at the Reborn collection  everything should be nice and neat now ^^

  6. Ah biscuits! Thank for the info guys I appreciate it. ^^ When I randomize nuzlocke all the Poke's are set like that where you can't change what it is.
  7. Or do you think it's pre-coded as which it would be
  8. So uhhhh... I hope this isn't against the rules.... before picking up the egg can i save and soft reset... >>?
  9. *u* I hope I hatch a drowsy. My bf's mascott poke is a Drowsy, mine is a shiny Cyndaquil >w < I'd name my Pancham Jackie e ue <3
  10. Sweet, my Quilava is going to be my MVP!! Any recommendations on where to catch some good Mon?
  11. .... -needs to play more- o Ao
  12. Ps I beat the gym! I didn't make my all goldeen team... lmao rip
  13. -Sprinkles some love- I love me some forum communities, especially when they're welcoming =)
  14. Oh neat I didn't know that o uo -stalking Illumi-
  15. @Illumi Yay, hi!! I hope you enjoy reborn as much as I have - I've put in about 5 hours of play and I just beat my first gym. I'm super excited to load up and play but I'm busy being a mundane adult.. lol... Hope you're well and good luck on your adventure *u*
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