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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Kasheena

  1. Sup sukka.


    1. Illumi



    2. Kasheena


      How ya been dude

    3. Illumi


      Pretty good, V12 of Rejuvenation finished, work is treating me fairly, how about ya?

  2. OH! And I plan on making my gym leader battles their own little compilation series. e ue <3 <3 <3 -hype-
  3. @RedAlert What's up, my guy!! I'm about to play a little monster hunter to relax then edit episode 4 of Pokemon Reborn for it's youtube debut. =D Episode One is out, two comes out on the 4th and it should be a weekly drop onto youtube from there. Phew this stuff is tough~
  4. Updated my team list~ I'm doing video editing and I'll be checking every so often if anyone wants to chat <3
  5. Did I send you my twitch link? I can't remember!


    1. HellBoyOnEarth


      I think u sent it, but I didn't make  to watch you right now :(


    2. Kasheena


      You're okay, I didnt have any time to stream today. I was busy editing titles, descriptions and tags as well as making "Highlights" which never disappear. If you look at the Reborn collection  everything should be nice and neat now ^^

  6. Ah biscuits! Thank for the info guys I appreciate it. ^^ When I randomize nuzlocke all the Poke's are set like that where you can't change what it is.
  7. Or do you think it's pre-coded as which it would be
  8. So uhhhh... I hope this isn't against the rules.... before picking up the egg can i save and soft reset... >>?
  9. *u* I hope I hatch a drowsy. My bf's mascott poke is a Drowsy, mine is a shiny Cyndaquil >w < I'd name my Pancham Jackie e ue <3
  10. Sweet, my Quilava is going to be my MVP!! Any recommendations on where to catch some good Mon?
  11. .... -needs to play more- o Ao
  12. Ps I beat the gym! I didn't make my all goldeen team... lmao rip
  13. -Sprinkles some love- I love me some forum communities, especially when they're welcoming =)
  14. Oh neat I didn't know that o uo -stalking Illumi-
  15. @Illumi Yay, hi!! I hope you enjoy reborn as much as I have - I've put in about 5 hours of play and I just beat my first gym. I'm super excited to load up and play but I'm busy being a mundane adult.. lol... Hope you're well and good luck on your adventure *u*
  16. @Candy Ieee ^^ Thank you. Haha, I almost went to see if there was a way to zoom in more xP You almost got me @ArcherEric I died laughing irl. RIP @walpurgis Teehee I'll go and look at other players threads and try to set it up to look better ^^ ---------------- I FINALLY BEAT MY FIRST GYM ; u;
  17. @mde2001 I litterally just mapped out all of the area I have access to and spoke to everyone No rebattles........ Looks like I can grind with the gym leaders team and Goldeen has lightning rod. If I can't beat her soon I'm going to catch as many Goldeens.......
  18. @mde2001 Thank you for the guidance *u* I'll let you know if I'm stuck again after I run around in game
  19. I'm stuck at my first gym. Where do I go to grind? I can't seem to find anywhere worth grinding without getting poisoned every encounter.... I'm dirt poor too, RIP. Edit: Also, how long does it take to reach a daycare? ^^
  20. Oh My God I kill Voltorb for the sake of blasting out doors. WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO
  21. *Team Update* Sorry I was being lazy p: Going to stream soon if anyone is interested~ I'm trying to take on the 2 Meteor grunts with 2x Rockruff https://www.twitch.tv/murdockandkash/
  22. I was streaming earlier for about 2 hours. @u@ but I took a pretty long break. I'm going to delete it since nothing interesting happened, but I'll leave it up for now. https://www.twitch.tv/collections/8SGFiaD7DBU4JQ - My *Unedited* Pokemon Reborn streams from the beginning e ue I'm not that interesting but im trying why doesn't Goldeen learn a real water move before level 16?! Ugh, lol. Trying to find the best place to grind. I'm fishing atm, the alleyway just north has me running to the PC every other encounter
  23. All I want to do is stream a game, gotta fix kids comp. e.e Not mine, the kid I mean.
  24. omg @u@ THANK YOU SO MUCH My bf got a little jealous I think? When I sent him the image of vulpix he said he could have bred one for me. He needs to dl Reborn I think he'll like it
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