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About Launce

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  1. No, what I'm saying is Crabominable can't learn Knock off at all.
  2. Where are you getting knock off or Gunk shot for Crabominable?
  3. Do Rift pokemon have unlimited PP? Because I did a PP stall strat on Rift Garbodor and well it never ran out of sludge waves... It's not that I couldn't win the battle, I just thought it would be fun to do.
  4. Try it at night time. I heard someone had the same issue but found Novae at night by the fire.
  5. Yeah I don't know about the speed up bind. Someone else will have to help you with that.
  6. Have you tried F1 and looking at the controls there?
  7. Talk to Melia at the Apartments to start the new content.
  8. I would say no. At least until you hear from those who manage those mods.
  9. Just download the new update and start the game from there. As long as you load up the game in the places you're supposed to be you'll be playing on v13. You can always load up the game from your v12 folder to make sure you're in a good place to load up the game from your v13 folder.
  10. Opening its heart meter is just step one. There is a way to purify shadow pokemon that will be revealed to you not far off in the game.
  11. Jan and the Rejuv team are pretty good about release hype. The last version release had Flora 'hacking' the reborn forums and taking it over for a time leading up to release. I don't know what their plans are but I'm sure they wont just drop it quietly and move on.
  12. I think it means development will start "soon" since Starlight is about to make it's debut.
  13. This is the Starlight Divide section, not Rejuvenation.
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