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Everything posted by Autumn Zephyr
I had started creating one of these topics a little over a week ago, when a sudden surge of family drama forced me to stay in the house well beyond the time I had wanted to leave, and nobody capable of driving was willing to take me to a job orientation 6 miles down the road. I had inevitably shown up too late to properly attend, and thus had walked two miles out just to immediately walk back in the other direction. My father and I had crossed paths on my way back, but he didn't pull over, he didn't turn back around for me. He had just driven right past me, despite knowing full well that I'm the only person who ever walks down that road these days. And the kicker? When I informed him what had happened when I had finally managed to get back home, worn out and severely dehydrated, he blamed me for the mess up. Just like he had so many times before. I was frustrated, and ticked off, and really wanted use the opportunity to both vent and explain the negative, complainy nature of my previous two Status Updates at the time. But I had managed to convince myself that I probably would've sounded petty, or come off as just fishing for attention or pity, and ultimately closed the tab half-completed. Well, I found out last night that the incident above had costed me the job offer entirely. It had taken me years to even get that far, years of searching, pushing, prying, and pulling the few strings I have access to, only to have the fruits of my effort snatched away from my at the last moment yet again. And all my father could think to say was to complain about how I couldn't bring myself to do the stupid dishes after finding out! The dishes! In my renewed sense of disappointment and frustration, I ultimately came to just one question. Why should I even bother? Why should I bother trying so hard to obtain an income that I'm never in going to see because the old man can't be arsed to keep a simple promise? Why should I bother fueling his barely-contained wanton spending when I don't get to participate in any of it? Why should I bother with any of it, when I know I know full well that he's just can treat me like dirt just like he had for the past bloody decade? I understand that the usual retort to this sort of thing is that I should just be grateful to have food on my plate, clothes on my back, and a roof over my head, but can I really say that I have that at this point? There was a week last month where the menu was worse than it had been back when we were in poverty, despite the fact that he's now making over $70,000 a year and his SO makes $30,000 (not counting any funds attained elsewhere)! All my clothes, my backpacks, my school and art supplies? None of them are from within the household anymore, and hadn't been in years! And the thing about the roof over my head? Uh, my own father has been charging me rent, despite knowing full well that I've never had a stable source of income in my life! Despite having claimed several times while I was still in high school that I would deal with either that or post-secondary education, and I chose the latter! Despite knowing full well that I didn't even have the legal capability to get a driver's license because one his massive screwups! 'Cuz ya know what? It turns out that nobody in the heart of the American South's willing to even think about hiring some kid with no documentable work history, and obviously Hispanic last name, and no Birth Certificate! And while we have managed to fix the BC issue recently (literally, this past July), it's no thanks to my father- that was all the afore-mentioned SO's work. That recent development didn't exactly help me with the first two years of this ill-begotten 'rent' nonsense, however. I had to find other ways to try and appease to beast then, lest I once again find myself with fewer freedoms than I usually have. I had chosen a cheap post-secondary institution- but I had to use the financial aid overflow to pay my way through the first year, plus what little cash I could save from his previous extortionistic endeavors over the years... all without being able to pay for any of the textbooks I needed for class. Between the lack of resources and the depression I had already been wrestling with at the time, I had inevitably scored poorly during the first semester and was unable to save my GPA during the second, and thus lost access to my financial aid entirely. Lost access to my way to stay afloat. Lost my ability to hide my desperation. The following year was a mess. I spent almost a month working at a startup blueberry farm that was struggling with a blight epidemic, only to be put out of commission for a bit due to a previously undiscovered allergy to stinging nettle. I had spent a couple weeks housesitting. I had spent the entire summer repeatedly trying to donate plasma at the local BioTest, only to finally be declined because of my Asperger's Syndrome, of all things. All the while, I had been attempting finagle a way to pay for a third semester so that I could try again at fixing my GPA. And despite it all, I found myself unable to attend the next semester, and soon wallowed in over a thousand dollars in debt to my own father. And while I had eventually managed to finagle mu way into the semester after that, the damage had already been done, and my "patron" decided to go completely radio silent and left me to flounder my way through all the red tape within the system to make it so that my attendance actually counted without giving a second source of debt I couldn't remotely afford to deal with. I'm still trying to deal with that mess. All for the sake of someone else, someone who could hardly be said to have treated me fairly. So, why should I even bother? Why should I bother continuing to appease man who would beat me to the point where it hurt to even move for reasons I had no way to understand at the time, and still don't really do? Why should I bother continuing to put up with a man who would give out military-style exercise combos as punishment to his weak and nerdy children, all assigned for either nebulous reasons or over things we couldn't help at all, and all double exponentially if we failed to complete them all before we went to bed (which pretty much always happened)? Why should I bother putting any sort of faith in a man who had thrown away everything I owned thrice over 4 years, because I had proven unable to to do the above the way he wanted? Why should I bother dealing with someone who's had Child Services called on him twice, and managed to weasel his way out of both occasions? Why should I bother sticking with a man who's installed cameras in major rooms of the house and programs that let him break into me and my siblings' computers from anywhere in the world at any time wants, all to restrict our freedom even more than the various programs the machines have that prevent us from downloading anything already did? Why should I bother trusting a man who knowingly sabotaged my Eagle Scout paperwork at the last moment, thus snatching me away from the one light of hope that had kept away the depression and suicidal thoughts over the years of simultaneous domestic abuse and bully issues?! Why is it that the person who spent years performing good deeds ranging from repainting faded parking lots, carving a staircase into the side of a hill to make a church's back entrance easier access, clearing debris from graveyards, and volunteering at a local zoo gets thrown to the wayside, while the one who was notorious for stabbing people with pencils, breaking into and robbing other peoples' houses, and pinning the blame on their younger brother whenever they broke something at the same age is celebrated as the heart of the community? I'm so bloody tired of it all. I could very easily just keep on going on this ridiculously long tirade, but I think you've all got the picture by now. I had tried to keep this tangle of terrible situations from leaking out into this community, so that I could focus on helping others and make them smile, but I suppose it was inevitable that I'd crack at some point. Better to let it all out in the subforum designed for this sort of discourse than some other topic, ya know? Thanks for putting up with me for the past year and a half, RebornEvo.
"If I draw chibis this time, maybe this drawing will be done quickly!"
*Several hours later*
"...Guess the person doesn't matter so much if I'm just gonna go ham on these crystal formations, huh?"
I noticed it as well. It's starting to feel like Galarian Zigzagoon was only added so that people couldn't say that Regional Variants have only been Genwunner pandering, which... Well, I don't like it when colleges pull that nonsense, and there's no reason to excuse GF from the sentiment just because they aren't an post-secondary learning institution.
They'll likely claim impidimp as well, since that wasn't technically revealed officially quite yet, but aside from that... You're correct. There's still a little under 8 hours left for the stream, though, so a third 'mon could still crop up before the end.
"Alright, everypony, does anyone know where Borea Ember is?" Help, I might be taking the joke too far! Hey, at least that shot wasn't obscured by impidimp deciding it was a good time to breathe on the camera lens again. That wasn't exactly the nicest play, GameFreak.
"If we give it a ton of alternate wing designs, maybe it won't feel so lonely!"-someone trying to pitch vivillon to Sugimori's design team On the plus side, it's certainly quite a good 'mon despite its 'Early Route Bug" status- and without needing to resort to an HA, at that!
"Bug Types have become too strong. We must nerf them somehow!" "Uh, couldn't we just put that bad ones in and leave it at that?" "No! They must be made non-existent!" "...Not even butterfree's allowed?" "...Fine. But only because it's from Gen. 1!" Yup, seems like a ridiculous prospect to me. Surely they've got something chitinous in the works, right?
I somehow failed to figure out that it being October means that it's also Inktober until earlier, so I'm only now getting around to working on Day 2: Mindless. Whoopsie~!
There was a galloping sound when a vague pinkish blob passed by the top-right corner, so it does make some sense. ...I do find it a bit odd that they brought slurpuff back when they already have alcremie, though. Helps out the folks who want to run a bakery-themed team, I guess, but ther's almost enough dual-Typed Fairies to make a reasonably balanced Mono-team without having to double dip on the Single-Types at this point.
Honestly, I misinterpreted this stuff as dataminers somehow managing to get into the game a month and a half early when I first saw the story yesterday. Granted, I wasn't exactly thinking the straightest in general at the time, but that was a bit of a shock regardless...
Okay, so I'm probably not the most qualified to help here (this a single battle back in V9, and I mostly cheesed it with Minimize grimer at the time), but I did a little research to try anyway. It's recommended to keep the scraggy alive for a bit since it's largely non-threatening (Paralysis makes it even less so, of course), and chimecho messes up a large chunk of his team despite its coverage against Psychic Types. Chingling can be found in the villages grass at night, and evolves through Happiness (also at night), so it'll take some effort to actually get. I've also heard a lot of how natu breaks so many of the early Gyms, though I remain unconvinced. If you want to give it a try anyway, they can be found in the Amethyst Cave. Edit: Well, guess I got a bit accelgor'd on that last one
The second part of the sidequest doesn't become available until you beat the Steel Gym though that does mean that your levels should be enough to handle the trainers involved. Go forth and sweep the last three Gym Leaders* with your newfound power! *When the game is completed, in the last one's case
Our very own Amethyst made a tutorial video series a few years back, so maybe that'll help you out? Here's the first vid (along with the whole playlist, of course). Happy spriting!
Welp, this day went much, much worse than expected. Sudden short-term family drama cost me too much time and left me having to travel six miles on foot, and thus caused me to show up far late to orientation and potentially to lose my one legitimate chance at getting the stable income I need to attempt (potentially in vain) to break out of the long-term family drama. I'm friggin' tired of this BS!
The absol appears as a wild battle during one of the Void-related Help Quests in Sashila Village; as such, it's pretty late into the game at the moment.
You're not the only one struggling to find motivation at the Circus, GreatFawn- a few folks that frequent the Status Updates section can attest that I've kinda dropped the ball there, myself. I've found that the issue extends a bit before the Circus, itself, however- the Exp. Curve gets seriously janked up once you hit Route 1, gradually making you fall more and more behind both the level cap and the Gym Leaders' levels, but it tends to get noticed very much since Luna is unusually easy for most people despite it. And then Samson shows up actually having comparable difficulty to his team's levels, on top of his ace being a full 6 levels stronger than everything else he has. Seeing as I showed up at the Circus already 6 levels lower than most of his team this time despite having already spent hours grinding before Radomus and Luna this time, and remember not being much better on my first playthrough either, and yeah. I think this part of the game is definitely a major stopgap against further progress. Sadly, knowing why I've stalled out doesn't mean that I have any advice legitimate against it for my fellow players. If I did, I wouldn't be stalled out, ya know?
In this case, it's very likely that the in-universe reasoning for the name and the reasoning from a design perspective are very different; my previous post outlined the latter. In the scene itself, she basically had to come up with the name on the spot (she knew was going to be different, but certainly not that much so), and the situation meant that she didn't have much time to really think about it. Her mind was largely split between being in all of her new form and focusing on the immensely powerful enemy before her, so she probably did just throw two relevant words together in a hurry. The divide between name design and in-universe reasoning is actually present in delphoxes as a whole, though. The species' English name is derived from Delphi, which was the name of a very specific shrine in ancient Greece. It's a reasonable choice for us, players, since we can use that knowledge to extrapolate the fact that delphoxes are closely tied to prophecies; in-universe, however, it makes no sense. The Pokemon World doesn't have Greece (it may have a Greece-like place, but not the nation specifically), yet alone that one particular shrine! And that's not even going into the ambiguity attached to pokemon whose names are derived from real world animals that's just as present in this case. ...I should probably stop analyzing the names of fictional creatures.
Need some help with basic pokemon questions
Autumn Zephyr replied to Luffylike's topic in Reborn City
Okay, let's see what I can do for this... >Lacking EVs is definitely a major restriction on a pokemon's power, but it's also possible that it doesn't have spectacular IVs+Nature as well. It's a bit difficult for to gauge this particular case without seeing the charizard itself, admittedly. Charizard's a bit of an interesting case among pokemon, since it's mechanically opposite (and similarly powerful) Mega Evolutions means that it could run either offense. >Common Candies exist primarily to give players a way to work around Reborn's level cap system, and really don't have much use beyond that. As for the Friendship system, the mechanics behind it don't actually matter for the vast majority of pokemon, so I wouldn't worry about it too much unless you really want to use Mega Pinsir or raise a budew. >A pokemon does indeed get EVs just for participating in the fight; and unlike Exp., it isn't split between all participating pokemon, so if three pokemon help take down a blissey without fainting, they'd all earn 3 HP Evs. EV training without assistance of any kind is extremely tedious, however, so I'd recommend earning enough Department Store stickers to unlock the 4th floor. This will let you buy the Power Items, which add an additional 8 EVs to their related stat for each foe the holder participates against (so if a pokemon holding the Power Anklet were to take down a machamp, it would get both +3 Attack EVs and +8 Speed EVs). The second floor also happens to carry the "Friendship Berries", which have a "side effect" of removing 10 EVs from their respective stat, which is handy for doing stuff like getting rid of useless Sp. Attack EVs from a scizor. If you haven't done any of the Department Store Sticker Quests yet, this guide should prove most helpful here~ >It's not possible for us players to get a full 252 EVs in every single stat, sadly, which is why it's recommended to focus on just two. In Reborn, however, you don't need to level up in order to have your earned EVs take effect- they just do so automatically. This does mean that even pokemon obtained at Lv. 100 can gain benefits from them, so save your Common Candies! >I personally soft reset for event pokemons' IVs to be good, and would suggest doing that yourself when dealing with them due to the relative ease of doing so. Getting the most important stats at a minimum of 14 is a pretty reasonable goal, I feel, since trying get everything at their maximum value is ridiculously tedious and uses up a lot of extra time that could've been used EV training the pokemon, or continuing the story, or doing sidequests, etc. Of course, keeping one that did manage to get absolutely amazing IVs is an ideal you should definitely take advantage of if given the opportunity. Randomly encountered pokemon, on the other hand, are... a lot more difficult to work with here, since they aren't guaranteed encounters. If it's a common species, catching a few specimens and taking the best among them is certainly a fine strategy, but you're hunting for a pokemon with 5% or lower encounter rate (I'm looking at you, dunsparce), then... Well, I hear that the Daycare couple could still use some assistance repairing their financial situation after what Team Meteor did to them. -
Resetting the save file deletes all save data, including limited-time events. Adding to the fact that online functionality for Nintendo DS/DSi games went kaput a while ago, and most of the PWT download events were expired a bit before that happened, and yeah, they'd be gone for good.
Rejuvenation Of Awesomeness!
Autumn Zephyr replied to J-Awesome_One's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
...Come to think of it, the player is (usually) a lawful criminal in this game- we are guilty of an awful lot of pokenapping, are we not? Though I doubt that Adam and Valerie are quite so guilty...- 40 replies
- 1
...That doesn't exactly work, seeing as this thread is in the Rejuvenation subforum... Given that information, your only option for Types that don't have any early game representation is to gen something in. For the other Types, this thread should be helpful for planning out your team throughout the game.
Need some help with basic pokemon questions
Autumn Zephyr replied to Luffylike's topic in Reborn City
Okay, so let's go through these one at a time, all right >A pokemon's stats are a combination of a collection of mechanics: Base Stats, Nature Modifiers, Individual Values (IVs), and Effort Values (EVs). The latter three mechanics are complex enough to get their own tab, but base stats are pretty important on their own, since these are what shape a pokemon species' intended purpose in battle. For example, charizard's base Special Attack is 109, while chansey's is at a much smaller base 35, so charizard is much better suited at spewing out Flamethrowers all over the place. Chansey, however, does have base 250 HP, compared to charizard's base 78, so it's better at surviving said Flamethrowers. >Abilities are one of the more substantial parts of the game, since they are almost as varied as the attacks themselves. Most Abilities do very different things, ranging from granting immunities (Levitate, Motor Drive, etc.), raising the user's stats under certain circumstances (Moxie, Moodie, etc.), or inflicting status effects when touched (Effect Spore, Flame Body, etc.). Every species of pokemon only has a small list of specific Abilities they can potentially have, however; charizard, for example, can only choose between Blaze (increases the power of its Fire-Typed attacks by 1.5x when at low HP) and Solar Power (raises the power of all Special Attacks by 1.5x while Sunny Day is active, at the cost of some HP). The Ability Capsule lets you change the pokemon's Ability from this list in case you don't like its current one. >As mentioned earlier, the term "EV" is short for "Effort Value". These are a collection of points toward specific stats a pokemon earns when defeating another in battle, with the type and number of EVs being determined by the enemy defeated. Chansey and audino, for example, will always give 2 HP EVs each on defeat. Collecting 4 EVs in a particular stat gives an actual point in that stat. As such, if you had two otherwise identical pokemon whose only difference was that one had earned 12 EVs in Attack, the one with the EVs would have 3 more Attack than the other. A pokemon can earn up to 252 EVs in a particular stat, for a total of 42 additional points in that stat, and can achieve this number in two different stats; it's highly recommended that one focuses on two stats like this when dealing with EVs, as the game's major opponents do the same thing. >The items giving enemies stat increases upon entry are Seeds, a collection of four items that are all tied to a particular list of Field Effects. The Synthetic Seed, for example, will activate in the Factory, Short-Circuit, and Glitch Fields, but will be completely useless if you attempt to use it on the Fairy Tale, Desert, or Forest Fields. Using these properly requires extensive understanding of the Field Effect system, which is much more complex in Reborn than it is in the main games, so I wouldn't worry about these too much quite yet. >...I'm gonna assume that by "pokemon with big, dark eyes", you mean the PULSE Pokemon. These are basically artificial Mega Evolutions (temporary super forms introduced in Gen. 6) that, in Reborn's case, act more like raid bosses than standard enemies; as such, we don't get them. >Since I mentioned them before, I should go ahead and explain Natures and IVs as well. A pokemon's Nature is a modifier the pokemon's base stats, usually adding 10% to one stat at the cost of 10% to another. The ideal way to use these is to have increase go to a stat you really want more of, and the decrease to a stat that's... completely useless to the pokemon (pinsir's base 55 Sp. Attack isn't exactly doing much compared to its base 125 Attack, ya know?). Note that unlike EVs and IVs, a pokemon's Nature will never affect its HP. This can be changed by an NPC on 7th Street for 3 Hear Scales, so don't worry if your pokemon don't have great ones at the moment. Here's a list of every Nature and what stats they affect. IVs, or Individual Values, are a bit more straightforward than EVs and Natures, but in return aren't changeable in Reborn (and are notably invisible in the main games for some reason). In short, when a pokemon is generated by the game, a random number between 0 and 31 is generated for every single one of its stats. As the pokemon levels up, it slowly gains more and more actual points in its stats until it's gotten to the generated number at Lv. 100. As such, a pokemon with 0 IVs in a given stat would be substantially weaker in that stat than an otherwise identical one with 31 IVs. As IVs are completely random in most cases, there isn't a reasonable difference between wild pokemon and those obtained from in-game events (like picking the starter, in charizard's case). The following is an image of the the EV/IV page in the pokemon's summary: >The enemies in Reborn are indeed on the upper ends of power. In most cases, they have 31 IVs across the board, ideal Natures, and from Shade onward, full EV focused allotments (and even the, the bosses before that still have some assigned). There's even a boss towards the end of the current build that but the game is at least kind enough to warn you when that's about to come up. This game is designed to be harder than the main games, and maximizing stats is one of the ways they go about doing it (I mentioned elsewhere that Reborn's Fire Gym Leader would utterly wreck Kalos' Fire Elite Four Member -even if she lost access to her ace- despite being slightly lower leveled, and I honestly don't think that's an exaggeration). Hopefully, this will have helped clear some things up a bit without making you even more confused than before. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions! -
Well, guess that checks out well for ya, then! Keep in mind that the cave needs to be in "light" mode for you to actually find the TM in question (though "dark" mode's TM Dark Pulse isn't exactly a bad find either).
TM Smack Down is indeed in the game, found in the Darchlight Cave. Seems a bit late to make sense to me, but it does come before a Gym it messes with really badly, so maybe it's fine?