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Autumn Zephyr

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Autumn Zephyr

  1. I think there's an aspect of the overarching story that is worth keeping in mind when discussing this particular arc: by the time the player arrives, the first legs of Team Meteor's operation had already been effect for a few years. It's entirely possible that by the time Amaria herself found out that there was actually something severely wrong with herself, every respectable psychologist had already fled the Reborn Region, leaving some hardly scrupulous hack hanging out in 7th Street as the only option. Amaria is far from the only character with some serious untreated psychological issues in the game, though she does stand out as the most openly broken when she goes off the deep end. And while Titania certainly could have sought out professional assistance before Solaris ruined the lives of many in ways he hadn't planned on, she really seems like the type of person who would avoid asking for help from anyone if she can help it. ...At least Amaria had some sort of coping mechanism available to her, however ineffective it ultimately proved to be...
  2. A nice perk of being conservative with Light Shards is that the one on Route 1 makes for a really handy landmark.

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  3. Hmm, it seems you've found a bit of a rare glitch. The only other case of this happening I've been able to find so far attempted to rectify the issue by temporarily downgrading to V11, but since those links are expired it didn't quite work out, and nothing else has come out of that thread since. Unfortunately, I can't give any more assistance for you...
  4. Erin is at the gate on on the southernmost side of Route 9. There wasn't exactly much reason to go down there before, what with the gate having been previously closed and all, so I understand why it would trip people up.
  5. I'm kind of hoping that Brycen will eventually get a Sygna Suit with Brycen-Man as his partner. Okay, the partner would probably wind up actually being his beartic, but it'd be nice to pay a bit more homage to one of the few entities in Pokemon history to have both Trainer and Battle animations than just some dialogue. On a more serious note, can we just take a moment to pay respects for Lucian? The man has had two different aces, and both of them have been claimed by someone else before he even got the chance to think about visiting Pasio...
  6. I mean, I've always expected it go into next Summer anyway, so that'd be no big loss on my part. It did take a good while just to get a small handful of them done, after all. I kinda want to see Mesprit slap the inferiority complex out of Fern, but I doubt that'll actually happen...
  7. ...For a so-called "Master Strategist", you sure do choreograph your thoughts and actions and awful lot... (=_=; Anyway, welcome to this dark and twisted realm we call the Reborn Evolved Forums. Be sure to read up on the rules, feel free to check out all we have to "offer", and above all else, do try to enjoy your stay~!
  8. ...I still don't understand why the heck do people insist on making luxray Dark Typed. It's not vicious, it doesn't fight dirty, there aren't any urban legends that cause it to be almost universally misunderstood. It's just a zappy linxy boi with x-ray vision. 


    Like, the only major "Dark" trait it has is its color scheme, and I don't exactly see a lot of people clamoring to make lumineon, eelektross, or zebstrika Dark types as well...  😓

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    1. Maqqy


      His design just fits it tbh. Plus people just wish he would have more prowess offensively since he also learns crunch. It's just one of those "wasted moments" of pokemon lol. Glad we have Morpeko now!

    2. Candy


      prolly cause electric ain't a strong type, and a secondary typing (that isn't grass or bug) usually is helpful. Besides its color which you mentioned, its appearance looks like a tough boye so I guess dark or fighting. and since fighting in Pokemon has the image of bipedal mons, I'd say dark is the most relevant possible secondary type.

  9. Oop, looks like they're almost done with all of Sinnoh's Legendary Psychic Types. Who's ready to go literally chase after dreams? Or lose all memory of ever being a Hero because you accidentally ticked off the wrong deity?
  10. Rare footage of Luna sweeping someone:


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    It's honestly kinda funny how much of a pain she's being for my Mono-Psychicc run after Bennet just keeled over and died with little to no effort. Wasn't he supposed to be the difficult one? 🤔

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      he has dusty, dont disrespect.

    3. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      I've only ever seen people complain about him, so what other impression was I supposed to get? 


    4. J-Awesome_One


      So I was gonna be a smartass and be like "Do YoU mEaN rEbOrN oR fUlL mOoN?" But you specified the characters so now I cannot do that. Very clever there. 🧐

  11. On it's own, mawile does have a few traits of note. The Steel/Fairy Typing is incredible, boasting two immunities and seven resistances, in exchange for a meager two double weaknesses. In combination with its access to Intimidate, it proves to be capable of taking a bit more damage than one would expect, and the Intimidate proc. is often useful for other team members' survivability to boot. It can serve as a solid enough Baton Pass slow pivot, throwing Seed boosts and Iron Defenses/Stockpiles to a stronger ally while the enemy is Intimidated, further disrupt foes with Taunt or its wide variety of stat-reducing techniques, and slip in some cheap damage with Sucker Punch and/ore Metal Burst- all without even taking TMs or MTs into consideration. Talk about an impressive toolbox! It is, however, incredibly held back by its body- it's two highest stats are at a pathetic base 85, and its Special bulk is practically nonexistent, making it difficult to actually get more use from it than just Intimidating something in the average battle. It's this sad stat spread that allows games like Rejuvenation to give the player access to it so early, while its incredible toolbox is what lets people willing to put up with it get some actual mileage out of it anyway. On the flipside, a lot of modern games don't even look at base mawile- after all, most players will likely pick it up for its (almost literally) ungodly powerful Mega Evolved state. Mega Mawile trades the one-time-use Intimidate for a constant passive that doubles its real Attack stat, making it one of the hardest hitting critters in the game unboosted, while simultaneously gaining +40 to both of its base Defenses for a massive boost to durability to boot. The massive offensive boost also brings the fact that Steel/Fairy is actually a reasonable enough Type combination for attacks to light as well, and mawile's access to Sucker Punch goes from being chip damage in its base state to being its answer to those silly Fire and/or Steel Types who think they might be able to take advantage of their resistances to its STAB attacks. The rest of the world's saving grace against the thing is that it can only learn Swords Dance via TM, but hiding that away does mean that a lot of other pokemon can't garner enough muscle to push through it either. You would've been either laughed at (or asked what pokemon you're even talking about) if you tried to tell anyone that mawile would one day be able to go toe-to-toe with a handful of Ubers a decade ago, and yet here we are. It's still kinda surreal, to be honest...
  12. Man, if GlitchXCity keeps up with her current musical obsession, we'll have a reasonable selection of almost Unown Dimension-worthy remixes by the time V13's out (if we ever wind back there, anyway). Heck, the first one of these was already a mix of V12's new Battle- Miniboss as it is!

    Here be SwSh spoilers, BTW.


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    1. doombotmecha


      Didn't know that GXC was a woman, but I suppose that's on me. Also those remixes sound amazing!

  13. You need to head to the Hospital of Hope to continue that quest, Dopple.
  14. There are absolutely no plans for such a thing in vanilla Reborn- it's been flat-out denied by the Devs. several times by now. It's a pretty reasonable decision- E19 has already taken over a year to get to its current status, and has barely scratched the surface with the post-game's progress. Adding a whole new Generation to the game would delay it even further, and most folk's would agree that about three years would be a bit too long a wait for the ending to come out. That said, it is likely that a modder would create a third party patch to let them in once E19 is officially released, so that will likely be an available option regardless. It'll just take a little more patience to get access to compared to the rest of the game.
  15. Hm, making your own character nets a few different results. Our RP section does allow for proper customization, as a lot of the mechanic systems tend to be a bit open-ended during sign-ups in order to allow more creativity (at least, the ones I've looked at did...), so that's probably a full-win for you. The fangames that the forums are properly built around (Pokemon Reborn and Pokemon Rejuvenation), however, don't have a full-fledged player customization feature. They do, however, have more options available than the pre-XY main games did, with both games sporting six different player designs each (compared to BW's two designs). Rejuvenation in particular takes things a step further by unlocking a second outfit for all six of the PC options about halfway through the current build, with at least one more having been confirmed for a future update. It's not quite an Alola-level of visual flexibility, but perhaps it'l be enough? I'd recommend playing he games anyway, but I guess that's to expected from a Veteran of this place... Anyway! Welcome to this (potentially un)fair land we call the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up on the rules, feel free to check out all that we have to offer, and above all else, please do enjoy your stay~!
  16. It's in the game, but currently unavailable to the player, mostly due to lore reasons (silvally didn't exactly exist a couple millennia ago...). We'll probably get it eventually, but for now it'll be limited to enemy bosses on Intense Mode. A multitude of other Crests are available, though, so those should be able to help you through the game until silvally's is released. Side note, GameFreak has absolutely nothing to do with the Crests- not even the official items they are inspired by passed through GF's grasp. These baddies are strictly Rejuvenation-exclusive, and go a long way toward making the game a more unique Pokemon experience than it already was.
  17. Mono-Psychic's got a nice collection of tricks up its sleeves, making it a nice Type if you prefer to play cleverly. Mono-Dark has a number of ways to to restrict and impair the enemy if you prefer giving foes as tough a time as possible, though it can just easily work with shows of overwhelming power- having access to several Moxie users and the better of the two Protean 'mons available to the player makes sure of that. Mono-Bug's a classic, but for good reason. What was once a difficult Type to work with has been getting only better and better since Gen. 5, and the early evolution levels of the "early game trash" can help out a bit early on due to their then-superior BSTs. It's also the only Type with access to the Reborn All-Star that is krikitune, which might just be a big deal. Mono-Electric's one real weak spot in regards to following the perfect decision path in this game has recently had a couple countermeasures discovered and documented, so don't worry too much if you choose to go down this path. Show the world the might of the Type with just one Weakness with impunity! That's just a few outlooks available for certain Types. Really, every Type has a means of working out pretty well by the endgame, so the only way to go wrong would be to choose a Type with very, very few pokemon available for the early game (*cough* Dragon *cough*). This thread is a particularly good resource for planning out your team a bit, so be sure to check it out if you ultimately do decide to do a MonoType run.
  18. Once Upon a Somehwere (A.K.A. Once Upon a Waste of Time) is actually one of the Gyms, so it is most definitely required. Eventually a golden staircase will spawn- I don't remember the exact conditions for it, though I think running south is involved); that'll be your ticket to continue forward. Thankfully, most of the rest of the area is more straightforward.
  19. "And if you'll look to your left, you'll see the local incarnation of violent chaos. Truthfully, we don't know where they came from or why they're he- OH GEEZ, EVERYONE DUCK!!!" ...Um, welcome to this bizarre realm we call the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up on the rules, feel free to check out all we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay preferably without beheading people!
  20. "Don't evolve it before Julia" is actually terrible advice- rowlett starts off as Part-Flying, so not evolving does little more than deny you valuable base stats.
  21. Oh, this is interesting: the school computer still has my original Reborn file. Unfortunately, it's only in the 1R253 Scrapyard with Taka following along, so all of my suffering leading up to the Amaria Battle and throughout the Glass Workstation Gauntlet (and much of my pokedex completion progress) is actually gone, but it's nice to reclaim the file at all~

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  22. Actually the Seed has nothing to do with it- that changes the pokemon to the Bird Type if activated in the Glitch Field. Said Glitch Field makes it so that all silvally become the ??? Type regardless of held item or external effects as long as the battle stays on the Glitch Field (similar to how silvally is always Dark Typed on the Holy Field). This might be a bit nitpicky, though, since I'm not sure that there's a functional difference between the ??? and Bird Types, but seeing as both are exclusive to an extremely uncommon Field Effect, it really isn't that much of a big deal in the long run.
  23. "At long last, I have garnered enough Reputation to earn the Altruist Rank! Now none shall oppose me in my quest for even greater power!!! ...Wait, what do you mean that that's the exact opposite of what 'Altruist' means? Fine, I guess I'm stick being a decent Samaritan still..."


    Seriously, though, I'm not really sure what I did to earn half of these points. In any case, thanks for the support, guys~!

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  24. Yep, the Crest turns Cosmic Power into Calm Mind+Harden. Your Sp. Attack stat might as well not exist while the Crest is equipped~! ...Which also means that Calm Mind itself is just a Sp. Def. increase. Whoops.
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