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Autumn Zephyr

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Autumn Zephyr

  1. Molech, what are doing here? Are your people not sacrificing enough children to you or something? #BiblicalReferencesIHighlyDoubtAnyoneIsActuallyGoingToCatch Anyway, welcome to these here meager forums! Feel free to check out all we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay~!
  2. Some one goes "Mrgrgrrr" at one point. Add the Bravely games to the list of references, I suppose.
  3. It seems that The World Ends With You is rather popular in GDC right now, seeing as Risa Raider was singing one of that game's songs when she showed up at the festival. Or maybe the others like it because she does? I dunno, celeb status has some weird side effects...
  4. Guys, this is in the Rejuvenation section... To answer the question, the data for them are in the code for the version that released today, but literally everything you listed has to do with Legendaries or beings that will probably be treated like Legendaries in terms of availability. They simply aren't going to be in the game for a long while. That said, the Move Tutors for Gen. 7 pokemon are in already, and lycanroc's dusk form *might* be available now (it has been neither confirmed or denied by now, as far as I'm aware). Oh, and the myriad level up movepool fixes in USUM are in as well. That, at least, is something.
  5. Melia's ribbon changed colors at some point, having gone from red to blue. Did it get attacked by a skeleton?
  6. Am I the only one who's ever so worried about the fact that the game has auto saves now?
  7. The fact that one of the first things I did upon booting up the game was bust out the old Jukebox probably says a lot about me. The following Spoiler contains my stream-of-consciousness type musings on the songs themselves, as well as speculation and what I believe to be a legitimate spoiler or two. proceed at your own risk!
  8. Aside from a few shinies, the USUM sprites are in the files, so I'd assume that the movesets would be updated as well.
  9. No problem, no problem! Anyway, I just got my game updated myself. 'Cuz patience is for the weak.
  10. It's the one on the far end of the autumn themed route. Taking the train the said route does cost $7,200, though, so have fun with that.
  11. Ah, I had assumed that they started in Route 9's safe spot. Oops! It's the room in Erin's House that has the TV in it.
  12. Considering that V9 ended with the reveal that we're in the Festival of Dreams Tournament, perhaps going to the Central Square (where we met Risa Raider and found out about it) will do the trick?
  13. Is that a Wispy Tower redesign I spy? Does this mean the tower itself will be important this episode, or is it solely for A E S T H E T I C S ? Hmm... Ah, and there are those blue banners from where we fought Neved again. Well, they aren't exactly the same, but it's a curious detail nonetheless. The Keta story is a really big secret, indeed. I'm pretty curious about what he has to offer this time and appreciate the opportunity for him to redeem himself after I glitched his ghost to death! Anyways, thank you very much for the update and not making it a pay to win mobile gacha, Jan! It's greatly appreciated!
  14. Aaaaaand there goes any chance I had at being able to play it. Capitalism strikes again~!
  15. I just got to the point where Charlotte and Laura run out of the Calcenon Gym, so I apparently have quite a few tough battles left to do. Whoops. Out of what I've played so far, Shelly wore me down the most often for sure. Samson, I believe, takes second place, but that has a lot less to do with the trickery involved with his fight and more to do with how severely underleveled I was going in the first time (despite slaughtering the local bull population several times over when trying to complete the Adventurine Forest, mind). I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that most of my team had gone up at least eight levels before I finally beat him... I'm legitimately surprised to hear that Flobot had been nerfed, though. I mean, sure I beat her the first time, but that only because I got extremely lucky with Rollout- if she had used one of her protecting moves or I hadn't gotten a crit at the end, she definitely would've taken me out. My quiladin one-shot her cradily, for goodness sake- I thought that such a thing would be impossible before hand! She's still the most impressive Grass specialist I've ever fought, though. Gotta give credit where credit is due!
  16. Janika? Monijan? Monjanka? ...Mozambique? Yeah, I think the first take was better...
  17. Uuuuhm... *Runs off to grab a container of salt and throws it at Jan one handful at a time* Back, crazy possessive being! Back!
  18. Autumn is ever so slightly amused by your introduction, and would like to bid you welcome to these here marvelous forums. Feel free to check out all they have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay~!
  19. Definitely Alolan muk. I had used both a Kantonian muk in XD and a Poison/Dark type in Diamond (drapion, for the record) and enjoyed them both, so I had been curious about how effective this thing would be at blending them together... and it friggin' blew my expectations out of the water! It's been my most reliable team member for most of the game from the moment it started gaining Exp. with its respectable tankiness, high enough Attack to work around how bad its STAB spread is (what, I'm not gonna kid myself there), and ability to wear down bulkier foes with good ol' Poison status. I've also gotten a stupid amount of mileage out of the Alchemy Ability despite it being useless in Singles- having a pokemon with Pure Power on the team is especially helpful in making those claws glisten even more, I've won a couple Gym battles by giving it a boost in Speed (Surge Surfer against Erick and Speed Boost against the Puppet Master), and even got out of what would've been a loss because of a lucky Cursed Body proc. I find it to be pretty entertaining, really~! Speaking of Cursed Body, using a banette's been quite the interesting roller coaster ride. It's had quite a few battles where it was completely and utterly useless (Marionette and the Puppet Master) and only one where it dominated (Narcissa), but ultimately it isn't still around for its hitting power. It's still here for its value as a utilitymon- access to Will-o-Wisp and Knock Off to cripple foes, and Ghost!Curse to quickly wear down the many single foe bosses throughout the game. It's also the only pokemon with a move that only inflicts a Status Effect on my team, so its been pretty much invaluable to have on hand whenever I try to catch something. And let's not forget the time it beat Revenant Keta by calling down the stars somehow- that was an especially hilarious moment for me! (Patch your game, kids) Am I hoping that the next update (if it actually happens) will finally give us the Mega Z-Ring and allow the doll to finally make use of that filled up Item slot? Oh, most definitely! Am i gonna drop them if that isn't the case? Nah, it's been far too long a ride for to do something like that- especially since its practically my starter, anyway! ...Why yes, I am a wordy person. Welp.
  20. Ah, don't worry about me. I'm on Spring Break right now anyway, so I can afford to sleep in a bit~! Hey, it's the little details that can help make a character stand out for some people! And sometimes those small details create themselves: I hadn't planned for half of Chroma's team to be Stone evolutions, but relying on magic rocks to reach her full power is certainly in character, so I can't complain! ...And looking back through my entries, I've realized that I didn't complete Chroma's formatting properly and I used the wrong pronoun once for Silic. The latter case was practically inevitable, though, so I'm not too worried about that, but Chroma's mistake... Bleargh. That's just silly... Don't rush yourself, ma'am: this is a bit of a delicate process after all! I sure hope I haven't offended you with that honorific...
  21. Sorry, that simply isn't possible at the moment. The only Move Tutor in the game right now is the Relearner in Sherindan, and that doesn't help infernape get them at all. Edit: Um, Champ, this is in the Rejuvenation section...
  22. *Checks calendar* B-but, April Fool's isn't for another 16 days!
  23. Is it weird that I already had a screenshot of this? I wasn't exactly aiming for them... They're just slightly to the west from the train station, if I remember correctly.
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