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Autumn Zephyr

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Everything posted by Autumn Zephyr

  1. Hoo boy, I sure do take forever with writing these sorts of things! Without further ado, here's charie 1 of 2! Before anyone comments on the image quality, these are roughly a year and a half old and the linework was all done with pen. Anatomy stops being as big a hanging point when you can no longer go back to fix your mistakes~! And with that, I'm going to actually go to bed. It's three in the morning here, and that can't be healthy for my sleep schedule!
  2. Both on the same post?! Geez, this'll take a tad longer than I thought! Good thing I got the drawings scanned half an hour ago.
  3. @Candy Based off Vanilla's backstory and the brief description we have of the Teams, I think she'd be a Zodiac. But hey, that's just speculation at this point! @Chromein Out of curiosity, might I be able to submit two characters? I was working on molding one to better fit into the world when I read Lord Drakyle's submission and realized that his character could work as a solid counter for another of mine. Though I suppose they'd have to agree with any sort of behind the scenes relationship building, of course!
  4. Remember that part of the Ren couldn't continue through after the first Gym because he didn't have Rock Climb? It's up there. If you run into a Xen Grunt, you'll know that you're on the right path.
  5. Today I learned that not only can corsola and toxapex breed together, but that any young polyps that spring from this twisted take on "playing with your food" can come out knowing Liquidation. I'm not sure if this means that someone at GameFreak failed to fact check or has a twisted sense of humor...
  6. No one's really sure at this point, I believe. Between him having a latios and his apparent ties to April/Krystal, however, I'd say that there are definitely psychic shenanigans at play. And yet another case of 'dead person sightings' the International Police have to cover up, no doubt.
  7. Most likely, yeah. Based off the way the announcement on Erin's TV was worded, there isn't a whole lot of time between finding out and having to be on site- and we're not even in the city. So either we show up late for the first match but cruise through the tourney, or we fail to show up and have to deal with the (supposedly severe) consequences.
  8. As far as I'm aware, GeameFreak has given no indication one way or another, and probably won't until may. I personally think that this will be a break year (every generation since 3 has had one), but we all know how much GF likes breaking patterns at this point. Back to 5mash, may I play devil's advocate and suggest that we might be seeing our first NFE or non-starter in a while? Dartrix could potentially be a respectible fighter on its own, whereas crabrawler/ crabominable could give is a small bruiser if that happens to be a category the team wants to fill... for some reason (the latter would probably frustrate the Announcer a bit, too). Oricorio could prove to at least be entertaining, since the only thing that really changes is its element... though the costume design team would be annoyed with that one. I personally wouldn't be too surprised if a lycanroc form came up, either. Of course, we're all pretty much casting darts and hoping to hit something at this point. Chances are, all my guesses are off- but hey, isn't that half the fun of the Smash hype period? Edit: Apparently crabominable is 5'07'/ 1.7m tall. So much for being a 'small' fighter!
  9. It probably got petrified with her, and should be in her pocket as a result- if Venam was carrying the ribbon with her at the time, Melia isn't going to find it. If she had stashed in a drawer, on the other hand... then things might get interesting there~!
  10. That would make the process of *how* the people are turning into stone make a bit more sense. When Nim was petrified, it was from psychic enervation- she had used to much mental energy trying to keep *Giratina* of all things trapped in her dimension. She's an accomplished psychic, though, so she had plenty of endurance. The average person, however? They wouldn't have anywhere near the same level of mental endurance, or any sort of mental protection on themselves- it wouldn't be especially difficult for a Psychic type to break into their mind. At that point, all they'd need is a way to sap the victim of their energy and a get away; the latter of which is certainly the tricky part, since lavender's been shown to have at least one pokemon capable of using Teleport. ...Does this make any sense to anyone else, or am i just running my mouth here?
  11. Anywho, Welcome to these forums! Feel free to hit any of our subfori (at least, compared to the ones you've already touched), and please enjoy your stay~!
  12. I'm fairly certain that's GDC!Aelita, actually. The hair's appropriately all over the place, at least.
  13. So, Melia's going to get kicked out of the hospital, in favor of the tournament nobody signed up for? Fair enough, fair enough. Am I the only one thinking that Aelita looks like a skinny Rose Quartz?
  14. I, um, never got a pokemon that high in level before. the closest I've gotten was a Lv. 83 heatran in Diamond- the poor gal never even got the chance to learn her signature move! This does mean that my first 100's likely going to be in either Reborn or Rejuvenation, though, so that's kinda neat~!
  15. And here I thought that Cerberus was the Greek version of Spot. While you're probably on to something here, it is worth noting that Anathea may be a bit of an outlier- most people are still alive when they get offed, while Anathea had already been dead for a while. We have no idea how long it takes for a soul to leave the body after death, or whether or not the Soul Stone hastened the process, so it could be that Arceus typically gets a person's spirit as well. Or he doesn't actually care and Indriad's killing people for nothing, though that seems like a less likely option at this point. Interestingly, it seems like Arceus doesn't like maidens with flaxen hair, unlike most fantasy creatures of the flesh-eating ilk. No need to be so picky!
  16. All your base are belong to us. What stands out to me is that Arceus isn't mentioned at all here- at least, not as "Arceus". I doubt "seberus" has anything to do with a three headed dog, but that's what comes to mind for that word in particular...
  17. >Female volbeat And here i thought only the tauros was screwy in that department. The more you know~! Anyway, thanks for putting on the event, and don't worry too much about tomorrow. You've been plenty generous already!
  18. Thank you very much~! Please take care of little Skittsy- he was one of the first members of the team, truth be told!
  19. I won the spiritomb and budew (much to someone else's chagrin, in the latter's case). My ID's MedMana.
  20. Yeah, it looks like I'll have to wait until I get home before i can get a decent enough connection to work with. Guess I'll message you when that happens? Sorry about this, by the way.
  21. Well, um, this is awkward. I can't seem to get onto the server at the moment. Bleargh... "Server is not online or your internet connection has a problem." Yeah, I think it's the latter, there.
  22. Diamond was my most recent game until last summer, so I've got some grasp on Gen. 4~! My ID is MedMana, I believe. Don't ask
  23. Spiritomb involved talking to 30 people in the Sinnoh Underground after placing the Odd Keystone into the Collapsed tower between Hearthome and Solaceon. Extrasensory can be obtained as an Egg Move for the roserade line by breeding with Nuzleaf (who i still don't get why it even learns the move in the first place).
  24. *Comes in curiously* *Looks around the place* *Decides to do more than window shop* Right! So, I would like to try my hand for spiritomb and budew, please!
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