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Autumn Zephyr

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by Autumn Zephyr

  1. Ohai, hai, you must be the pest control agent I asked for a while back! I'm telling ya, man, all these durants are really tearing up the garden in my backyard, and I've got folks expecting me to have some nice crop on hand for the farmer's market come summer! In all seriousness, welcome to this here place we call Reborn! Feel free to hit up a few clubs, maybe an Onyx Arcade or two (don't ask), and above all else, enjoy your stay!
  2. Either monday the 26th, or tuesday the 27th- I don't remember which one it was specifically. Guess the testers have found something problematic or some such? Somewhat greninja'd.
  3. Click the 'Desktop' tab, right beneath 'Favorites', then click on the system folder (it should have your computer account's name). There should be a folder labeled 'Saved Games' in there- that's where your save data's kept. Hopefully this is helpful for ya!
  4. It's still available then? That's probably when you're supposed to find it, then. I don't think Jan expected people to have to spend a large chunk of time grinding like I did, which is when I found it.
  5. It requires backtracking to where the the blue curtain was in the Tower of Theolia once Angie decides to fight you. At least, I think that's when it becomes accessible.
  6. Well, I'm not the resident expert on dealing with the bug itself, but I have an idea around it. Do you have your game set to make backup files?
  7. Is there some sort of stigma about playing Minecraft? 'Cuz this is the first I've heard of that. Besides, there's a tab for the game on these very forums, so no need to worry there. Anyway, good evening and salutations! Welcome to these here forums, where, well... I don't exactly feel reborn yet, but maybe that's just how new I am myself? In any case, do enjoy your stay!
  8. Yeah, I've come to the same conclusion myself recently. I hadn't even met Angie yet when it happened, though, so I had no real idea about it until post. I think this is gonna wind up being a neutral run in the end, assuming the branching endings function the way I think they do.
  9. Oh no, I was aware that it was a bug on my end. I patched the game while I was in the manor, so I don't think the coding for that even ever really got the chance to fix itself... or something like that. I didn't know about Anju's Pendant at the time, though, and ultimately decided that was probably too minor to bother with- I was already tired of the place from all the grinding I had to put in just to beat Snuggles. I brought it up because it was a relevant scene that I had missed, which may hurt my credentials on the matter. Think of it more as a 'take this with a grain of salt' type add-on, if that makes any sense. Anyway, thanks for trying to be on top of your game! Sorry to have bothered ya, Lia.
  10. That is unclear at the moment, as far as I'm aware. Then again, I was never able to meet Anju myself (the maid in the main room refused to accept that I had found her three), so perhaps I'm missing something in that regard? I doubt that, though.
  11. I *think* the most "optimized" way to do this is to stick with swoobat until you've found both the Energy Ball and Shadow Ball TMs. Competitive gothitelle, I feel, is better offensively in general once given the proper moves, but will be forced into having an incredibly defensive moveset until then. Sure, gothitelle might be hurting from being unable to learn Calm Mind quite yet, but the higher base Sp. Attack should be able to serve it fine until the TM is added. Hope this has been helpful.
  12. Oh man, those are two very different play styles! Let's see here... Gothitelle has significantly higher defenses than swoobat, but has a much lower Speed stat in return- it's likely going to be taking hits before it can do anything, but should be able to take those hits as well. Ability-wise, Frisk is probably not worth it for a permanent team member- yes, knowing what items the enemy has can be helpful, but that's literally all it does. Shadow Tag's less helpful in Rejuvenation than it is in the competitive scene, since the AI doesn't switch out too terribly often, which leaves us with Competitive... which is honestly a pretty nice Ability to have. Sure, it's boosts aren't as extreme as swoobat's Simple, but it also doesn't have such bad drawbacks- certainly something to keep in mind! In terms of movepool, gothitelle is definitely more of a supportive 'mon. Aside from Psychic and Psyshock, it's only good Special moves are Shadow Ball and Energy Ball, so it'll be struggling a fair bit against Steels... but so does swoobat. The rest of its movepool seems to consist of Heal Block, Flatter, Heal Pulse (through breeding) and stat reducing moves, which... gives you options, I guess. I think it ultimately comes down to whether you value higher base stats (gothitelle) or Flinch!hax (swoobat), for what it's worth. I hope I wasn't too harsh on the Garufan ally...
  13. ...As much as I like your team, I gotta ask: how long did it take you to beat Marianette? In all seriousness, though, I've got a couple ideas in mind. As far as Electrics go, you can always pick up pichu from the Battle Me Again HC quest in Sheridan Village. It is a little underleveled when you get it and a Friendship evolution, but comes with at least 3 stats with 31 IV's (try to get them in Special Attack and Speed) and Nasty Plot, and the Apophyll Pancakes needed to evolve it into the Alolan Form are available for purchase right outside of Goldenleaf (I'd recommend holding off on doing so until pikachu learns Discharge at Lv. 34). You'd pretty much have to run Flash (TM available for cheap at the Game Corner in Gearen) as your fourth move if you want it to actually help against Narcissa, but the resulting Holy Field does power up your Psychic for the rest of the fight, so I'd say it's a fair trade. Surge Surfer should come in handy against the Electric Gym later on, especially if your grimer's packing Alchemy like mine does, so it's a pretty solid investment for the long run as well. Helioptile is also available at the Game Corner, but a bit trickier to prep against Narcissa. It makes better use of the "Holy Flash" trick here in terms of defense due to reclaiming its immunity to Ghost upon using it, but has a harder time using it offensively- its best Normal move is Quick Attack, and it lacks the Physical Attack stat to really make that hurt even with Super Effective damage. It's probably worth noting that you can theoretically evolve it into heliolisk before the Gym, though: Sun Stones are a rare Pickup item for the Lv. 40-49 tier. That does require actually getting a zigzag/linoone to those levels, though, so it's decidedly up to you if you want to put in the effort there. Voltorb should be available from a merchant in East Gearen by now (he actually sells Pokeballs at a higher than normal price, and happens to have one of the buggers on hand by accident). I'm not too sure about long-run investments with this one, but I'm sure using Holy Flash -> Self Destruct/ Explosion to take out one of her pokemon can be quite the trick for this one fight! For a more physical option, Alolan graveler is available in the Golden Leaf ruins. It does make you double up on Rock Types, but gives you an Electric Type nonetheless. It's got two good choices as far as Abilities are concerned, with Sturdy guaranteeing you at least one attack in a match and Galvanize providing you with some more powerful STAB moves than normal. The latter also allows you to Self Destruct/ Explode on her pokemon without needing to set up Flash first, which is nice given how slow a pokemon it is. Oh, and it can learn Nature Power to roll through Gyms with. It's probably not the greatest long-term investment for your team, but as far as one-shot members are concerned, you can certainly do worse! Grass gives you a few more options, at least. Roselia is a lot like raichu in that your only way to get it at this point in the game is in its baby form (budew), which means that it has 3 31 IV stats as well. Unlike raichu, however, it isn't especially easy to get (its a rare encounter in East Gearen, only in the morning) and can't be evolved until later, so that's a bummer. Still, Growth+ Giga Drain should be able to serve you well for a little bit, and access to Nature Power (albeit through an annoying side quest) can help you turn Narcissa's, and most other gym Leaders', fields against them. It takes some work to use to its fullest potential, but should pull through by the end! Gearen also has oddish and bellsprout, at much more accessible rates, should you wish to use them. Weepinbell's the more Physically oriented of the two, and learns that sweet, sweet Knock Off at Lv. 29, but will be stuck relying on Vine Whip for Grass STAB until Lv. 44 (when it Learns Razor Leaf) and is completely lacking in Poison options until Lv. 47 (Poison Jab; truth be told, I don't know if it can learn Poison Sweep or not). Gloom's the more Specially oriented one, and perhaps the more useful one overall. It gets all of the original Powder moves, bar Spore, learns Moonlight at Lv. 29 and Giga Drain at Lv. 34, Toxic comes online at 39 (remeember that it has perfect accuracy thanks to gloom's Poison Subtype), and while Acid isn't the *greatest* move in the world, it is a Special STAB option that hits both targets in a double battle and can potentially lower their Special Defense, allowing you to deal more damage later on. Both pokemon also have access to Nature Power, with all of the anti-Gym utility that comes with it. Sadly, the Leaf Stone needed to evolve them isn't available at all until later, which means that they'll still have mediocre stats when you go to fight Narcissa, so be sure to keep that in mind. There's an event lombre over in the Wispy Path, though I don't recall what the requirements for it are (I always just walked pat it like an idiot, haha). It should prove to quite handy to have on hand, however: it comes already knowing Nature Power, which saves you a lot of time you'd otherwise spend trying to get the friggin' TM, and learns Knock Off fairly quickly at Lv. 36, giving it quite a bit of utility right of the gate. It's only STAB is Bubblebeam until Lv. 44 (when it learns Hydro Pump) or you pick up HM Surf, however, so it's definitely more of a Water Type than a Grass, but it's resistance and weakness chart should be different enough from swampert's to make the shared Type pretty negligible. It's also another pokemon who needs a Stone that isn't available before Narcissa to evolve (why are there so many of these things?!), so that's another thing worth bearing in mind. Leavanny gives you another physical attacker to play with, wielding Leaf Blade for crit. fishing and X-Scissor to take out Psychics and Darks. It take some care to make use of, however- it's a Friendship evolution, and quite frail as a whole, meaning it'll probably go down if it fails to net a kill. Still, it's a Grass Type you can actually fully evolve now (hallelujah!), and Swarm can come in handy for turning those near-death situations into even stronger blows, so it's not all that bad, considering. It's probably not worth teaching Nature Power, however- its Special Attack is abysmal, and most of the moves Nature Power can turn into use that stat. It's a shame given how little coverage the little tailor gets, but them's the breaks. If you want to annoy the ever living daylights out of the AI, Gearen Park's packing another lovely Physical Grass Type that really gets on people's nerves: whoever decided to give lurantis Contrary deserves a cookie, in my opinion! much like leavanny, it can crit. fish with Leaf Blade, though it also has Growth for setup, Synthesis for healing, Petal Blizzard for when you really need an area attack, Slash to crit. fish against Grass, Fire, and Bug Types (which all resist Leaf Blade, I believe), and Sweet Scent... for triggering random encounters without waiting on RNG, should you *really* want to do that. Sadly, Night Slash and X-Scissor require the Move Relearner to pick up, and that doesn't become available until well into Terajuma, and the lack of Move Tutors means that you're going to have to wait until a future version to grab Superpower, but at least its Special Attack isn't so abysmal that it can't make use of Nature power. Feel free to use that until the more consistent attacks become available! There are a few more things I haven't talked about yet, but this uh... wound up being a lot longer than I intended, and I doubt you'd really care about pansage or cherubi, anyway. I hope this essay was at least helpful for you, and good luck with your endeavors!
  14. No, we don't. The percentage is already an estimate to begin with, and guessing from a guess usually has terribly inaccurate results. That said, I think it should be out early next week, given that it's taken a week to clear up 45% in this most recent update...
  15. Seems like something that'd be in the hardcore variant. Of course, it's entirely possible that we've annihilated the Z-Move user before they got the chance to do so, but I honestly doubt it- I personally gave V9's leader ample opportunity with no nuke flying my way. They should crop up at some point for all difficulty settings at some point, though!
  16. The Hoshidans are the ones behind the Dual weapons and Calamity Gate, as well as the dreaded Wakizashi. Granted, it probably isn't too difficult for one to pick some up in Conquest, but a point is a point, right? Speaking of Calamity Gate, I personally prefer the Scrolls' animations to the Tomes' (Brynhildr notwithstanding). I mean, who doesn't like killing people with an ethereal rabbit?
  17. Oranguru Wouldn't want to stick to the usual o's, would we?
  18. Hey, I can actually participate in this one from a fairly informed perspective! Now, let's see here... Mega Venusaur: 15 Mega Charizard X: 22 Mega Charizard Y: 25 Mega Alakazam: 20 Mega Gengar: 23 Mega Kangaskhan :18 Mega Pinsir: 23 Mega Aerodactyl: 23 Mega Mewtwo Y: 18 Mega Ampharos: 13 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 22 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 21 Mega Gardevoir: 3 Mega Mawile: 29 Mega Aggron: 23 Mega Manetric: 19 Mega Banette: 16 Mega Absol: 16 Mega Lucario: 13 Mega Abomasnow: 17 ...Yeah, neither of those seem to be group foci at the moment. Sorry!
  19. As of V9, lycandusk (and anything else from USUM, such as poipole) isn't even in the coding, yet alone attainable. That said, V10 is coming around the corner, so I guess the big question is whether or not Own Tempo rockruff will be available then!
  20. Do I really have much right to post here given how recently I've joined (within the past couple weeks)? Eh, maybe not, but I'm doing it anyway. I, too, am part of the 19 Laps Around the Massive Ball of Superheated Plasma At the Center of Our Solar System, Soon To Be 20 Club! And the only reason I'm not living in my parents' basement is that we don't have one.
  21. Was there supposed to be more than just finding the Weird Diary for that? Erick's lines in GDC seemed to imply that they were still working on things to me. I will admit that I haven't gotten whatever was behind the railnet key Madelis gave me yet, but that's got more to do with the fact that I'm not a fan of the Wetlands (and I've already been chased off by the Cell Battery requirement once before).
  22. I have, I have. Gotta love [REDACTED]'s opening statement during the Nightmare City portion of "Classified Information". But hey, patience is a virtue I intend to uphold now that I'm not playing the game almost non-stop!
  23. Wait, already? Guess I won't be waiting as long as I thought I would to pick back up- I just finished V9 yesterday, and there aren't many things I haven't done yet that I can think of! *Insert usual 'take your time still' line here*
  24. I just finished the Blacksteeple story arc for the first time, and am still sorta in shock from all that. Of course, I checked the pokeball Augustus passed on to me, and was struck by the weight carried by a simple note. It did initially struck me as odd that 'she' gave us a mawile, but that is one of the pokemon she can trade you in BW 2, so I figured it wasn't too much of a stretch. And then I checked the little one's status screen, and was somehow even more blown away than I had been before! No soft resets, no finagling, didn't even know that it would be a pokemon, just raw, impactful luck. I... I still find it a little hard to believe that this happened, but happen it did, and I'm certainly not gonna complain about it... Just, wow...
  25. Ohey, the Secret's got an update as well! Is that whole bar the remaining 1%, though? In any case, the end of the wait and start of the next one is nearly here!
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