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Autumn Zephyr

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Autumn Zephyr

  1. Only now does it dawn on me that I could've ended the title with 'And All That Jazz!'. Ah, well, no use crying over spilled milk! Prepare for easy pickins', 'cuz I ain't prepared for no war! Anyways, thanks for the (mostly) warm welcome! I'm honestly surprised my movie choice got so much attention from folks other than Walpurgis (your name kinda gives that fandom away, sorry), but maybe that's just me being bad at estimations in general. Not that that matters, of course~! @Dragoknight I believe I found it at qwertyuiop@ERROR.crash. They might've taken it down by now, though... @Jace Stormkirk I don't beleive I'll be calling on your primary services any time 'soon' (I'm playing the wrong game, after all), but smiles go for miles!
  2. I don't think title came out too wittily... *Ahem* Right! My name's Autumn Zephyr, and I'm one of the latest newbies to crop upon these here forums! Well, I guess that would be made pretty obvious just by looking at my join date, but it never hurts to have your bases covered, right? Anyway, I discovered Pokemon Rejuvenation on YouTube somewhere around a week ago, and a few days ago decided to try my hand at playing it. Imagine my surprise when the game got running despite all the restrictions and 'fail-safes' my father had put on the machine! Granted, it doesn't have the right fonts, but seeing as I can't even change the volume on my computer without a password, it's a heck of a lot better than I expected! Now that I know that Reborn runs on the same system, I intend to get started on that as soon as I finish up with Juve- though Jan might just release v10 before I get there, so that debut may have to be delayed for a little bit. And now, time to stealborrow formatting from the 'Meet the vets!' thread! Known As: Autumn Zephyr; yes, I've had people call me AZ before. Now ain't that funny? Age: 19 years, 10 months, and... a few days? There's some weird time zone related stuff involved with the more focused numbers... Gender: ...Good question, actually. I guess I'll say non-binary here because it's a lot better than saying I'm a toaster. Birthday: April 24th. Location: Athens! ...Georgia. Sorry to get your hopes up! Height: Tall enough to be the one called on to reach high things, while still being below 6'. Is that an awkward zone? Hair Color: A dark, dark brown that's not quite black yet. Eye Color: Anywhere between the-clouds-while-it's-just-sprinkling grey and a sort of pale aquamarine(?), depending on my mood (and supposedly what I'm wearing...?) Lives With: My father, step-mother, and younger brothers Pets: None. My step mother has a ball python, and the cat has her, though! Relationship Status: So single I could fit on a shingle! ...If it's a really large shingle. Favorite Food: Uh, assuming dark chocolate isn't allowed... either sweet potato casserole or baked butternut squash. Favorite Drink: Cheerwine, rare as it may be 'round these parts! I subside mainly off of water, though. Favorite Color: Either a pale purple like lavender, or orange, depending on the day (and shade) Favorite Kind of Music: I really like folk arrangements of non-folk songs, oddly enough. Maybe that's just folk music in general? Beyond that, house is nice (with a few pieces being particularly nostalgic for me), and I rarely turn down anything else that comes my way. Favorite Song: Outside of video game music, I'd have to say Magenta by nano (yes, I'm aware that it isn't one of the genres I've mentioned above). Counting the rest, Prosperity and Decline (Elebits 2), World Without Weight (Elebits) are frequent return points for me even though its been a while since I've played those games myself. Favorite Band: Uh... The cast of FF9 was a neat little band of misfits. Does that count? Favorite Album: vjhhhcg kjsaxgbvjdafv dbjtsoglcnlfkughnkwenvgbdkj Favorite Game: Oof, that's a tough one. There's just too many, ya know? Out of the ones I've personally played, I'd have to say it's a toss up between Elebits, We Love Katamari, Pokemon BW/2, and Mario Kart Wii. Favorite Game Genre: As much as I want to say RPGs, but the above list clearly suggests otherwise. Ah, well! Favorite Hobbies: I've frequently drawing, mucking about with D&D (3.X and 5e, of course), or watching other people play video games I don't have access to myself on YouTube. There are some who'd say that it's a sad life to lead, but oh well! Favorite Movie: ...Madoka Magica: the Rebellion Story. I don't watch a whole lot of movie movies, personally. Favorite Shows: Aside from the one tied to the above answer, I had been following TOME: Terrain of Magical Expertise a good chunk of the way through, though that finished up a couple years ago. I've been waiting on No Game, No Life Season 2 for years now, as well...\ And, done with that mess! Other things of note, I was born in Italy, and have spent a solid chunk of my life in Puerto Rico, but am not particularly fluent in either country's language (anymore, the latter's case). How's that for a bonus, eh? Anyway, I should probably get playing again. Hopefully we all get along well enough, people of Reborn!
  3. I personally try to nickname the majority of pokes I get, though many are sort of on-the-spot and lame. Still, there are some diamonds in the rough, so let's focus on those! Breloom (Male): Yoshi Rex <Similar body type, and shared stretchy bits. Besides, the mushroom cap looks a bit like headwear, right?> Breloom (female): Jabbers <Am I the only one who's always found this species' arms to be mildly humorous?> Grovyle: Sliver <A reference to the bladed monsters in MTG; decidedly less applicable as a sceptile, though> Kyurem (White): Fuelado <The Spanish words for fire and ice, combined in a somewhat awkward package... kinda like the pokemon itself!> Porygon Z: Program: Insufficient Number Generator <P:I.N.G. for short; RNG's always a pain the butt, so why not personify that?> Cinccino (Male): McSwiffer <If you're gonna be a clean freak, might as well do it with style! Especially when you're cleaning up an absurd about of the game on your own *cough, solo'd black kyurem. cough*> Luxray: Pride <7 Deadly Sins name to match the 'dark' design? Check! Big cat joke? Check! Is probably a trait among members of a Champion's team? Check! Simple, but effective, I'd say> Girafarig: Palin <From 'palindrome', which the species name happens to be; also sounds like shorthand for 'paladin', which I find fitting after one took a Shadow Force to the (main) face, teaching me that Normal is immune to Ghost the hard way> Milotic: Borealis <It's less stereotypical than Aurora, and more androgynous to boot> Chimecho: Echologica <It's got the words echo and logic in it, hitting both its theme and its Type, while sounding not English. Worth it? Maybe> Cradily: Matte <From 'stromatolite', which I though might have some connection to the design. I mean, they're both ancient plant-like entities that are actually quite stony, so it's not that much a stretch, right?> Vileplume (Female): Eufloria <Kinda cheesy, mayhaps, but that's vileplume for ya. She was named before I found out that she had a Naughty Nature, though...> Sharpedo: Slavedos <While the first one's name stemmed from being my second HM slave for the file, I couldn't help but like how the name came out. I'll just tell the successors that it has 'slaver' as the root word and they'll be nonethewiser! ...Hopefully> Probopass (Female): Ms. Impasse <Mr. Potato Head joke combined with a jab at her overly-defensive nature. Not that I have a problem with tanks, myself!> Tynamo: WishiNotMe <Am I the only one who thinks this guy and wishiwashi's Solo form look similar?> Wishiwashi: Mr. Wishes <As in, he wishes he were stronger on his own. Still doin' better than magikarp, at least> Drifblim: Hindenburg <A century later isn't 'too soon', right?> Gourgeist (Supersized, Male): Squashen <Is what he's hopefully doin'! There's also the obvious pun aspect, but oh well> ...That turned out to be longer than I initially anticipated. My bad!
  4. Oh, that's definitely fine- it's the easiest trial of the bunch, after all. Thanks for the help!
  5. For some reason, the Maria trial still removes the password avatar, despite the patch notes saying that it shouldn't anymore. I have tested to see if the patch works elsewhere, and Ghost!Curse does turn Maria's Blessed Field into a Haunted one now (compared to the broken Starlight I got against Revenant Keta), so I'm really not sure what elese I can do about it at this point. Can anyone help me out here? Game.rxdata
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