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Autumn Zephyr

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Autumn Zephyr

  1. Regarding the ladder, we'll just have to wait and see. The Q&A did reveal that it would be accessible eventually, but how soon it'll be was left up in the air. As for the Tournament... I dunno. The government's been to busy making sure that their leader was still safe in the days following Bladestar's attack to make any official announcements on the matter (as far as we're aware, anyway), so who knows how things are looking from that angle. On the other hand, it's looking increasingly likely that it was the Mysterious Figures that signed us up in the dang thing, and they don't seem like the types to do anything if they don't think it'll go exactly the way they want it to. I highly doubt putting us a "convenient" reason to travel to the Eclysia Pyramid was the only thing they had in mind for that move if I'm correct on this one.
  2. It does make me wonder if Saki's gonna be a Double Battle, actually. It most reasonable for G-Duradulon to keep its Signature Stalwart Ability, which doesn't do anything in Single Battles. Failing that, it seems reasonable that it'd have a "new" Ability like Mega Charizard Y's Drought, since Heavy Metal and Light Metal don't do a whole lot (and even less, if Gigantimax's lack of a Weight stat is carried over from the main games).
  3. Dynamax isn't being used at all, while the Gigantimax forms are reportedly being retrofitted to serve as custom Mega Evolutions. No point in letting official designs go to complete waste, ya know?
  4. They've been brought up in the main discussion, and aren't the only... off-putting posts on the account. As a whole, it's pretty clear that someone's pulling a few more strings than initially expected. At least, the Risa angle may be a bit different than I initially thought.
  5. If I may offer some advice, Baby Pokémon are guaranteed to have at least 3 IVs at 31, making them pretty handy for chain breeding in the perfect ditto's stead. They may be a bit tedious to evolve, sure, but no more so than the actual breeding process itself.
  6. Unfortunately, we wouldn't be able to help here even if we did. Trading isn't implemented in Rejuvenation, so the only options available are either continuing the reset train or genning one in.
  7. ...I'm not sure which is worse: the sheer randomness of this post, or Zumi's response in the comment section...
  8. I did say that you can get to the eighth one in my answer to Question #4, so yeah. It's not very functional as an HM quite yet (and neither is the Golden Jetpack, for that matter), but it is available for use as a Physical Water attack pokemon that don't have access to Liquidation can use. Scald's also up there, so Water's pretty solidly supported as of V12.
  9. Well, it seems I've been Accelgor'd. Thanks for the assist, Enderowl!
  10. I'm a bit lacking in advice, but maybe a spot of appropriate music will help? Sorry, I saw an opportunity and just had to take it
  11. ...I somehow managed to forget that was them. Well, the caves are still an option, and those two really need to deal with their sleep deprivation now. That's a fair point, though HL5 specifically is out of the question, I feel (the sidequest already has a tendency to lock people out, no need to exacerbate the issue), but thankfully it's not the only quest we've had that deals with Garufan shenanigans (I really oughta use Solatone at some point...).
  12. Hmm, that's an interesting point. If I remember correctly, there are canonically 5 Zygarde Cores (at least as far as Alola's concerned), which would initially seem at odds with Aevium's four Subregions… until you remember that Terrial is further split into two drastically different landmasses. I figure that there'd be one Core per landmass, so my guesses are... Floria: Route 4's fancy new Wild Area (a place that big and unspoiled by man's bound to attract an ecosystem-defense system, after all) Terrajuma: Part of the jungle we don't currently have access to (somewhere down the river beneath the Lover's Bridge, perhaps? ); Valor Mountain's also an option, but that place is packed to the brim with events already... East Terrial: Somewhere in Route 9, either beyond the two NPCs that have been in that absurdly long conversation (seriously, it's been almost a week in game, minimum...), or in the cave system. West Terrial: the quicksand-filled cave (this is the one we already have, BTW) Neverwinter: ...We've never been to any part of this place (assuming Blacksteeple isn't in its waters, of course), so I naturally can't guess for this one Generally speaking, it seems unlikely that Zygarde would want to put it's most important parts near Garufan territory given their tendency to... mistreat the laws of nature in dramatic ways, but it also wouldn't want to be too far away as to keep it from springing to action should they pull anything dramatic enough. Of course, I'm not a partially-connected deific hivemind spread across several hundred miles of land, so my thought process might be a bit off here.
  13. She will if Amber tries to visit her Animal Crossing island under charge of being dumb and mean, apparently For a more serious answer, probably? While we were able to make up with Amber, Saki was abducted before that opportunity arrived for them, so her original personality would still have beef. And given that the Twitter appears to be using Saki's original design (remember that Valarie and Adam both sported different outfits and hair colors), it seems pretty reasonable to say that she'd have that personality the next time the two meet. Assuming, of course, that there's actually anything serious about that account and its not some extended April Fools' joke...
  14. I mean, outside of the Legendaries and duradulon, all of those are already available to you before you get to her, and even then duradulon's only missing because it's entire Generation is. you'll probably be able to mirror her almost perfectly in terms of the species are concerned.
  15. It's happened a few times already. Rotom being used twice is understandable (especially when of them one of them isn't even an appliance), but claydol (Ryland and the Puppet Master) doesn't have the same luxury. The most egregious is the fact that Amber's got a chandelure- another Gym Leader's ace! Every non-Legendary Steel Type is fair game for Saki, based off of that precedent.
  16. Wait, the Twitter actually got updated? And here I thought it was just an April Fool's joke! I mmean, explaining a Legendary is actually quite easy in Saki's case. She's an inventor, and Magearna and Genesect are both at least partially mechanical in nature. Between the two, the former seems more likely to me- the biological aspect in Genesect may be beyond what she's willing to put up with.
  17. I'll second the idea of her running duradulon, though I'd guess that it'll take up her Mega slot. As different as she is from the rest of the family, she is still a Blakeory, who have served as the backbone for building both of Aevium's two largest population centers. A massive skyscraper is bound to be utilized by someone in the family, and if it's not Saki, then one of the others will likely wind up being battled at another time. I don't really see her running aegislash personally, but that's also based off of her original personality and we have no idea what her new one is/ was (there's a non-zero chance that she'll have shaken it off like Adam did atop the pyramid by the time we fight her). It's almost certain that they're gonna use her fight to showcase some of the Crests in V13, with togedemaru being my highest pick in this regard (it seems like a silly pokemon for a high-levelled Gym Leader to use, which would be fitting for her out-there personality, and honestly doesn't require quite anywhere near as much work to make dangerous as some of the other Pikaclones). I also wouldn't put it past her to run the goofy-looking probopass (remember that Ryland had two Crested pokemon on his team in V12), but I'll admit that this is also a bit of wishful thinking on my part.
  18. I mean, our third Badge is from a source that, for all League-based purposes, doesn't even exist. Add in the fact that the 2nd one was given to us after the Gym Leader died, we never actually fought Kreiss, and the Puppet Master probably isn't even on any official roster of any sort, and it becomes pretty clear that a large chunk of our collection really shouldn't count. But with Amanda being AWOL, her mechanical doppleganger kaput, and Jan being a bit busy attending to the fact that his half of town is still being reconstructed, I really don't think the Elites are really gonna care about their legitimacy by the end of the game. Any potentially bizarre circumstances behind the rest of the Badges are basically fair game. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. The Plates make nice budget alternatives to the bigger damage-boosting items, and can be mined up pretty easily. The weather-extending Rocks, Amplifield Rock, and Light Clay can also be acquired this way, enabling greater efficiency for strategies involving said mechanics. Much like the available pokemon list, the held item meta is about making the most of what you currently have access to at any given moment~
  20. There's something oddly satisfying about clicking on a webcomic because you think you recognize the art style, only to find out that it was actually drawn by the artist it reminded you of.


    ...Hopefully this doesn't wind up being another Made in Abyss type situation for me... 😅

  21. There was a Q&A Thread. It got closed a little over a month after it opened, though I think that was a little later than initially planned. In any case, here's the archive~!
  22. ...It's been a while since I last fought her (geez, it's almost been two years already?! ), but if I remember correctly, I took the advice of "fight Fire with Fire" to heart and wrecked most of her team with my salazzle. This was the Version before it became possible to take her fight Underwater, though, so I suspect that there will be some folks who took that goofy route to victory instead~
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