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Autumn Zephyr

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Everything posted by Autumn Zephyr

  1. My original theory here was that they'd make it like Necrozma's Ultra Burst, effectively being a "Z-Move" that you needed to "Mega" first to use. If they're just gonna be the Megas, then it's pretty likely that the G-Max Moves are properly out, since it seems pretty silly to give them both a Mega Stone and a Z-Crystal when they can only use one of them at a given time anyway. That's my view of the situation, anyway. Intense Mode has a tendency to give GLs random Legendaries after a certain point in the game, not just Florin (Souta's packing, or at least at one point packed, a thundurus, for example). The Intense Mode teams aren't the "canon" ones, though, so they don't need an in-universe explanation to work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. The answer's to why they can use it and we can't is simple: it adds to the game's challenge. By the time the GLs start using Megas, the player already has access to a vast array of options they can use to tackle any boss efficiently, provided they're willing to put in the effort to hard counter that one in particular. Add in the fact that the AI still isn't the most effective ATM, and it makes sense that they're gonna need some sort of extra advantage to deal with us and our increasingly almighty arsenal in a meaningful manner. Though that does bring the worrisome question of what the bosses are gonna have to pull now that we have these tools at our disposal from the next Version onward, but I guess we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get there.
  3. Hm, they must've decided on how they were gonna implement them during my hiatus, then. Makes sense, though I'd imagine that at least a couple of them are gonna mourn the loss of their G-Max Moves. Orbeetle certainly doesn't mind, though
  4. It's not yet available as of V12, a detail that has frustrated many a player well before your time. However, the Devs have confirmed that it will be available in V13 as part of the story (and with some sort of adaptation of SwSh's Gigantimax phenomenon, if you're into that sort of thing), so you won't have to wait that much longer. Compared to Reborn, which gave you the Mega Ring just before the 15th Gym at the end of a long, easily messed up sidequest, we've got a better deal.
  5. You aren't crazy, actually. The Devs haven't programmed a way to keep "borrowed" 'mons from being registered as owned yet, so a lot of peoples' Owned-to-Seen ratio's quite artificially skewed by the end of V12. This'll probably be changed if they ever implement a system to reward players for Pokedex completion for obvious reasons, but we'll just have to live with it for the time being.
  6. Alolan grimer is an incredibly solid pokemon throughout the game, sporting great Special bulk backed by a single weakness, immunity to Psychic attacks, the Poisoned Status Effect, and Prankster-boosted moves, all whilst still sporting an impressive Physical Attack stat that can be boosted with Power-Up Punch once you unlock the second Move Tutor. Certainly worth giving a chance if you haven't already. Budew is a really good option to pick up as well. Roserade's a potent Special Attacker with a couple notable tricks: Toxic Spikes setup can be handy to Badly Poison enemies and put them on a timer, while access to Nature Power allows it to take advantage of almost any Field Effect, regardless of how disadvantageous the situation would normally be. Natural access to Growth allows you to buff up your offensive capabilities even further if given enough breathing room, especially in Sunny weather. And since it's picked up as a Baby Pokémon, it'll come with a guaranteed 3 perfect IVs, making it a little less of a pain to get good stats on than most other pokemon! Picking up a plusle Once you reach Route 4 is a pretty solid idea- not because it's a good pokemon (it really isn't), but because it can be traded with an NPC on Route 2 for a chikorita. Loathe as I am to admit it (I personally despise meganium), it is a really solid support pokemon, with access to both of the classic Screens by level up, Aromatherapy for Status cleansing, and Synthesis to keep itself alive. If you do choose to use this, then make sure to choose chikorita as your starter in the Fangame Project sidequest so that you can get the Meganium Crest at the end of it. This thing is not only one of the earliest Crests available (tied with the other Johto Starters, albeit dependent on your earlier choice), but one of the better ones to boot, reducing damage taken while still supplying the benefits of Leftovers. It's a bit difficult to mess up these days, truth be told. An eevee is available before the second Gym, which means that a couple of the eeveelutions are as well. Espeon in particular should be a great help against the immediate Gym Battle, while umbreon serves a bit better against the fourth Gym thanks to its bulk and key Resistances. You'll have to wait a bit if you want jolteon, flareon, vaporeon, leafeon, or glaceon instead, unfortunately, but at least the latter two reward your patience by having access to Crests. Sylveon is a noteworthy case- like espeon, it is immediately available and works well against the second Gym, but the fact that you're given one with perfect IVs later in the games makes it a bit difficult for me to recommend picking it up here. Still, it's hard to go wrong with Pixilate Hyper Voice, so the choice is ultimately yours to make. Imposter ditto is just a fun thing to throw at bosses in general, and happens to have its quest end in Akuwa Town. Just be weary that like chikorita, there's an extremely small window between it first becoming available and being forced to continue the story and wait four more Gyms for your second chance to arise, so care is definitely needed if you want to pick it up. These are, of course, just a few options available. Rejuvenation really does a good job of giving you a wide variety to choose from pretty early on, and most pokemon have something they can bring to the table. If something catches your eye, feel free to give it a chance- you may very well be surprised by its performance!
  7. I'd personally argue that Magnezone is the most important PULSE System so far, both as the prototype of the current system and the only modern one to be wholly benign in original design. Though I may be a little bit biased here, given that the aftermath of busting the poor thing was one of the precious few points in the game where I actually panicked (for non-mechanical reasons), so make of that what you will, I guess.
  8. I'd be genuinely surprised if there wasn't any special dialogue if you helped her the whole way through, though a few different lines if you started the questline but didn't finish it is completely reasonable as well (she has already decided to call you "Little Dove" at that point, after all).
  9. Uh, he means that Attack is his only decent stat on it, and since it's the one volcarona explicitly wants to be as low as possible to avoid being savaged by Foul Play, it's decidedly not okay at all. It's quite the unfortunate situation, indeed...
  10. ...Uh, there's an issue there. The second shot at the Heracronnite/Banetite is also part of that questline, and consequently locked out as well. Sorry, but it seems your beetly boi is gonna have to stick with Moxie for this savefile…
  11. If I had to hazard a guess, it might be locked out for you because Hidden Library 3 has an impact on the story once completed, and that point is long passed by the time you get to Adam. Add in the fact that HL1 get's overwritten by another batch of Help Quests by that point in the game as well, and seems likely that the whole line's kaput for your current savefile. Sorry.
  12. The Hidden Library questline is completely optional, yeah. It's not the only cameo that can be missed, though- Krystal appears in Amethyst Cave from when you get Surf until the train situation, and Saki and Narcissa both show up in the Chrisola Hotel at the very start of the game if you feel like paying the place a visit at the time.
  13. Unfortunately, the only ways to remove the Corrosive Field in Reborn are to overwrite it with another Field Effect (a temporary solution), or to use lycanroc's exclusive Z-Move (an extremely late game option), at least according to the in-game Field Effect Notes. Sorry I can't be of more assistance...
  14. The Whiscash Crest was accidentally left out of the shop in the initial release and added back in with the first patch, IIRC. I recall being confused that it wasn't initially available since one was reportedly used in the Water Gym, but shrugged it off as being simply enemy-exclusive like the Silvally Crest. Aside from that mess, all of the ones that are in V12's code (except for silvally's) are available to the player, with more confirmed to be added with each new release up to V15. Makes me wonder if any of the other user-submitted Crest designs will wriggle their way into the game to join Whiscash's, but I personally don't exactly have the best of hopes in that regard.
  15. ...I forgot that said sylveon had perfect stats. I've been using the fact that Baby pokemon are guaranteed to have 3 31s to chain breed decent stats onto my current spiritomb project. The chingling in Sheridan have been particularly helpful in this case.
  16. Ha, and they said that nothing good could come from a pandemic! Anyway, welcome to this not-so-viral place we call the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up on the guidelines if you haven't yet, feel free to check out all that we have to offer, and above all else, do enjoy your stay~!
  17. nLgnFOq.png


    It's been a while, huh? Sorry 'bout that, kinda had to deal without internet access for a few months. But worry not, for as of today, I am free from my father's tyrannical father's grasp and can return to this fair community at last!

  18. Update: Due to a series of events that I definitely saw coming (look at the last paragraph specifically), it seems that my attendance to the Winter Revel will be extremely limited this year, unfortunately. But hey, at least I should be able to stop in!


    In any case, I'm hoping that I'll be far more active in January than I have been this month. I won't be gotten rid of that easily~!

  19. Just unlocked the shop in Goomidra, and found something a bit familiar. Not gonna lie, I kinda forgot that it made it in the game in the first place... 😅




    1. Dreamy


      the fact that that thing can get dragon dance is now scary


    2. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Seems like it's now got something serious to set it apart from it's muddy comrades, so mission accomplished?


      Unfortunately, it looks like that terror might be short-lived, though- Gen. 8 shook up a lot of EM lists, and whicash lost Dragon Dance because of it! Between that and seismitoad finally getting Liquidation, it almost feels like GameFreak wants it to fester in obscurity while its few fans watch... 😓

    3. Dreamy


      Well, it remains to be seen what Rejuvenation will do with gen 8 I guess


  20. I think I see what's going on here. In Sword and Shield, there are a good handful of pokemon capable of learning Aurora Veil by level up, including Alolan Vulpix at Lv. 44. However, Rejuvenation V12 was released roughly four and a half months before SwSh, and thus uses the UsUm learnlists, where nothing could learn Aurora Veil naturally and had to rely on the TM to actually add the move to their set. And since the TM isn't available to the player at all yet, the classic Alolatales set is impossible to pull off (without using Debug Mode) until V13 is finally released. As Crimson pointed out, there is a Shadow Pokemon with Aurora Veil as one of its Purification moves (seriously, how was Aurorus unable to learnt he move in the first place???), but it's pretty late game in our current build. You need to be able to Dive in the overworld to get access to it, and that doesn't come online until after the 13th Gym! Sorry about the inconvenience.
  21. That just means that, if it is a variant of the same bug, it only negatively affects the AI's side of the field. The fact that the error message popped up after all was said and done suggests that's it's probably something different after all, however...
  22. Hm, this a bit interesting. In unpatched versions of V12, Flora!Ryaland's claydol kept getting its turned skipped, resulting in what was intended to be a massive threat being a breather 'mon instead. Makes me wonder if it had tried to use one of the big Beams, and got caught in its own bug...
  23. Mechanically, all that's different is a single move, i.e, where the standard Max Inferno sets up Sun, Giga-Charizard's G-Max Wildfire instead inflicts the Fire Pledge+Grass Pledge Combo Effect on the opponents. A regular charizard can't use G-Max Wildfire, but a Gigantamaxed one can't use Max Inferno either, so choosing whether you want to actually go for the fancy cool look is really a matter of opportunity cost. (In this case, I'd only bother with getting a Gigantamax specimen if I happened to have an offensive Water Type on my team, since the Sun would hinder that guy's chances if it came out after charizard was done doing its thing).
  24. They got eiscue, which takes absolutely no damage from the first Physical attack it takes, and can repeatedly restore this trait every round if it's currently Hailing (which Angie's fight has on by default), effectively making it immune to Physical attacks, as well as Galarian Darmanitan, whose Ability is literally a built-in Choice Band that stacks with other Choice Items (and is being a bit of a terror on comp. ATM. as a result). And then there's the Arcto-fossils, which sport a 75 signature attack that doubles in power if the user outspeeds the target, plus Slush Rush to ensure it actually does so (It doesn't help us that both Angie's preferred weather and Field Effect activate Slush Rush). Arctozolt seems to be particularly nasty because it does bring in the rarely-resisted BoltBeam Type pair (i.e., Electric and Ice) in its STABs alone. I'd be genuinely surprised if none of these monsters made it onto Angie's team! Ice also got Mr. Rime, whose signature Ability would actually hurt her (I don't think any Ice trainer would be fond of destroying their own Aurora Veil, ya know?), and frosmoth, which... I'm still on the fence about in regards to how actually useful it is in this context. It might be the most aesthetically fitting of the bunch for our psycho frost maid, at least?
  25. That's exactly right! Frankly, I feel like the claydol Crest is the most involved of the bunch, considering just how much it affects. I'm not exactly sure if I'm remembering right (I haven't personally bothered with them myself), but aren't all of the older fossilmons already available in Rejuvenation? I don't imagine that there'd be too much of a delay toward getting the frankenfossils once those come online, so dracovish should be an available option by then. I still can't quite get over how ridiculously powerful that one turned out to be, TBH...
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