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Autumn Zephyr

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by Autumn Zephyr

  1. Welcome, o lurker of the realm, to the Reborn Evolved Forums! Feel free to check out all that we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay~!
  2. I think you might be missing my point here. A huge part of the appeal of these games is that you don't have to stress about obscure methods and wild guessing to have access to a pokemon's HA- even if said HA is actually a core part of the pokemon's identity *cough, cough, darmanitan*- you can just have them right then and there. By declaring that the Abilities are to be banned, you're basically condemning all of the pokemon that have said Abilities to the far reaches of the endgame. But you can't quite do that, because one of the pokemon is contractually obligated be available right out the gate, so instead you're stuck forcing the Devs. to completely redo the system. If you're hardcoding certain "broken" Abilities to never crop up, you might as well do so for all of the problem children, no? And bidoof had just gotten nerfed in the mainline games already as it is! Given how ridiculously extreme both of the above scenarios wind up playing out, I stand by my belief that the most elegant way is to just make the pokemon lategame and tough to get. We're already playing in a realm where Alolan muk is handed to us on a silver platter, ledian can wreck against all odds, and claydol can spam boosted Hyper and Solar Beams without repercussion, so they'll really just fit right in with Rejuvenation's incredible levels of mechanical jank. And about the starter grookey? A certain highly-feared Gym Leader just got a bunch of shiny new toys designed specifically to try and give the Ice Type a fighting chance, so I think Grass is going to need every bit of help it can get! But this really isn't the right thread for this discussion, and I feel we've clogged it enough. The most reasonable thing to do now is to agree to disagree and let those who control such things work out the details. On the bright side, people who wanted to try and use indeedee (it's literally the only one of the four I hadn't specifically referred to yet ) now have a better idea of what they might be up against, right?
  3. Ah, yes, freedom. Sad how that seems like such a precious commodity these days, no? In any case, hopefully your story will be a worthy addition to the collection we already have! Anyway, welcome to the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up up on the Guidelines, feel free to check out all that we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay~! Also goodness gracious, this puts even my Introduction Post to shame...
  4. I wouldn't even call the grookey line a problem- Grass didn't have a Starter that was anywhere near being on the same level as greninja, blaziken, and the unholy love child of the two (cinderace), so rillaboom finally allows the Type to be somewhat competitive far before the Crests become close to being available. Yes, it would probably make battles a little monotonous, but that's the price you pay for picking something that's known to be in the upper echelons of power in the first place, right? As for placement, the Terrain Setters (including non-starter grookey and evolution location for Galarian Weezing) would certainly be late game, but not relegated to post. Reborn has every non-Legendary pokemon available now, yet it's not even completed its last Gym yet. And that's not even touching the fact that Rejuvenation has been a little bit more generous regarding what pokemon you have access to than Reborn was to boot, so it wouldn't make any sense to chuck them right to the point where you might as well use the superior Tapus instead! I mean, can anyone really say with a straight face that pincurchin is on the same level as goodra, garchomp, metagross, or hydreigon, all of which are pokes we already have access to? How about Mega Mawile and Mega Gardevoir, who's last ingredient to whom has been confirmed as being added in the next Version as part of the story? So my thought is that instead of sticking to the knee-jerk reaction to condemn these poor souls to cryostasis via Angie's Cold Truth. it would be nicer to instead brainstorm where they could be found. My thoughts line them up like this: Naturally, the above is just speculation at this point, so take it with a grain of salt in that regard. Regardless, I still feel that it's far too early to kick them out of the running quite yet.
  5. "Mirror, mirror, on the field, Who shalt this fractured power wield?" -The Mirror Arena honestly still has my favorite Field Effect Intro to date, so I kinda respect Serra for showcasing it. Fair warning, though- the Exp. Curve and Level Curve don't match up well at all after her Gym, so you should probably expect to be a bit underlevelled for a while... Anyway, welcome to this incredulous land we call the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up on the forum Guidelines, feel free to check out everything we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay~!
  6. Given that A) they use completely different sprites prior to purification, and B) the game the Shadow pokemon are based off of didn't allow them to be shiny either, I believe it's safe to say that they cannot by shiny. A bit of a shame for the ones with really good Purification moves, but at least other specimens of the same species are capable of having higher IVs to make up for it.
  7. If nothing else, centiskorch should serve as a decent backup for volcarona in the upcoming Steel and Fairy Gyms. Frosmoth could potentially put in work against the Dragon Gym as well, depending on how Specially-oriented it winds up being. Unfortunately, it seems we're bit too far into the game for orbeetle's offensive capabilities to be particular use at this point. At least it's still a niche as a Dual Screener that can also steal the field when needed?
  8. "I know! I'll use runerigus! If the Eviolite becomes available soon, G. Corsola might be a good choice as well. Ooh, or maybe dragapult- I could use a Psuedo!" >Banette (now with Mega-Powered Action!) is on rotation >Oricorio (Sensu-ational dance!) is on rotation >Cofagrigus (The Crest practically blends right in!) is on rotation >Silvally (Everythings possible at an RKS System near you!) is on rotation "...Okay, maybe I don't need any more Ghost Types... " I am oddly lacking in Fairy and Ground Types at the moment (silvally notwisthstanding), so I might try out hatterene, G. Weezing, or alcremie (depending on how the Devs. handle a certain mechanic, of course). Zen Mode G. Darmanitan is an awesome pokemon to have cover my Ice slot of need be, of course. And that Ground deficiency I mentioned? Well, I'll probably just train my shiny baltoy for that one. Whoops?
  9. I'm trying to give them a way to fix the sprite issue that won't make it so that they have to change up some of the files every time the game gets a new update moving forward. Better get out of the way now with the tools that are baked into the game because the devs knew something like this would happen, rather than worry about it later, ya know? It is a good backup plan in case the code decides to be extra fiddly about all this, however.
  10. ...Looking back at the V10 Download Thread (specifically portion labelled "PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING. SERIOUSLY, READ IT"), the error popping up the first time V10 is booted is normal. Guess the game has to adjust to suddenly being able to support 3 Save Files simultaneously? As for the trainer sprite issue, that's why we're stopping at V10 specifically- the NPC that corrects the problem only exists in V10 and V11, and since the second one doesn't seem to be functional at all, V10's gonna have to do. Head to the Grand Dream Festival (the area with all the tents and clowns and stuff) and talk around to the NPCs until you get the right guy.
  11. Okay, that does appear to be a safe area, so you should be safe to go forward. This has been kinda rough, huh?
  12. Two relevant questions: 1) Are you still in the Secret Shore? 2) What is the Screen Size you're saved on? Both of these factors have caused errors on update in the past, so it's worth checking. If you're playing on anything other than Medium screen size, please go ahead and change that real quick and try again.
  13. Nah, keep them all separate. Replacing the inner folders, especially the Data folder, puts everything at risk of getting mixed up pretty badly. The more headach we can avoid later, the better, ya know?
  14. No, don't replace the folder entirely! It's best to have the original Version on hand still in case something goes wrong along the way, so that you'll still have a pure bass to work with. ...Can't say I have any idea what to do regarding V11's absence, admittedly. The good news is, I think that one's the least relevant of the bunch, so skipping it shouldn't matter all too much. Edit: You're looking to have each Version to be it's own folder, like so:
  15. For this situation, it'll probably be best to just download each version completely and move through them in order. Having each Version in different folders helps keep the metaphorical wires from getting crossed during the process, and allows you to more easily get rid of any of them you don't actually want to be taking up storage space on your computer after the fact. The actual save file is stored in a completely different part of the computer, so this shouldn't have any direct impact on how it functions.
  16. I believe the Secret Shore is a safe zone, so it shouldn't be giving you that error message. Wonder what's up with that... At this point, i think the best course of action would be to update the file in order, making sure to visit the the sprite-changing Grand Dream City's NPC in V10 to fix in the pink-haired female sprite along the way. Note that the V9 version isn't available in V12, but at least you won't be stuck playing the guy anymore. If you aren't up to GDC yet, then I'd suggest continuing in V9 until you can access the festival, in order to keep things simple. Hopefully that'll do the trick.
  17. Hm, could be. Where were you in your save when you updated your game? An absolutely massive chunk of the game's map had been changed between the two Versions, and while I'm not sure how much of an impact that could have on this situation, the chance enough to warrant looking into IMO.
  18. As far as I can tell, the game did away with giving the MC a gender designation in one of the previous Versions, and consequently yours went to the default when that aspect of the game was lost. This shouldn't have affected the sprites, though- those are expressly labeled in the files and are supposed to follow those labels, so you're supposed to have the pink-haired backsprites still. I did check the files as far back as I can (I seem to have deleted or overwritten my V9 at some point, so I used V10 instead), and the labels for the sprite line between those two... Unfortunately, I can't help in a more tangible manner, but hopefully my insight be helpful for someone who can?
  19. ...In retrospect, that proved to be a bit more tedious to pull off than I had anticipated. Maybe I should tell people to read up on the Guidelines moving forward?
  20. It's not too unreasonable an idea, for what that's worth. We know pokemons' lifeforce can be harnessed thanks to both OrAs' Project Azoth and the Garufa's tendency to sacrifice them as part of their powerful rituals, and we aren't really all that different from them if we're to take Sinnoh's mythos at face value (which would be reasonable, considering how much of it we've seen in action directly). Similarly, we also know that negative emotions, the other thing Team Xen was trying to gather at Blacksteeple IIRC, can have an impact the energy of the world thanks to both Gates To Infinity and Super Mystery Dungeon, the latter of which is a known inspiration and resource for Rejuvenation. So as far as I'm concerned, the question is less "how?" and more "why?".
  21. >Revealing your iRL name day 1 Well, aren't ye a bold one! But don' think it'll save ya from havin' to leave yer sanity at the door! *ahem* Uh, never mind that. Welcome, Kunisada, to this curious realm we call the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up on the rules, feel free to check out all we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay~! Please keep your charizard in check, we've had a few too many accidents lately as it is...
  22. "Surely, that's because enacting the plan without upending the fabric of this universe meant that His physical form and all tangible signs of His presence in our mortal realm had to become strained. Even for such a great God, true greatness comes at a cost!"- one of the New World Cultists, probably
  23. Gosh, I wish I had a life that let be more concerned about whether or not I'll get the item I need to evolve my preferred forme for a new pokemon instead of trying to find somewhere else to go for Thanksgiving because I'm far from thankful for putting up with people who consider cleaning up around the house and cooking whilst trying to get through post-secondary school to be a "form of parasitism" that "negatively affects [their] mental health and relationship with [their] friends"...

  24. *Knowing that you're now active enough to potentially earn an Award... *Fills you with CONCERN FOR YOUR WELL BEING." In all seriousness, I did enjoy last year's Revel, so I'm looking forward to this one. Hopefully IRL shenanigans won't bar me from attending~!
  25. This could be a bit tricky to properly pull off, due to the fact that such a mod would require two different computers communicating with each other to even function. That's not even accounting for the fact that unlike thge Let's GO! games, Reborn and co. are already chalk full of Double Battles, many of which already have an allied NPC taking up the slot that the second player otherwise would've. And since there doesn't seem to be any code for Triple Battles, well... Let's just say the coding's gonna be a lot more complicated than the idea sounds on paper.
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