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Everything posted by Autumn Zephyr
Favorite Pokemon of each generation?
Autumn Zephyr replied to ThatGuyOverThere's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
Uuuh, this certainly a tough question to narrow down answers for. I'm just gonna list three 'mons in no particular order for each Gen., counting Megas as the base pokemon's Generation (if I vastly prefer it to the base stage) and Regional variants as "new" pokemon in their Gen. (so Alolan Exeggutor would be counted as Gen. 7). I'm also not counting Legendaries, 'cause they'll easily eat up to a third of the list on their own, and nobody's here to see me be basic. Without further ado, let's get on to the list~ Kanto: Ivysaur, Mega Pinsir, Alakazam Johto: Crobat, Espeon, Houndoom (No wonder most of my Crystal team were Gen. 1 'mons... ) Hoenn: Swampert, Aggron, Cradily Sinnoh: Magmortar, Drapion, Probopass Unova: Cinccino, Gigalith, Eelektross Kalos: Delphox, Slurpuff, Malamar Alola: A. Muk, Dhelmise, Araquanid Galar: Dracovish, Cursola, Orbeetle I, uh, feel like I'm a bit all over the place here. Whoops? -
Pokemon Sword And Shield Fun Times!
Autumn Zephyr replied to J-Awesome_One's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
I've played up to the entryway for Motostoke City (haven't actually entered the town yet), but I've been enjoying myself so far. The Max Raid Battles are actually pretty entertaining even with the crummy NPC allies (my friend doesn't have Nintendo Online, R.I.P.), but I'm not sure how well they'll hold up in higher star ratings. But even at just 1 star, these things can really feel like proper boss fights: They're some tough cookies, but seeing as they all drop some nice rewards on defeat (even if you fail to catch them), it's definitely worth the effort. I wouldn't have guessed that I'd have the ability to teach things attacks like Drill Run and Psychic to my pokemon well before the first Gym, yet here I am~! Oh, and whoever decided to give rookidee access to both Power Trip and Power Trip naturally by the time it even gets to Lv. 8 should probably rethink their sense of balance. The thing just deleted Hop 2 from existence! -
The Crests are essentially like weaker Mega Stones, which means that the opponent cannot interact with them in any way. They can't be Knocked off or stolen with Thief, and since their bonuses aren't in stats stages, Haze, Clear Smog, and Freezy Frost won't get rid of them. Edit: It would seem that I've been accelgor'd. Whoops.
Putting the Password changer any earlier would likely ruin the point of having the challenge-based ones in the first place, where as sticking it in a postgame area instead frees up a lot of space for the player to work with in the grind-happy Battle Tower (which, for the record, frequently made people train up whole new teams just for it back in the day anyway). This seems like a reasonable move to me. At least, that's my interpretation of the situation.
In Rejuvenation? No, we don't have online functionality yet. Jan seems to have something against it, so it'll be a long while before we get it (if we do at all).
>Translating Gigantamax 'mons as alternate Megas I didn't cover all of them (let's be honest here, who's really gonna be attempting to run a certain Mystery Gift 'mon when we finally get access to the Mega Z-Ring?), but I think I got the ones I feel are the most worth examining through this situational lens. This is all speculation, mind, since we don't really know how the Rejuv. team's gonna handle this at all, but maybe some of my rambling will be useful anyway?
Uh, not exactly. The final Episode is currently being worked on, so a little bit of patience will be needed for the time being. In the mean time, why not try out any sidequests you haven't done yet? There's a nice reward available if you manage to capture every pokemon currently available in the game~ Anyway, welcome to this realm we call the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up on the rules, feel free to check out all that we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay~!
That may have something to do with the fact that Grass kinda sucks as a Type, mechanically speaking. 5 Weaknesses is an awful lot (made worse by the fact that one of them is to the power offensive Typing that is Ice), and of the three thing it can fit for Super Effective damage, two of them are shared with the bulkier Water Type and split between the awesome offensive Types of Ice and Fighting. Poison, Bug, and Flying are all extra common in the early game, too, which hinders their ability to thrive even more. Seriously, the plants just can't catch a break.. Though Ice is also a pretty bad one for Reborn, partially due to the fact that you're stuck dealing with how terrible a Type it is defensively (4 Weaknesses to a Resistance to your self does not a good wall make), and partially because you don't even get the first team member until after the first Gym. The endgame should be pretty solid, admittedly, seeing as there are a good fre decent Ice Types, but you aren't gonna seeing them for a good long while if you take this route.
What If Wally Was The Hero Of Pokemon HeartGold?
Autumn Zephyr replied to J-Awesome_One's topic in Team Showcase
"Greetings, traveller! How did your trip through Illex Forest go?" "Illex Forest? Where's that again...?" "Uh, the forest you came out of? Full of farfetch'd?" "Farfetch'd! Do you think one of those could be strong enough to beat the Hoenn Champion?!" "Uh, if I'm sure its bad soup might be able to do it?" "Alright! ...Waitaminute, what do you mean by 'soup'?" Okay, yeah, that forest lasted no time whatsoever for you, it seems. A bit odd, perhaps, but I guess there wasn't really a whole lot to show once the woodcutter has their runaway ducky back anyway. -
You think waiting two years to between discovering the game and actually playing it is bad? I found out about its existence back in 2013, and didn't actually start playing until last year. Ame and co. have been working on this project for over half a decade, and they don't look like they're gonna be stopping anytime soon! Anyway, welcome to this ancient realm we call the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up on the rules, feel free to check out all that we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay~!
Venting: A Zephyr Blowing Against A Gale
Autumn Zephyr replied to Autumn Zephyr's topic in General Discussion
So, things have reached a whole new fever pitch that somehow manages to make last month's problems seem laughable. An impromptu "family meeting" was called earlier, and the "highlights" are looking quite far from bright. Key points that arose: >My father has formally declared that he considers me to be an utter failure of a human being. >>Consequently, I have been disowned. Lovely, right? >He has admitted to having gone out to see if any mental support homes would be capable of taking me in. >>This scumbag move ultimately backfired on him, as I am far too high-functioning for such institutions. >Both the older of my siblings and I have been give an eviction notice for the end of the year. Never a good sign. >>He has gone out of his way to make sure none of his friends will be able to give either of us assistance when that the time comes. Considering just how overwhelmingly social and charismatic he is, that's a ridiculous reduction of options. >Seeing as our relationship has been increasingly based on hypocrisy, double-standards, and broken promises, he naturally expects us to pay every bit of rent in the meantime. Extortionism seems no end, it seems. >> He also expects us up root all of the bushes in the front yard, which is frankly at the bottom of my to-do list in regards of things. The dang things are around a decade old (so their root systems are well-established), planted right up next to the house wall, and we lack some of the tools needed to accomplish the task to begin with. >Not even three minutes after all that was laid out at the the table, he spouted out such lovely commentary as "everyone things I've been to lenient with you anyway" and "I'm a halfway-decent parent". Like, are we actually supposed to believe that bloody pile of botanical steroids? >>This is unfortunately the sort of ego-stroking commentary he's been spouting a lot more frequently lately. Remember my last post in this thread? 'Tis the same thing. As one might expect, I'm pretty concerned about this turn of events. I've never been the most social person, so my list of people I could call for help that aren't caught up in my father's web is quite slim, so I have no idea where I could even go. Worse still, if I'm gonna be stuck struggling just to get by, I'll likely have to drop out of class next semester (and perhaps even longer than that) to make things work. And considering how all-important getting a degree is in this modern economy, that's a terrifying thought! I'm sure I'll be able to find some sort of fix action before this worst-case scenario rears its ugly head, but I really don't like the idea of my father robbing me of yet another life-helping experience either. In the meantime, definitely expect my post count to drop somewhat. I suspect that my father will soon return to old trick of his and shut down my internet at home, which will limit me to only being able to access the internet from school (Monday-Thursday) and the public library (Friday-Sunday, depending on how pissy the beast is feeling at the time) once he pulls the plug. It's not an ideal workaround, sure, but it's one I've dredged up on my own after having to put up this isolating tactic since he first used it 2012. And besides, it's better than nothing, right? -
I wouldn't be so quick to discount feraligatr, actually- it does have a Crest, after all. With that equipped, the feraligatr will gain the benefits of the Strong Jaw Ability (so, a 50% power boost to its Crunch and Ice Fang attacks) and makes it so the first attack it uses every time its switched in gets +1 Priority. In conjunction with its natural access to Sheer Force, it'll be able to hit hard and fast should you want to keep it on your team. If you do feel the need to swap it out, though, Hamfam's milotic and swampert are good suggestions, as is empoleon with its own Crest (combining Defiant and Power Trip with the effects of Simple is kinda silly). That, and greninja isn't even available to a pre-existing game file yet anyway. Aside from that potential shift... there's not really a whole lot I can think of to help? You have the FWG team core in play, and (presumably) little in the way of Type overlaps. We're getting the Mega Z-Ring next Version, so Venusaur will get a buff then, tyranitar becomes a solid support tank with the Sand Stream+ Aerinite Wall combo, infernape just wrecks face like nobody's business (we don't have quite have access to enough of its support movepool to make use of its Crest yet, anyway), flygon works well as a setup sweeper (especially after tyranitar has set up), and silvally does well as a Parting Shot support bot while we wait for its Crest to be made available for us. I would recommend getting and training up some other pokemon to use on rotation, though- the battles are only gonna get tougher from here on out, so having more options to work with should come across a foe that's too good at dismantling your current team. Silvally's Type versatility does help a little bit, true, but it's typically better to be safe than sorry.
The Unofficial V13 Discussion Thread
Autumn Zephyr replied to enderowl's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
I... doubt it. We've still got a few loose ends that need to be tied up in the Terrial Region still, and there's an entire area that we have to be allowed to explore to boot. The Dreamyard seems like a more reasonable next stop to me for that reason. That said, we did recently gain access to the pier tied to Neverwinter in V12, and West Gearen was never accessable until after we finished up the business in Terajuma, so it's not a 100% impossibility. Perhaps we'll be allowed some limited exploration as a psuedo-postgame, like how the Zorrialin Labyrinth was in V11? -
I never said I was good at this
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Alright, the first major test of my Quiver Dancer Combo (read: volcarona+oricorio) proved to be quite successful once I managed to get them together! Though, uh, maybe trying them out against a foe that has two fast Rock Slide spammers wasn't a wise decision in the first place...
This one's already in the game- or rather, GlitchXCity's remix of it is. It serves as V12's Battle- Mini Boss. Which brings me to a point I want to bring up with Rejuvenation's OST- it is rather homogenized, in that it really only has a handful of sources (as of V12). I'll go ahead and lay them out, with examples from the game itself (and using the game's title for the songs). Seeing as these sources have already given the game an identity for itself, and have far from exhausted themselves yet, I'd imagine that the team will continue to pull from them primarily in future versions. Probably worth keeping mind for future suggestions. Seeing as the next update seems like it'll be focused on the Trick Master, and he's been (very loosely) tied to the "chiptune" Unown Dimension, I'm predicting that some of Glitch's recent demixes will weasel their way into the game. If nothing else, the Galar Gym Leader one would certainly make it, and any Legendaries that may be involved have this one to work with. And if they decide to change the Battle- Rival theme to her Bede remix, then this demix has a shot of going in as well! Of course, I could very easily be way off base with the prediction, which would make these far less likely candidates for Rejuv.'s soundtrack, but that's part of the fun of wild speculation~ As for things I'd like to see be in the game purely out of personal preference, I'm really fond of Glitch's Octopath Traveler remixes. Admittedly, I have no idea where Primrose The Dancer would even go (which is probably part of why it wasn't added in either of the previous updates ), but The Frostlands seems like it'd slot in nicely somewhere in Neverwinter's territory to me~! That said, I don't think that we'll be visiting Neverwinter in V13 either, so it'll be off the table for a while longer anyway. Admittedly, I wouldn't mind some music from the Orre games to show up (outside of the Miror B. remix), but they heavily clash with the general feel of the game, so let's pass on that. Mayhaps the less orchestral nature of PBR's OST could serve as a happy medium? Doubt it, but it rarely hurts to dream. I also kinda wanna propose her Reversal Mountain VII, for no other reason than to cause my future self a headache. We already have two different Reverse Mountain themes, so adding this will make things even more confusing- especially since it sounds nothing like the others! As for my personal favorites among what's already in the game, Feeling- Enigmatic, Music- Amethyst Factory, GDC- City of Dreams, Mood- Dark City, and Battle- Angie are well up there among my faves (all of which are linked in the spoiler, except for the one I couldn't find a link for). I also want to bring attention to Zumi's Gem Guardians remix, since that used to be the Route 4 Theme for a Version or two. I really oughta finish putting together the V12 playlist before V13 is released, ORZ
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What is the song during the New Save File
Autumn Zephyr replied to Turtle Aura's topic in Rejuvenation
It's GlitchXCity's remix of the XY Boutique Theme. Thanks for asking this question, by the way- I've been kinda wondering where the heck this song played for a bit~ -
The Unofficial V13 Discussion Thread
Autumn Zephyr replied to enderowl's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
Only 1/8?! Geez, the Floria Region is really trying to keep it's status as the largest landmass in Aevium, huh?