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Autumn Zephyr

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Everything posted by Autumn Zephyr

  1. Well, now I'm torn between starting my long-planned written run soon (since Gen. 8 surprisingly doesn't add anything to the run's options), and waiting for V13 anyway just to mess around with the Early!Reservoir. I really get the feeling that it's gonna be a gud add to the game, ya know? That said, I am a little sad that the place has dulled out a bit. I was pretty fond of how colorful the place was before...
  2. ...Black cherry cloudbirb? Odd flex, but okay. Not often you see someone go all the way with the menu icons, either. Some slight criticism: The outlines on the gray parts of the body are a bit too harsh. A slightly lighter shade should help a bit in that regard, though.
  3. AH-hahahahahaHA!




    I don't remember why I even made this


  4. Scorbunny's final form does look incredibly mid-stageish, but we've already had the true middle stage leak. The whole line seems a bit off in that regard.
  5. Hold up, I thought it was supposed to be the poliwrath that could punch us out in one blow, not Parasol Lady Jennifer! And what about the Youngsters and Arcade Stars? Why are they getting six-packs and muscles on their muscles?! ...Wait, we're talking about a different 'define' here, aren't we? Whoops.
  6. Eh, I kinda like rollaboom (and its stupid pun). Sobble's evo is worse than anticipated, though (can we please have the caped thing I poked fun of last month instead?), and scorbunny's looks like a middle stage rather than a final, so I'll agree with you on those two. And the final Types for all of them are just sad... Welp, guess I jumped starter ship again after all.
  7. Hi, here's a reminder that barging into peoples' territory unnanounced, unplugging all of their tech, and stealing some stuff is not cool behaviour in the slightest. FML...

  8. I had a bit of a disappointment here. Because half of one of the first images was cropped off the top, I was under the impression hat we somehow managed to get Giga-Malamar, and was really hyped about that- especially since its signature move was supposedly called "G-Max SMITE"! But alas, it turned out that G-Max Smite belongs to a brand new pokemon that just happens to have a similar lower torso. Too bad, so sad... New Bug looks like a Zelda boss from one of the cell-shaded games. Can't say that I was expecting that.
  9. 'Allo thar, o fan of monsters adorable! I see possess a psionic kitter happily munching away, so I present unto you another~! ...Now that those dramatics are out of the way, welcome to the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up on the rules, feel free to check out all that we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay~!
  10. edit @Autumn Zephyr during Sun and Moon we had a separate thread to discuss leaked and datamined stuff near release so that those who wanted to avoid the leaks and datamines could do so; if you'd like to discuss what you posted then please create a new Sword/Shield leaks & datamines thread ^^
  11. Bastiodon Crest: This isn't recoil being dealt to the fortress dinosaur, it's damage that it's throwing back at the attacker. It essentially redirects half the damage it would've taken back at the opponent, thus improving both its survivability and damage output simultaneously. Rampardos Crest: It's a focus Sash that takes rampardos' tendency to use Recoil attacks into account- it'll trigger the first time it would faint from any HP level, rather than only working at full. If it didn't have that clause, there'd be no point in using it over an actual Focus Sash, ya know? Hope this help~!
  12. Some Extremely Conservative People: "Halloween is a devil-summoning pagan ritual!"

    Me, a Semi-Reasonable Fellow:


    I was just wanted to use this shot, okay?


    Have a happy and safe All Hallow's Eve, everybody~!

  13. "Bruh, Only two AZ's ain't enough! We need M O A R ! ! !" -Signed, someone who has done next to nothing to prove themselves worthy of such a position On a more serious note, congratulations to the new big cheeses! I'm not personally familiar with Azzie's endeavors on Discord, but I know that Starry has long held a particular grasp on helping other get ahold of pokemon in Reborn, be it through answering On The Hunt threads or by trading them the necessary pokes directly. She's definitely one of the most deserving folks of an official title out of all of us that didn't have one last week, so I'd say this promotion is probably a step up for the forum as a whole~
  14. We do have a company, though- the League itself is run by a man who goes by the title of chairman. Angelus hasn't trusted Rose one bit from the moment he was revealed.
  15. So, a lot have people have been complaining about the recent Exp. Share news because they think it'll make the games' difficulty even lower than it already was. I don't think that's a completely valid criticism- EV training just got a heck of a lot more difficult to pull off! ...I think our games have corrupted me. R.I.P.
  16. One would think that someone who figured out what gem the Ametrine Mountain was named after on their own would've been able to discern that Sugiline Cave is name for the sugilite crystal a long time ago, but apparently not. There's only a one letter difference between the two names, and I still didn't catch on until today!


    ...Now I wonder if I would've caught on sooner if we needed to turn it into a Dark Crystal Cavern for one of the puzzles. A closer color scheme might've helped... 🤔

  17. Prediction: We're about to see just how Wally was able to blitz through the League while we weren't looking. Remember that he didn't have access to Megas in RSE, so that loss shouldn't be too severe here. Wait, don't nerf the skitty! Don't make Commander sad...er than he already is.
  18. Wait, is forgetting your age sometimes supposed to be a rare occurrence? Uh, whoops! Guess we can't all have perfect memories, huh? Anyway, welcome to this somewhat illogical realm we call the Reborn Evolved Forums! I'm sure that you've probably read up on the rules by now, so I guess I'll just have to stick to "feel free to check out all we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay!" Not that that's a bad thing, of course~
  19. Yeah, things haven't been exactly... calm on my end. Multiple layers of shenanigans going on, none of them pleasant. The absolute highlight so far was him pushing me for rent money (which I still don't have, mind), and going so far as to claim that "it's for [my] future". Like, if you really wanted to help someone's future, maybe you shouldn't put them in a position where they perpetually feel like they have no future? ...Though his openly admitting that he's been psychoanalyzing(?) me to detect literally all of my verbal tics and what they mean is absolutely terrifying. How am I supposed to feel remotely safe around someone when even my deepest secrets can be pried wide open without me even realizing it while they're around? There's no Incognito Mode for that!
  20. ...Guess it's just Gigantimax shenanigans this time around... with even more Gen. 1 pandering to boot! Huzzah? I had an unrelated thought the other day, so I guess I'll pop it up here at the end of this post. You know how Sweet Veil protects all of your pokemon from Sleep and Pastel Veil does the same for Poisoning? Wouldn't it be nice if they buffed Water Veil to give the Burn immunity to allies as well? It admittedly would only effect a handful of mediocre pokemon if this does happen, but giving those pokes any sort of extra utility is bound to help out a bit, right?
  21. Lesson learned: never stand between Dimitri and his food. And now, for a stream of thought! "Wait, is that Kido?" "...Could be a coincidence. It's not like earphone-print hoodies are the most spectacular of fashion choices." "Oh, hello Konoha. Nice to see that your weird face circles are as prominent as ever." So, uh, I hadn't expected to encounter another Kagepro fan over on this side. Though I'm not sure how reasonable an assumption that was to make in retrospect...
  22. New vid! And the corresponding article on the main site: here Pokemon, you confuse me. First, you say that Dragons are the pokemon dealing with lifeforce, then you have Fairies steal that away from them. And now you have a pokemon that actively thrives on the lifeforce of others, and you go and make it pure Psychic Typed? When what it actually means to be "Psychic" is already muddled to begin with? On the flipside, I now feel a bit justified in holding my ground with Shield even after the Sirfetch'd reveal.
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